Greetings Noble Populace,
Please let this serve as your reminder of the officers meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month which is tomorrow 12/1/2021 – at 8 pm est.
Zoom information is forthcoming.
Please let me know if you have anything to add to the agenda.
Populace Access to Minutes and Agendas
In Service,
Month: November 2021
Lady Rowan – Final Arrangements (Dec 4th)
As we announced previously, Lady Rowan ni Naradhaigh sadly passed away on November 12th. Here are the details of her final arrangements, from her husband, Lord Ffynthcor:
A memorial will be held for my wife, Dawn FitzGerald-Swidal, on Saturday December 4th at 4pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (2359 W Ingomar Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237).
This event will also be live-streamed on youtube for anyone who would love to attend but can’t, and there is already a placeholder for it at this address:
Masks and vaccinations are required (per the venue, and she would ardently desire it be respected). As such, children, unless fully vaccinated, are sadly not permitted. All will have the opportunity to share a thought or a story, and I hope that you will.
If you desire to make a donation in honour of Dawn, please consider Though not a local organization, it was one she enjoyed very much, and was typically found with one of their live-streams up. Oh how she doted on new kittens as they came in, and on kind behavior of older cats caring for them. If you would prefer to donate more locally, we encourage you to do so. and are both wonderful options, but there are countless others.
No Fencing Practice Sunday November 28
Sorry for the late post, but there will not be fencing practice today.
Chronicler call for letters
Good evening! As everyone is stuffed from dinner I have to make a post about the office of Chronicler:
My second term is coming to an end.
Yes that’s right, as of the January Business meeting my time as Chronicler will be over. For anyone interested in the position, please send all letters of intent to and
I am not going anywhere so if you have questions before the election or need support afterwards I am more than happy to help!
Thank you for the honor of serving the Barony,
Let me help you
One of the few actual requirements of being Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences is my quarterly report to the Kingdom. Local reports are incorporated in into the Kingdom’s report up to the Society. So, if I want to promote the arts and research being done in this Barony to the larger Society, one of the most valuable things I can do is include your work in my report.
However, with the lack of events and complications around practices and meetings, there are fewer opportunities for you to let me know about your work. I know that some of you post often to your social media accounts, but I am not on most social media, and few people are on all of the media that are available.
You have probably seen my posts here on the blog where I have tried to promote some of the projects that I know about. I have not been able to do that for every project I have seen in the last three months, and I know there are many more projects I have not even seen.
Please let me know through email or Discord about your recent projects. I only need a sentence or two for my report, but more is always welcome. Maybe I can also post about your work here for the whole Barony to see.
Stellar Tourneys Postponed
Hello! Alas, the weather has not been kind to the plans of mortals today.
As practice has been canceled due to weather so have the Stellar Lists today. They are postponed until a more favorable environment presents itself.
Thank you to our marshals for making wise decisions, and to all of you for your flexibility!
No Fencing Today Sunday November 21
Fencing is cancelled today Sunday November 21.
Please let me know if you would attend practice next Sunday November 28, the Sunday after Thanksgiving at fencingmarshal (AT) debatablelands (DOT) org by Saturday.
Archery practice tomorrow is canceled
Hello Debatable Lands!
Tomorrow looks to be another cold and wet Sunday and so I’ve decided to cancel practice. Sorry to everyone who was hoping to get one last official practice in for the season, but it would seem the weather doesn’t want to cooperate.
But keep an eye on the blog for later announcements! We may still try for one more outdoor practice in December if people are up for it.
Also this winter be on the lookout for events hosted at Chieftain Archery, the indoor archery range where we occasionally hold events. For example, Lord Godfrey is organizing the 3rd annual BMDL Archers Potluck there on December 18th. Hope to see you there!
Sun and Moon Tourneys Tomorrow!
Remember, both the Heavy Fighting and Rapier Fighting Stellar Tournaments are tomorrow, Sunday! First simultaneous lists!
Note that, should the weather make it necessary cancel practice, the Tourneys will be canceled as well.
If the weather allows, see you there!!
Online Sewing Thursday, Nov 18th, at 7:30
The next online sewing will be Thursday, Nov 18th, at 7:30 PM in the kingdom zoom room. Come sew, braid, knit, weave, or just hang out. It is good to have company while working. If you would like me to send you the zoom information, please email sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org.