Calling All Throwers! Champs This Saturday!

Hello Debatable Lands!

Our Baronial Thrown Weapons Championship Throw is this Saturday at Agincourt! We hope to see throwers of all ages compete! Our outgoing Champion, Master Clewin has prepared a fun time for you all.

The Championship throw will be at 2pm. Loaner gear is available. The range will be open earlier for warm ups, courtesy of our industrious marshal, Lord Kuma. Thanks!

All are invited to throw, but only Debatable Landers are eligible to be Baronial Champion. We ask that the new Champion be available to throw in the Seven Pearls competition on Sept 9, 2017.

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

And don’t forget, both Queen’s Rapier Champs (10:15 am) and Kingdom Youth Fighting Champs (1 pm) are that day as well…. let’s show the Kingdom what Debatable Landers can do! Can’t wait!

See also Agincourt’s Facebook Page.

Fiber Guild Meeting



Our October meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 18, at Songbird Artistry, 4316 Penn avenue in Lawrenceville at 7 PM. Her Excellency Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr (Sunshine MacIntyre) will teach us the basics of nalbinding (or single needle knitting, a technique predating knitting and crochet by centuries) See you all there! (for those of you who do not know what naalbinding is, check out this nifty Wikipedia article.


Upcoming Fencing Practices


This Sunday fencing practice will continue at its regular time of 1PM. At 2 Don Corwin will be leading some drills, so if you are interested come and warm up so you are ready for those.

There is plenty of loaner gear available should anyone wish to give fencing a try, all you need it long pants and socks that overlap at the ankle, and males will need an athletic cup and we have all the rest you need, so give it a try and stab people in the face.

Next weekend regular fencing practice will be cancelled, as we will be invading Ballachlagan that week. Their site address is Warwood Middle School 150 VIKING DR Wheeling, WV 26003, for most of the city it is between an hour and an hour and a half away, and should be great fun.

The following weekend practice will also be cancelled due to Agincourt being held that weekend, so come out Saturday and fight in the Queen’s Rapier Championship and a Academy of Defense Scholar’s tournament.

We will return to normal on Sunday November 6.


Seeking Letters of Intent for Comet Pursuivant


My term of office as Comet Pursuivant, or Baronial Herald, is coming to an end at the December Officers’ Meeting, and I am not planning to attempt a third term. Interested parties should submit their letter of intent along with any relevant SCA experience to myself at herald [at] and Odrianna at seneshal [at] by that meeting.

The duties of the Office of the Herald include but are not limited to:

1) Coordinating with Their Excellencies regarding Their 5-8 courts a year (Comet does not need to run them all, coordinating deputies is perfectly viable)

2) Being the point person for heraldic submissions (again Comet need not actually do the submissions you can instead direct inquires to our local heralds who are skilled in and enjoy armorial and name heraldry)

3)Running the official portion of the 6 barony meetings that we have each year.

4) Being the second ranking officer of the barony and part of the financial committee

5)Coordinating efforts towards heraldic education and preparing your successor

6) Maintaining the Baronial OP (this also does not need to be personally done by Comet, a deputy could be placed in charge of this, and will require coordination with the Webminister to continue doing it)


If you have any questions or want more information about any of these things regardless of whether you want to pursue being the next Comet feel free to contact me, we can always use more heralds at any level of experience.


In Service,


Drotinn Jorundr hinn Rotinn

Comet Pursuivant

Calling All Archers! Champs This Saturday!

Hello Archers of the Debatable Lands, from Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda!

This Saturday is Archers to the Wald, in our Canton of Steltonwald. In addition to hosting the Kingdom Archery and Thrown Weapons Championships, it was also host the Debatable Lands Archery Championship and the Debatable Lands Youth Archery Championship!

We’d like to invite all archers to come and participate!

Master Urho, our outgoing Archery Champion, has a short and fun shoot planned for 11 am. All may participate, but only Debatable Landers are eligible to be Champion. (There will be other ranges open, too – it’s Archers to the Wald!) We ask that the new Champion be available on September 9th, 2017, to shoot for the 7 Pearls Championship against the other Baronies’ champs.

Baron Brandubh will be running the Youth Archery Championship at 1pm. This championship is open to youths 16 and under from the Debatable Lands and surrounding groups as well, as there are less opportunities for our region’s youth to participate in champs shoots.

We can’t wait to see you at the Baronial Champs shoots! And let’s show the Kingdom what our archers and throwers can do, too!

Fencing Practice Today

Today at fencing practice Lord Alessandro will be running some drills from the Destreza tradition of Spanish fencing starting at 2.

Practice will start as usual at 1, so come out and get some warm ups in and then hang out for the drills.

We will be runnning a bear pit to end practice this time around as a new idea so that we can really go out for all we have, so sometime around 4 or 4:30 that will start and run until everyone is too tired to continue.
