Baronial Social
September 11, AS LVI (2021)

Report of the Court of Her Excellency Hilderun, Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, court held at the Baronial Social Meeting upon the eleventh day of September anno societatis 56, THLady Nichola Beese, herald.

Her Excellency welcomed all who attended and presented tokens of thanks to THLady Muirgheal inghen Dubhghaill, seneschal for making the arrangements for the Social Meetting, to THLady Ceindrech verch Elidir for arranging the site, to Lord Reinhard Regenbogen for running the meeting, Lord Niall mac Raedwulf streamed the meeting as Aetherian Herald, to Master Emrys Eustice height Broom for rescuing Her Excellency from vehicle troubles, to Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr for running the garb swap, to THLady Elss of Augsburg for her efforts to Aetherially portal to Known World Cooks and Bards, and to Master Alaric MacConnal to providing decorations and water.

Her Excellency awarded THLady Ceindrech verch Elidir a Gold Comet for her labors as deputy seneschal, hosting Scribal East and creating award Scrolls. Scroll by Lady Rose O’Tierrany with words by Master Alaric MacConnal.

Lord Turlough Feolain was awarded a Silver Comet for his crafting of wood and leather while lending his voice to the Debatable Choir. Scroll by Lord Reinhard Regenbogen.

Her Ladyship Hara Kikumatsu was awarded a Gold Comet for her efforts as the most active guild mistress, keeping as many as would involved in the sewing community and continuing sewing guild zoom meetings all through the shutdown. Scroll by THLady Gesa von Wellenstein upon words by Master Alaric MacConnal.

Her Excellency awarded Lady Maire ni Cathai O’Connor a Gold Comet for her labors seeing to the youth at practices and events, amusing the children and youths, working with youth activities. Scroll by Lady Forveleth Dunde with words by Master Alaric MacConnal.

Her Excellency once again thanked all in attendance, especially the scribes who had given their artwork to the award recipients.

Court Closed

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