Hi fencers! This Sunday, Jan 12, I’ll be unavailable to run fencing practice, so Jorundr will be running practice in my stead. See y’all next time!
Fiber Arts in January
I have two pieces of news for the Fiber Arts guild in January. Firstly, we will be having two meetings this coming month. First meeting is January 13th, 7:00 PM at T’see’va’s house, 5167 Rosecrest Drive, Pittsburgh, PA. Jasmine will be teaching hand spinning, but you can also do your own crafts. Materials and drop spindles are provided, feel free to bring your own if you want. The quiet room will be open for people who just want to drop in and eat cookies in the ambiance :).
The second meeting will be at the BMDL twelfth night, at 2 pm. We will try to hold it upstairs near the Bartertown area, but will move downstairs if there isn’t enough room.
Finally, I’m extending an invitation to everyone to join the Fiber Arts Guild in participating in Fun-A-Day this January. Fun-A-Day is a daily commitment to fun through art, every day in January, and share via social media.
Details on participation are available on the fun-a-day website, where you can officially register if you’d like. At the end, there’s an art show you can also participate in as well! I hope you’ll consider joining us and starting off the new year with some creative energy!
Happy New Year!
Cut and Thrust Practice, Sunday 12/29
Hello, fencers! This Sunday, December 29th, will be our next Cut and Thrust focused fencing practice, and our last fencing practice of 2024. See y’all there!
A&S Night is this Thursday, December 26th!
Looking for something chill to do during your holiday time off? Need out of the house after all the festivities wrap up? We are still having A&S Night this Thursday, December 26th from 6:30-9:30pm! The cold and dark winter days are a perfect time to pick up a new craft, polish your documentation for A&S Champs, or finish up largesse for the derby at Debatable Lands Twelfth Night! Let me know if you need the address or any other details.
THL Elinor Walden
Practice is on tomorrow!
Come join us for armored and fencing practice tomorrow 11am to 2pm at Ace AxeThrowing.
Stellar Fencing and Fighting Tournaments Tomorrow, Dec 15th
Hi folks! Tomorrow will be the next set of Stellar Tournaments for fencing and fighting. Practice will be the same time as usual, 11-2 at Ace Axe Throwing. Tournaments will start around noon. See ya there!
Practice at Ace tomorrow Dec 16th.
We will hold practice tomorrow 11am to 2pm at Ace. Hope to see everyone there!
Brewers Guild 12/12/2024 – 7 pm Meeting TOMORROW
Hello Brewers and Friends!
The brewers guild is meeting tomorrow at Muirgheal and jorundr’s house at 7 pm est.
We are talking Oxymels, Shrubs, Switchel, and Swizzles! We’re branching out from Sejankabin into other non-alcoholic options as we enter Twelfth Night and indoor event season.
If you do not have the address, it is in the dark pages or you can email or message me for it. Muirgheall@gmail.com
See ya tomorrow!
Martial practices on for Sunday 12/8
As a reminder, we will be holding both armored and rapier practice this Sunday, 12/8, from 11 am to 2 pm, at Ace Axe Throwing. A thrown weapons marshal is available should throwers wish to play as well.
We will have visitors for practice this week! Her Excellency of Brendoaken plans to attend and bring folks along to both fight and fence. She is seeking members of the Chivalry to help her finish her 100 knight challenge. This should be a lot of fun. I hope to see many of you there.
Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship
Baronessa Violeta and Praetoria Prima will select their next A&S Champion at the Debatable Lands Twelfth Night on January 25, 2025!
Please bring an entry that represents your journey as an artisan.
Documentation is optional but encouraged.
North Park Lodge, N Ridge Dr, Allison Park, PA 15201