Yesterday at martial practice, Master John the Artificer gave to me four huge bags of fabric and clothing to pass on to our Gold Key. First, many thanks to him for bringing the things, which were part of Achren’s collection, and for donating them to the Barony.
Some of the fabric has gone to the Sewing Guild for scroll cases and other uses. Many thanks to Hara for helping sort the goods, it was a big job!
The rest of the fabric and trim will appear in the Auction for Desirable but Lost Stuff at Twelfth Night, so everyone will be able to bid on their favorites.
And there were some interesting items of garb in the bags, and my question is does Gold Key need any additional pieces? There are some larger size items and some children’s things, so maybe they will be of use. Nichola Beese to the white courtesy phone, please! Maybe we can get together and see if anything is of use for our newer members.
I can be reached at 724.759.3333 by text if anyone has questions, whether it be about the Auction, Gold Key, donations, or whatever.