Official Archery Practices during/around Pennsic

Hi all, from Niall!

Due to Pennsic, both the actual event and the prep-work surrounding it, Official Archery Practices are suspended through August 11th.

(Originally, I had planned for a mid-week practice tomorrow, 7/25, but my Pennsic planning schedule has adjusted, and I’m unable to run it.)

Depending on circumstances, we may resume mid-week practices on August 15th, but our regular Sunday practices will definitely resume on August 18th.

Seven Pearls Registration Open

Greetings All,

The pre-registration form for Seven Pearls (August 24, 2024) is now available.  We are looking forward to seeing you all!

If you have mailed in your payment already, please fill out the form so I can send you a response that your payment has been received.

In Service,

Baron Alaric

Head Tollner

Iron key repair at Grab Swap

I am bringing all of the Iron key armor to the Garb Swap tomorrow. I’ll be looking for helpers to repair our loaner gear. I will have some tools, but if anyone has leather repair kits, drills, dremmels,or other tools that might help, please bring them along.

Many have benefitted from our Iron Key over the years and with some maintenance it will serve for years to come. Please come help.


Bardic Champ at July Social

Greetings, Noble Populace!

Their Excellencies Violeta and Prima will be selecting their Baronial Bardic Champion in two weeks’ time at the July Baronial social and garb swap! The social is occurring on July 7 at the Richland pavilion in North Park at the corner of Ingomar Rd and Babcock Blvd.

What does the Baronial Bardic Champion do?
As Bardic Champ, you have two responsibilities: Represent the Barony in bardic at the Seven Pearls tournament, this year held locally on August 24th, and arrange for your own successor. You also have the privilege to stand with the other baronial champions during court.

How is the Bardic Champion chosen?
There is a competition held, the winner of which is decided by baronial whim. This year, Their Excellencies would like to see performers who can hold a crowd’s attention in whatever is their preferred style of performance. Bring a piece to present to the baronage, the other competitors, and the assembled populace, and grab our attention, command the stage, don’t let us look away! Please limit your selection to no more than 5 minutes. Traditionally, this is a 12 month term with the competition being held during Baronial Twelfth Night, and as Their Excellencies would like to return to that schedule, this upcoming term will be for 6 months. Competition will start around 2pm, garb optional, check in with Silence at the social to sign up.

Come out and strut your stuff!