Debatable Lands 50th Birthday Mural Project: Prompt 2/6

Salve Accolens Debatable Lands!

Our very own Mistress Ts’vee’a (mka Gail Lefkowitz) is collecting memories to display on a “wall of quotes” celebrating the 50th Birthday of our very own Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands! There will be six prompts in total, posted on Stórfréttir, Facebook and Discord through May 18. Please include your SCA name at the beginning of each response; you can email responses to

Here is the next prompt:
When you first came to the Barony, who was/were the Baronage and what was your impression or do you have a story about them?

Yours in Service,
Finé Fáiláin of the Debatable Lands