Being the final list of contenders and their consorts for the Crown Tournament of King Timothy and Queen Gabrielle, to be held Oct 12, AS LIV.
From Their Majesties:
Greetings unto Glorious Æthelmearc from TRM Timothy and Gabrielle,
We are delighted to announce the list of Contenders and their Consorts for the Crown Tournament to decide our Heirs on October 12, 2019 in the Shire of Coppertree. We hope many of you will join us for this important event.
Many thanks to Duchess Rowan and the Shire of Coppertree for arranging for a gallery for Consorts to witness the Tournament. HRM Gabrielle looks forward to visiting with and supporting the inspiration of all of our Contenders as the Tournament progresses.
We would like to thank all those who have chosen to participate in our Crown Tournament. We wish you all the best of days and know that Æthelmearc will have worthy successors.
Fall 2019 Crown Combatants
- Duke Sven Gunnarsson fighting for the honor of Duchess Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin
- Duke Malcolm MacEoghainn fighting for the honor of Vicountess Rosalind Ashworth
- Duke Marcus Eisenwald fighting for the honor of Countess Margerite de la Marche nee Eisenwald
- Duke Maynard von dem Steine fighting for the honor of Duchess Liadain ni Dheirdre Chaohamnaigh
- Sir Yngvar the Dismal fighting for the honor of Countess Caryl Olesdattir
- Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford for the honor of Countess Ariella of
Thornbury, each for the other - Sir Maghnus de Cnoc an Iora for the honor of Brehyres Gwendolyn the
Graceful - Sir Aengus MacBain for the honor of Maistresse Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon
- THL Rouland of Willowbrooke for the honor of Mistress Jenna MacPherson of Lions Tower, each for the other
- Freiherr Fridrich Flusmullner for the honor of Meisterin Felicitas
Flusmullernin - Maighster Kieran MacRae for the honor of Meestres Odriana vander Brugghe
- Master Tigernach mac Cathail for the honor of Lady Margareta le Sayre
- Sir Arnthor inn Sterki for the honor of Lady Cairech Na Hinnsi
- Lord Bharki Rikaroarson for the honor of Mistress Gabrielle de Winter
- Sir Beatrix Krieger fighting for the honor of Sir Thorsol Solinauga, each
for the other - Sir Dominic McMorland for the honor of THL Eleanor McMorland
- Master Jacob Martinson for the honor of Baroness Wilhelmina Boddenham
- THL Gwydeon ap Arden for the honor of Lady Myskia nattfari
- THL Darri inn Valski for the honor of THL Astridr vigaskegg
- Lord Sigfrid Corloys for the honor of THL Maeve Ni Siurtain
- Lord Angus the Bull for the honor of Lady Agnes Zwei Bruchen
- Lord Lotharius qui et Segimundus for the honor of Lady Birna Hakadottir
- Lord Koga Rentarou Hroshi for the honor of Baroness Katerina McGilledoroughe
- Lord Salvidor Moro di Medici for the honor of Lady Ahelissa
In Eternal Service to the Glorious Kingdom of Æthelmearc,
Timothy and Gabrielle