DebatableLands Business Meeting – April 8, 2020

Unto the Noble Populace does Muirgheal send fond greetings,

In this time of enforced separation from out beloved hobby I send you welcome to join us for the Business Meeting now with the Budget review of peace, love, and virtual cookies (sorry, I cannot load real ones)! We are delaying one week to allow for any line item information or budget requests to Lady Arthes.

The meeting will be via Zoom on Apr 8, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). More information will be sent to you regarding that process this weekend.

Please contact me or her Excellency Hilda if you have any questions or concerns. Please let me know if you have anything to add to the agenda.

In the meantime, be save, exercise caution, WASH YOUR HANDS, and be the neighbors that Lord Fred of the Hood would desire you to be!

Yours in service,

Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill, Seneschal Debatable.

Online Sewing Circle – Thurs. April 2, 7pm

I will be holding online sewing circle, this Thursday April 2nd at 7pm in one of the kingdom zoom rooms. The online meeting information is below. The meeting forum should be available starting at 6:30. I will be connecting and making sure that I can share my screen and that I have working audio. I have a general page that will link to the detailed instructions for hakama and kataginu once I have them in pretty good draft state. Questions email: sewing at debatablelands dot org.

Your meeting information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 472 759 394
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Meeting ID: 472 759 394
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Online Sewing Circle – Thursday April 2

Let’s see if we can make sewing circle work online. Sewing is scheduled for Thursday April 2nd. Even if we don’t meet in person, we can meet online. In fact, this may work better for many folks that cannot normally make it in person. I am continuing the Japanese garment topic that I started last month. I am creating online instructions for the making men’s hakama, or pants, and kataginu, or vest. I have also requested a kingdom online room. When I have published the instructions and receive details about how to connect to the online room, I will publish those links to the blog. During the online sewing circle, I will go over the instructions if folks want or just answer questions if that is needed. My plan is to cover kosode constructions short or long next time if I don’t get instructions ready for that this time. If you have questions, you can email sewing at debatablelands dot org, or you can find my email address in the dark pages if you look up Hara Kikumatsu.

THL Guillaume Named as Jewel – and more!

Today, Their Majesties held an Æthereal Court – Kingdom Court via Zoom, a video conferencing program. Over 250 people attended, and Their Majesties recognized many worth people. But here, we give our hearty congratulations to the Debatable Landers (and former Debatable Landers):

THL Guillaume le Noir – 48th Jewel of Æthelmearc… Vivat!
Lady Sorcha McKenzie – Order of the Cornelian… Vivat!
THL Gesa von Wellenstein – Queen’s Award of Excellence… Vivat!
Master Illadore de Bedegrayne – Augmentation of Arms… Vivat!
THL Sumayya al Ghaziyyah – Golden Escarbuncle… Vivat!
Baroness Hilderun Hugelmann – Golden Escarbuncle

Congratulations, All!

Note that this Æthereal Court was held on the Kingdom’s new Zoom account, which has 8 channels able to hold simultaneous meetings. Anyone wishing to hold an eSCA activity (personally-hosted or branch-hosted) can request a Zoom Room online here:

If you’re hosting an eSCA activity (personal or official), on ANY platform, and want to be on the Kingdom calendar, use the form here:

See yinz in the Æther!

The King and Queen Call Gentles to Their Court 3/28, Online

Heed the words of Their Majesties! All are welcome, and technical details are forthcoming. But read below for a list of Gentles specifically called to online Royal Court this Saturday:

Unto grand and glorious Æthelmearc do Timothy and Gabrielle send greetings.

We would like to first offer our condolences to any and all throughout the world who have lost friends or loved ones because of this pandemic. And, to those people across the world fighting the battle of their lives, our hearts and prayers go out to you. We are all cheering you on, and will make what sacrifices we may to halt the spread of this virus.

But, we’d like to do some small thing to give all of our lives here in Æthelmearc some semblance of normalcy. Most of us could use the distraction of an event. To this end, this Saturday at 1pm, we will live stream a court. We apologize for the length of the court, but we will be awarding everything, including our sigils and some back log scrolls. The only exceptions to this list are our peerage elevations.

So, put on garb if you like, put out some feast gear, fill your mug and join us Saturday when we will recognize the following gentles for their hard work, dedication and contributions to this society we all love:

Aaron the Swift
Abdullah al-Rashid
Aegis of Thescorre
Alan de Stanley
Allison Motherwell
Amalie Reinhardt
Annika Iosafova
Antoinette de Lorraine
Aranwen verch Rhys ap Gwalter
Aurelie of Nithgaard
Cormacc mac Gilla Brigde
Edith Winterton
Elena de la Palma
Eli of Thescorre
Elisabetta Tempesta
Fede di Fiore
Genevieve O’Connor
Gesa von Wellenstein
Gille MacDhonuill
Guillaume le Noir
Hunda-dorir called the Pintsman
Master Illadore de Bedagrayne
Isolda De Leycestre
Ivan Doppletrigg Snorrisson
Jakob Krahe
Jan, Al-Tha’lab, known as Fox
Jorah the Anvil
Kara Ivarsdottir
Keris Silber
Leo Dietrich
Nycaise D’Ozier la Tailleresse
Ragnar inn raudi
Sarafina Kowalewska
Sebastianne La Rousse
Skeggi Thorfinnson
Snorri skyti Bjarnarson
Sorcha McKenzie
Steinervor Hest
Sumayya al Gaziyyah
Tassin Tresseaul
Ulf the Barelegged
Tychon Hearkleous
Vedis Aradottir
Wyllow of the Cliffs

The citizens of Æthelmearc have remained a shining example of kindness and generously, stepping up time and again to serve their fellow man, and we are humbled by the privilege of being surrounded by so many wonderful people. It is an honor for us both to call ourselves one of you, and we remain in your service,

Timothy and Gabrielle

Castle Fire – Family Safe

As many of you know, the Castle in Wexford had a significant fire today. This message is to let you know that Eorl Byron, Countess Ariella, and the family is safe.

Our Barony stands in support of our beloved members, and more information will come if they need assistance.

~Bns Hilda

A letter from Æthelmearc Seneschal

Sharing to the List. Please mind the words of Master Illadore.

Dear Aethelmearc –

First off, remember United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Also – Wash your hands. Be kind.

Obviously, things are moving somewhat fast. The most important thing you can do is remember to follow the guidance of your local health officials. If they tell you to stay home, then stay home. Be safe. All of you are the best part of Aethelmearc.

I have seen the missives from the Board of Directors and I am in contact with the Royalty and the Society Seneschal. We’re discussing what to do next. I am going to ask for a bit of patience while we work few a things. As always, if you have questions, please contact me directly and we will help you.

I am also terribly excited to see all of the online discussions, classes, get togethers. Please keep that up. We are trying to work on a few technical solutions too – but again, please give us a bit of time to get things going.

Aethelmearc Seneschal

Decision from the BoD – COVID

Good Gentles, please hear the words from our Board of Directors.

“To the Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals of the Known World

From the Board of Directors, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

Good Greetings,

The Board continues to monitor the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) spread across the world. Given the suggestions by various health organizations, including the CDC and Public Health England the Board of Directors of the SCA, Inc. recommends that all Kingdoms cancel, suspend or postpone all events, practices, meetings, and other SCA sponsored in-person activities through April 30, 2020.

The SCA is a Kingdom-based organization. The various Kingdoms have state, provincial and national governments either recommending or mandating responses to COVID-19. The Board asks that the Kingdom leadership follow the recommendations of the governments of the modern areas making up that Kingdom.

The Board recognizes that many Kingdoms have their Coronations and/or Crown tournaments in April and that canceling these events may cause a hardship. The Kingdom Seneschals should discuss this with the Society Seneschal for recommendations and suggestions. In addition, with every Kingdom being affected, the other Kingdom Seneschals may have advice and recommendations for you. The SCA may need to waive part of Corpora for these suggestions and recommendations to be put into place, and the Society Seneschal stands ready to issue waivers as necessary and appropriate, recognizing that some plans may need refining before a waiver could be issued. This is an unprecedented situation. The Board continues to monitor the responses and will assist Kingdoms as it can. At this time, the Board’s closure recommendations are just that, recommendations. It may be necessary in the future for the appropriate Corporate and Society officers to require postponing all SCA functions, but we are not there, yet.


Yours in Service,

THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill, Seneschal Debatable.