Fiber Guild Dye Day

The BMDL Fiber Arts Guild is having a fall dye day on October 6th, 2024.

We will meet from 11-3 PM at Tsvee’a’s House. It is a $10 suggested donation to help me cover the cost of dyes. Any extra goes to the next dye day.

In addition to the usual indigo, we will dye with seasonal fall dye sources, black walnut and kakishibu (persimmon tannin). Some synthetic cellulose dyes in red will also be available for those who want to make some fall purples. I will bring stencils and brushes for those who want to do indigo surizome again; I have learned some new tricks.

While the indigo and synthetic red baths will accept larger amounts of cloth and fiber, the kakishibu and walnut are limited in quantity. Please be courteous and bring smaller projects (=< 1 lb fiber) to dye for these dyes.

Please scour your fibers and wash any fabrics in a ph neutral detergent (like synthraprol) before coming so the dye will take. Message me if you need help with that. None of these dyes require mordants, and some will have color shifts if you do, so please don’t mordant unless you understand what you are doing and what the color change will be.

You are welcome to bring food to share if you like, but please eat a meal if you need to beforehand, as it is difficult to dye and eat at the same time.

Wear some clothes that you don’t mind messing up. I will have disposable gloves available, but you may want long rubber ones if you’re going to seriously dunk stuff in the indigo or red.

Finally, loose (unspun) fiber must be secured with a laundry mesh bag in the dye bath for the sake of the plumbing. Please bring a mesh bag or something to keep your loose fiber from floating freely in the bath and going down the drain.

Fall Dye Day

The BMDL Fiber Arts Guild is having a fall dye day on October 6th, 2024.

We will meet from 11-3 PM at our usual place, 5167 Rosecrest Drive. It is a $10 suggested donation to help me cover the cost of dyes. Any extra goes to the next dye day.

In addition to the usual indigo, we will dye with seasonal fall dye sources, black walnut and kakishibu (persimmon tannin). Some synthetic cellulose dyes in red will also be available for those who want to make some fall purples. I will bring stencils and brushes for those who want to do indigo surizome again; I have learned some new tricks.

While the indigo and synthetic red baths will accept larger amounts of cloth and fiber, the kakishibu and walnut are limited in quantity. Please be courteous and bring smaller projects (=< 1 lb fiber) to dye for these dyes.

Please scour your fibers and wash any fabrics in a ph neutral detergent (like synthraprol) before coming so the dye will take. Message me if you need help with that. None of these dyes require mordants, and some will have color shifts if you do, so please don’t mordant unless you understand what you are doing and what the color change will be.

You are welcome to bring food to share if you like, but please eat a meal if you need to beforehand, as it is difficult to dye and eat at the same time. Light refreshments will be available.

Wear some clothes that you don’t mind messing up. I will have disposable gloves available, but you may want long rubber ones if you’re going to seriously dunk stuff in the indigo or red.

Finally, loose (unspun) fiber must be secured with a laundry mesh bag in the dye bath for the sake of the plumbing. Please bring a mesh bag or something to keep your loose fiber from floating freely in the bath and going down the drain.

Fiber Guild July Meeting

Looking for some camaraderie while you prepare for Pennsic? The Fiber Guild is having a laid back July meet up to keep each other company while we work on our Pennsic projects. Please bring a fiber project if you have one, and your smiling face if you don’t. If you are already perfectly prepared or just prefer procrastinating, our Arts & Sciences minister has mentioned that the largesse gift basket for Pennsic needs to be filled.

Our meeting will be on July 15th at 7:30 PM at 5167 Rosecrest Dr, Pittsburgh, PA. This meeting will not be virtual, just this once (I will be out of town and so will my laptop), so please come in person.

Photo for the Algorithm – Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk
Zhang Xuan / 907

Fiber Guild Online Meeting

There is an online meeting for the Debatable Lands Fiber Guild tonight (Tuesday, December 20, 2022), at 6pm.

Come hang out, work on projects, show off your stuff and exchange wisdom!

The meeting is being run through Google Meet, at this URL-
(On desktops, no client is needed, runs in browser!).

A&S Activity Round-up!

July is BOOMING with great opportunities for A&S fun. Here’s a round-up of some of the great plans that have been advertised:

Brewers Guild: July Brewers Guild meeting will take place tomorrow, July 10, at Alaric and Elsbeth’s house in the South Hills, starting at 7. We will be making sekanjabin for Pennsic using ingredients from their garden! RSVP appreciated

Woodworking Guild: Join us on Sunday, July 14th for the last Woodworking Guild Shop Day before Pennsic, in Ishiyama’s shop in Point Breeze, from 10am to 2pm.

Archers: This Thursday, July 11th, we will be having baronial archery practice AND an arrow making class at Lord Kumas’ house in Allison Park. Bring any arrow making supplies and a chair with you. Time: 6:30pm

Fiber Guild: This month the BMDL Fiber Guild is going on a field trip! On Friday July 12 at 7 pm we’re going to meet at the the Frick museum in Pittsburgh (not the NYC one) to look at and geek about their four early sixteenth century French and Flemish tapestries, and then look at some medieval paintings and artifacts in their collection. RSVP appreciated.

What else is going on? Any last minute pre-Pennsic workshops or fun activities? Send me a note and I’d be happy to distribute the info far and wide!


Demo — August 30 — Save the Date!

Dear friends —

Save the date! I know everyone is super busy with Pennsic prep, but I wanted to let everyone know that we were invited to demo at the Children’s Museum Medieval Maker night on Thursday, August 30, from 6:30 to 9:30.

This is a 21 + event, so no clearances are required. They are looking for 20-25 demonstrators, and are looking for fiber artists (weavers, nalbinders, knitters, dyers, enbroiderers, and all the rest), calligraphers, illuminators, equestrians, fighters, fencers, siege engineers, musicians, singers, dancers, royalty – you name it!

i Genesii has been the first to step up, they will be running a play date and getting spectators involved! Who else will be there?

We had several makeshop demos with them, and they really like working with the SCA. They are very flexible and accommodating, so if you want to be a part of it, let me know!

More details to follow. It will be awesome!

THL Luceta di Cosimo

Find contact info on the award-winning Barony website, under the Resources drop-down, in the Dark Pages.

Fiber Guild Meeting Tuesday, Sept 13th

From our Fiber Guild Mistress, Lady Luceta:


This is a reminder that the BMDL fiber guild meeting is next Tuesday, September 13, at 7PM, at Songbird artistry in Lawrenceville, 4316 Penn Avenue, across the street from the Children’s hospital.

The theme is “what I did/saw/liked/bought/was inspired by at Pennsic”. Come talk about what you did last Pennsic, or what you are planning to do next year. Less than fifty weeks left!

There will be snacks and tea.
All are welcome.

See you all there!


P.S. Please let me know if you have any dietary restrictions snack wise.

Fiber Guild Show and Tell, June 14th

Lady Luceta di Cosimo writes:

Greetings! Everyone is invited to the BMDL Fiber Guild Show and Tell next Tuesday, June 14th, from 7PM to 9 PM at Luceta’s house in the South Hills ( address up to date on Dark Pages, or e-mail dinaternullo at yahoo dot com for directions).

Meet like-minded fiber geeks, exchange ideas, show off your projects and research, your favorite yarn or sheep, work on your projects and have fun!

Snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring something if you’d like.

Hope to see you all there!