Baronial Happenings at Pennsic!

Hello Debatable Lands! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Great Pennsic War, happening now! We hope set-up went well, and that you are or will be enjoying yourselves!
~Hilda and Brandubh

For your convenience, here is a list of activities at Pennsic of Baronial interest. (Those reading on the email list may want to click on the link to the blog post for a formatted version.)

Ceremonies and Courts
(Retainers needed, please)

  • Sat, 8/3, 5pm – Muster for Opening Ceremonies at AE Royal, N04. 5:30pm step-off for the procession (on the nose, not SCA time)
  • Sat, 8/3, 6pm – Opening Ceremonies, on the Battlefield by the Castle
  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception, AE Royal
  • Sun, 8/4, around 7pm-ish, Baronial Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 5pm, muster for Kingdom Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 6pm, Royal Court, Great Hall (note that there will probably be other Royal Courts throughout the War)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, after the battle (2pm-ish?) Closing Ceremonies, Battlefield

Known World Baronial Champs Events
(come cheer your champs!)

  • Sun, 8/4, 1pm-3pm, KW Baronial Archery Champs – yay, Kathryn!
  • Tues, 8/6, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Youth Fighting Champs – yay, Xavier, Bree, and Ethan!
  • Tues, 8/6, 1pm-3pm – KW Baronial Thrown Weapons Champs – yay, Duncan!
  • Wed, 8/7, 9am-12pm – KW Baronial Heavy Combat Champs – yay, Bors! Blue and White lists
  • Wed, 8/7, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Rapier Champs – yay, Jorundr! Blue and White lists.

Parties, Performances, and Other Happenings

  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception and Court (7pm-ish), AE Royal , link to FB event: , and see also
  • Sun, 8/4, 9pm-ish, Baronial Bardic Circle in Memory of Rachmiel, Debatable Lands Camp, N10, Fletcher Rd , Link to FB event
  • Mon, 8/5, 5:30 – 7:30pm, Childrens Party, AE Royal
  • Mon, 8/5, 7:30pm – Debatable Choir performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Mon, 8/5, 9pm, I Genesii performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Tues, 8/6, 9pm, Count Jehan’s Golden Jubilee, AE Royal
  • Wed, 8/7, 3pm, Baronial Brewers Guild Meeting, Polyhymnia (Debatable Lands subcamp, N10, corner of Cariadocs and Chandlers)
  • Wed, 8/7, Seven Pearls Dinner (closed party, but volunteers for cooking and serving needed – dinner provided, contact Hilda for details)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, 10am-4pm, AE Royal Teardown (please volunteer an hour or two)
  • Say, 8/10, 12pm-6pm, Baronial Camp Teardown

Order Meetings, Seneschal and Exchequer Meetings, War Points, and other Activities of Interest in the Kingdom can be found on the AE Periscope:

Free “Roman Workbenches” PDF

Christopher Schwarz, now of his own publishing company, Lost Art Press, has decided to make his treatise on Roman Workbenches available as a free download.

His new book traces the history of workbenches forward through the end of the medieval period, so maybe check that out if you’re interested in that kind of thing.

Barony Reception

Food Friends!

Can’t help with reception prep? Want to try a new recipe? Thinking of bringing food for the reception? YAY!

Bring some cut vegetables or fruit. Bake some cookies (we loves our cookie tables!) Bring something that’s gluten-free for our Baron. Make a surprise!

The barony is paying for and providing the ample and delicious food, the brewers’ guild will have their wares available. But I know how we like to just add a little thing here or make a bit for there. Feel free to do something with food! If you are, please let me know at

Thanks, Elss Augsburg

Youth Practice and Loaner Armor

Hi everyone,

Sorry no practice tomorrow night. I have unexpected stuff I have to do before Friday morning. I will see everyone on the youth combat list. If you need loaner armor, please text me or email me before next Wednesday as that will be the last time I am home before youth combat begins at Pennsic.


Food Guild News

Greetings, Food Friends!

I am very happy to announce that the Food Guild will be publishing on Stórfréttir!! Yay! That means that postings will automagically become email posts on the Barony mailing list *and* will also appear on the Barony Announcements FaceBook page.

I will be duplicating announcements on the Food Guild FB page ( and on the Barony public page ( because I want to reach as many as possible about our food activities!

People who love to eat are always the best people.
— Julia Child

New Page: Songs of the Barony

Unto the Barony, greetings from Kameshima, Webminister! As mentioned at today’s Barony meeting, a new page has been added to the Baronial web site, containing songs that celebrate our beloved Barony!

The new page is located at or you can navigate to the page by either:

  1. Selecting “Songs of the Barony” from the “About” menu;
  2. Clicking on the “Resources” menu item and clicking the “Songs of the Barony” link under the “Baronial Links” section.

If you know of — or are moved to write! — any other pieces of Baronial music, please send them to the Webminister to have them added to the site.

Again, my thanks to the authors of the pieces, as well as those that helped our office collect them for publication to the site!

In Service,
Kameshima, Webminister

Barony Meeting TODAY

The July Barony Meeting will be held TODAY Sunday, 21 July 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Washington Blvd Practice Site. The forecast is supposed to be hot and humid. If you want to be added to the docket, please contact Maighstir Kieran MacRae (herald at

This being the last Barony Meeting pre-Pennsic (next week, y’all), there are a zillion cool things happening all at once:

Tierrany is hosting a largesse workshop both before & after the Barony meeting, starting around 12 and ending when it ends.

Nicola will be bringing materials to make medallions – cords will be needed and they are seeking someone with the knowledge and materials to make them.

Eet Yeo will be helping us create fun yet simple leather items such as medallions and bracelets.

There will also be materials for felt dragons, colored pencil arrow sets, and bead strings. Tables are needed, if you have a table that you can bring, please do so!

Baroness Constance will be running the garb swap by the usual rules — Newcomers first then everyone else. We are also being asked to bring an item to donate to Paladin’s Pantry or CareBox Pittsburgh.. This is not a sale, this is a giveaway.

Immediately following the Barony Meeting, there will be a class for new Pennsic-goers called “So, it’s your first Pennsic” and taught by Lord Ronin. This is a valuable class that will give you a better idea of what to expect and what kinds of things you can do at Pennsic. Even if you’re not able to attend this year and would like to get an idea of what Pennsic is like, this class would also be useful for you.

If I’ve forgotten something – please let me know.