Another weekday evening archery practice tomorrow!

Archers of the Debatable Lands!

This Wednesday, June 1st from 5pm to 8pm we will be holding another weekday evening archery practice at the Washington Boulevard site. This continuation of our occasional weekday evening practice sessions will once again be led by Lord Godzimir the Golden. So come out and join everyone to enjoy an evening of archery!

Happy shooting!

Additional A+S at Iris Festival

In addition to the two activities listed in the previous Iris Festival Arts and Sciences post, here are two Arts and Sciences activities being run at this weekend’s Japanese Iris Festival event (June 4, 2022 – 121 Brady’s Run Rd, Beaver Falls, PA 15010).

The first (third?) is the Kingdom Equestrian Championship A&S Competition. This competition is required for anyone competing for the Kingdom Equestrian Championship. Only those participating in the championship will be judged towards that competition, though items can be cross-entered in the Iron Comet A&S Competition and Festival A&S Display.

The second (fourth?) is origami instruction from Lady Maire ni Cathal ui Conchobar. This is intended as a children’s activity, but Lady Maire will not be checking the IDs of participants, so all are welcome. If you or your companions want to try out some origami paper folding, please stop by the A&S pavilion.

The Festival A&S Display and Iron Comet A&S Competition are both still planned for this event. Performance entries for the Iron Comet competition are scheduled to be presented from 1pm-2pm in the A&S Pavilion.

Return of the Stellar Tournaments!!

Salve Accolens! Hello Debatable Lands!

After a winter rest, and with the return of the warm weather our (mostly) monthly Stellar Tournaments are returning!!

These monthly Tournaments are the perfect time to practice for our Kingdom’s biggest Champions events – Crown Tournament, Queen’s Rapier Tournament, and the Kingdom Archery Championship. What better way for our fighters, archers, marshals, MOLs, heralds and consorts to practice their crafts than happily among friends – no pressure, and with the opportunity for GLORY and sweet, sweet regalia!

June’s schedule:
Sun List (Heavy Weapons) – June 12th (after Moon)
Moon List (Rapier) – June 12th (before Sun)
Sky List (Archery) – June 19th

[Note: These tournaments began at the behest of our martial communities. We will hold a Thrown Weapons tourney when the community comes and says we should 🙂 ]

If you’re a marshal, MOL, or herald, we need your help! Have a great time practicing, too!

See you there!

Locals Receive A&S Recognition at War Practice

From the court report of Æthelmearc War Practice XXXI:

  • The Honorable Lady Shirin al-Sussiyya elevated into the Order of the Laurel
  • Lady Aurelia Argentia Prima inducted into the Order of the Fleur

Scrolls went out from the following local scribes:

  • Youth Champion scroll for Hjotr Sigvardison, calligraphy by The Honorable Lady Nichola Beese
  • Fleur promissory scroll for Baroness Elena de la Palma by The Honorable Lady Rachel Daliceaux
  • Award of Arms scroll for Natalia Nighteskias with illumination by Katrina Beese and calligraphy by Mistress Graidhne ni Ruaidh
  • Millrind scroll for Lady Aaliz de Gant by The Honorable Lady Gesa von Wellenstein
  • Laurel scroll for The Honorable Lady Shirin al-Sussiyya by Lady Rose O’Tierrany
  • Pelican writ to Sir Michael of Northwood by Master Kieran MacRae
  • Laurel writ to The Honorable Lady Ottilige Rappoltsweiler by The Honorable Lady Aurelia Argentia Prima

My apologies if I missed anybody. Please let me know and I will add items to this list for the permanent record.

May Social Meeting TODAY 5/24 @ 7:30pm (Virtual)

Salve Accolens! Hello Neighbors!

Join us for a virtual Social Meeting on Zoom, TODAY 7:30pm, Tuesday May 24th (Zoom info below). 

Come and chat about what you learned and did at War Practice, your plans for Iris Festival and Iron Comet, and the triumphant return of Pennsic… and just enjoy each others’ company, conversation, and companionship. 

See you there!
~Baroness Hilda

Zoom info:

Topic: May Social Meeting – Debatable Lands
Time: May 24, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 7661 4098
Passcode: 945231
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81676614098# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,81676614098# US (New York)

May Social Meeting Tomorrow 5/24 (Virtual)!

Salve Accolens! Hello Neighbors!

Join us for a virtual Social Meeting on Zoom, 7:30pm, Tuesday May 24th (Zoom info below). 

Come and chat about what you learned and did at War Practice, your plans for Iris Festival and Iron Comet, and the triumphant return of Pennsic… and just enjoy each others’ company, conversation, and companionship. 

See you there!
~Baroness Hilda

Zoom info:

Topic: May Social Meeting – Debatable Lands
Time: May 24, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 7661 4098
Passcode: 945231
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81676614098# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,81676614098# US (New York)

In Need of Scroll Cases!

Hello folks. I’m wearing both my Baronial Signet and my Regional Signet hat today.

Now that we’ve seen a return to in-person events, we have been blessed with a great many wonderful awards. Our scribes are awesome and talented and have risen to the challenge.

With each scroll, we try to include a scroll case so that the beautiful piece of art can be transported home safely without damage.

However, as a result, we are now running low on scroll cases!

This is a good problem to have! But now I’m asking folks to take a look around and see if they have any scroll cases at home that could be returned for Baronial and/or Kingdom use. (You should get that scroll framed and put on display anyway.)

Also, if folks have the time and inclination to make scroll cases, they are just two pieces of cardboard covered in fabric…a great way to use up scraps! Most scrolls fall between 9×12 and 12×20, so those sizes of scroll cases are the most useful.

I will be at BMDL’s Japanese Iris Festival on June 4. And, of course, Pennsic.

Thank you in advance!!!

In service,

THL Rachel

Archery practice happening this Tuesday evening!

Archers of the Debatable Lands!

This Tuesday, May 24th from 5pm to 8pm we will be holding a weekday evening archery practice at the Washington Boulevard site! To make up for missing practice today we will be holding a practice that evening led by Lord Godfrey de Bayeaux. So come out and join us to enjoy an evening of archery!

Hope to see you there!

Archery Practice tomorrow canceled

Greetings Debatable Lands!

Given that some of our equipment and a number of our marshals are at War Practice right now, I will not be holding practice tomorrow at Washington Blvd. I hope everyone in attendance at War Practice is having a blast!

On that note, congratulations to our own Lady Gredechin Mörin de Nordenberg for winning the distance shoot on Friday, and congratulations to the new Kingdom Archery Champion, Baron Snorri!

Ronan O Conaill

Save the Dates!

Hello Debatable Lands!

For those of you at or going to War Practice, have an amazing time! If not, have a good weekend. Either way, I know you’ll want more SCA awesomeness, soon! Here’s a quick summary of the next things coming up in our Barony:

–May 24th (Tues, 7:30pm) – May Social Meeting – Virtual
–June 1st (Wed, 8pm) – Barony Business Meeting – Virtual
–June 4th (Saturday, all day) – Iris Festival with Iron Comet Challenge and Kingdom Equestrian Champs!
–June 12th (Sunday, at practice) – Stellar Tournaments! Sun List (Heavy) and Moon List (Rapier)
–June 19th (Sunday, at practice) – Stellar Tournament! Sky List (Archery)

And of course our regular practices and gatherings!

See you there!