Greetings, fencers! Tomorrow we will shift fencing practice earlier (11 AM start time) to make things easier for our out of town guests. In addition, we will discuss the incipient C&T grappling experiment! We will break at 1pm for the barony social meeting. Please be cognizant of limited parking.
Mid-Week Archery Practice (9/5)
Hi all, from Niall!
Just a quick note that I will have the range open on Thursday, 9/5, at 5:30 pm for a mid-week archery practice at the usual Washington Blvd. site. We’ll go until it gets too dark or too cold (or 8:00 pm, whichever comes first).
September 8 Barony Social and Meeting
Greetings good gentles of our Debatable Lands. Next Sunday at martial practices we are going to have a baronial gathering and meeting in the old style. We’ll gather to enjoy each others’ company, have a brief meeting at about 1 pm, do A&S, and still have archery and thrown weapons in the morning and heavy and fencing in the afternoon.
To make this work with our more limited parking is going to take extra effort. We’re looking for a team to chalk lines on the parking lot starting at about 9. We have one volunteer to provide shuttle service to and from the bike track parking down the street but could use a second one. Carpooling would be appreciated, and most people will need to pull in, drop off equipment and then park down the street. Hopefully we can make this work so that we can gather without interrupting martial practices and without paying for more distant sites.
If anyone has a particular A&S project or class they’d like to host please let me know.
Other ideas? Let’s hear them!
Entry Photos from Today’s 7 Pearls A&S Competition
Archery: Mid-Week Practice and Stellar Tourney Sunday
Hi all, from Niall!
Hope everyone has relatively recovered and recharged following Pennsic. I’ll be at the Washington Blvd. site tomorrow evening with the range open from 5:30 until 8:00 pm for a mid-week archery practice.
Also, next Sunday’s regular practice (8/25) will also feature the next in the line of Sky List Stellar Tournaments.
Cut and Thrust Practice, Sunday 8/25
Hello, fencers! Starting this Sunday, August 25th, one practice a month will be focused on Cut & Thrust! Bring your gear if you’ve got it. Some loaner gear will be available as well for folks interested in getting started. (There will still be regular fencing alongside C&T)
Twelfth Night Competition for Brewing at the Debatable Lands Event
Debatable Brewers and Friends,
Their Excellencies and I have talked about it briefly and We will have a Twelfth Night Competition for Brewing at the Debatable Lands Event.
There will be two selections, one from Alcoholic Beverages and one from Non-Alcoholic Beverages.
The theme will be “Winter Flavors”. Please prepare for us a drink that invites us to enjoy winter spices, fruits, and flavors! Whatever style of drink you make; just make it for a winter wonderland!
What am I thinking of for Winter Flavors?
Gingerbread, Peppermint, Cranberry, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon,
Hazelnut, Pumpkin, Chestnut, Orange, Caramel, Eggnog, Cocoa, Chai, Black Pepper, Turmeric, Chili, Garlic, Butternut Squash, Coriander, Anise, Vanilla, etc.
Due to allergies; your entry must include the full list of ingredients
Bonus points will be given for documentation because knowledge is power! We want to know more about what you make and how you do it; but its not a requirement to participate!
And don’t forget, Our Noble populace loves it when we brew For Science! So don’t be afraid to try a few different ways to get to your Winter Flavor.
In Service,
Debatable Brewing Guild Mistress
Fiber Guild September Meeting
The next fiber guild meeting will be Monday, September 16th from 7-9 PM at our usual place, 5167 Rosecrest Dr, Pittsburgh PA.
Since there were requests for a fall dye day, I will be bringing madder dyed samples and my indigo shibori books so we can discuss and plan for a day in October before it gets too cold.
Zoom link will be sent out closer to the date.
Business Meeting Tonight 8-10
Since most of us were in another world last week, the 1st Wednesday of even months business meeting will be tonight instead of last week. Please join us by zoom if you would like to see how business happens in the barony. We’ll be putting final touches on Seven Pearls, getting an update on Agincourt, and looking at a bid for 12th Night, among other things. Everyone is welcome, and it’s a great way to start to get involved in the workings of our hobby. If you’re thinking about a spring event, it isn’t too early to get started either.
Online Sewing Thurs. Aug 15th at 7:30 p.m.
There is online sewing this Thursday, August 15th at 7:30 p.m. The theme will be Pennsic recap, laundry and ironing, and plans for what’s next. I will be ironing. Feel free to join us to share, or just for company while you work on your own thing. We meet in the kingdom zoom. If you need the zoom information, email sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org.