Call for Letters: Arts and Sciences Minister

The time has come! My second consecutive term as Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences is coming to an end at the February Business Meeting, so it is time for me to issue this Call for Letters and begin seeking my successor. Please consider submitting a Letter of Intent to stand for election to this office.

The job of the Minister of Arts and Sciences is to support and promote historical arts, crafts, and research within the Barony. The only true requirements of the position are that you pay attention to what is going on, make quarterly reports to the Kingdom Minister, and make reports to the other officers of the Barony at the bi-monthly Business Meetings. This position is a member of the financial committee, so it is important that you understand Baronial, Kingdom, and Society policies.

Any effort you can put into encouraging, participating in, and helping others participate in the A&S activities of the Barony is a great service, so there is plenty of room for new ideas.

Send your letters to me at “ansminister (at)”, to the Seneschal at “seneschal (at)”, and to the Baronage at “baronage (at)”. Please submit your letter of intent by the 31st of January, 2025 so that it can be presented to the officers ahead of the Business meeting.

You should also plan to attend the Business Meeting on February 5th (online is fine if you can’t make it in person) so that you can speak for yourself to the officers about your involvement in the A&S activities of these Debatable Lands, and your plans should you be chosen as the next Minister.