Online Sewing Thurs Apr 1, 7:30

The next online sewing circle will be Thursday April 1st starting at 7:30, in a kingdom zoom room. Welcome to anyone who wants to sew, knit, braid, weave, iron, or work on other fabric or fiber activity. There have been some discussions of a distributed group activity in discord. I am inviting anyone who is interested to come join the discussion at this coming sewing circle. If you have any questions or would like me to send you the zoom information, please email sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org.

The Taming of The Shrew – Tonight

Tonight, we will be showing The Taming of the Shrew starting at 7:30pm, followed by a chat until 10:30pm.

Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information. He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away. If you attended a prior Shakespeare Movie Night, the Zoom room information is the

Hope to see some of you there!

The Taming of the Shrew – Friday

Greetings All!

We will have rings and things and fine array! On Friday, March 26th we’ll be showing The Taming of the Shrew starting at 7:30pm, followed by a chat until 10:30pm. This performance, directed by William Ball, is “a rowdy commedia dell’arte production incorporating slapstick, pratfall, and earthy humor”. We hope to see you there! Better once than never, for never too late. Watch from the comfort of your living room via the AEther.

Here is the link to the schedule for the movie nights scheduled through May:

Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information. He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away. If you attended a prior Shakespeare Movie Night, the Zoom room information is the

Hope to see some of you there!

Alaric & Elsbeth

Shakespeare Movie Tonight

Beware the Ides of March! We’ll be showing Julius Caesar, starring Charlton Heston, starting at 7:30pm, followed by a chat until 10:30pm. We hope to see you, and you, et tu Brute! Watch from the comfort of your living room via the AEther.

Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information. He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away. If you attended a prior Shakespeare Movie Night, the Zoom room information is the same.

Althing deadline and Chronicler opening

Good afternoon all! The next deadline for the Althing is 3/15, please have all content and reports in to me by the end of that day at

In addition my time as Chronicler will be ending around the end of the year, that means it’s time for someone else to take the reigns. If you have wanted to be involved as an officer this is a great option to start with. The job of the Chronicler is one that does not have to dedicate time at events to the job and also does not have equipment involved in it at all. As long as you have a computer and internet access it is fairly easy to do the job and participate at business meetings.

If you have any interest please send me an email or find me on Facebook!

Shakespeare Movie Night Friday

Master Alaric Writes:

Greetings All!

Beware the Ides of March! On Friday, March 2612th we’ll be showing Julius Caesar, starring Charlton Heston, starting at 7:30pm, followed by a chat until 10:30pm. We hope to see you, and you, et tu Brute! Watch from the comfort of your living room via the AEther.

Here is the link to the schedule for the movie nights scheduled through May:

Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information. He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away. If you attended a prior Shakespeare Movie Night, the Zoom room information is the same.

Hope to see some of you there!

Online Sewing Circle Thurs. Mar 4th at 7:30

Thursday March 4th at 7:30 we are having online sewing circle. There is a theme this time! I will present a short survey of basic Japanese clothing. The emphasis is on SCA practical clothing and not necessarily “courtly attire”. I will have pictures of the garment from some good costume resources as well as pictures of things I have made. However, I realize that not everyone may want this, that’s why we have breakout rooms. The advise with breakout rooms is to use the latest computer or app download vs the website because the website won’t allow you to switch rooms. As always if you have a question about this please contact sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org. We request that you do not post the zoom information on public sites, but do appreciate when you spread the word.

Baba Yaga Online Class

This Thursday evening at 8pm, Mistress Luceta di Cosimo will be delivering an encore presentation of the class on Baba Yaga that she taught this past weekend at the College of Three Ravens.

The class will be held in a Kingdom Zoom conference. Please contact Mistress Luceta through email or Facebook for login information, or check the #announcements channel of the Debatable Lands Discord server.