Call for Letters: Arts and Sciences Minister

The time has come! My second consecutive term as Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences is coming to an end at the February Business Meeting, so it is time for me to issue this Call for Letters and begin seeking my successor. Please consider submitting a Letter of Intent to stand for election to this office.

The job of the Minister of Arts and Sciences is to support and promote historical arts, crafts, and research within the Barony. The only true requirements of the position are that you pay attention to what is going on, make quarterly reports to the Kingdom Minister, and make reports to the other officers of the Barony at the bi-monthly Business Meetings. This position is a member of the financial committee, so it is important that you understand Baronial, Kingdom, and Society policies.

Any effort you can put into encouraging, participating in, and helping others participate in the A&S activities of the Barony is a great service, so there is plenty of room for new ideas.

Send your letters to me at “ansminister (at)”, to the Seneschal at “seneschal (at)”, and to the Baronage at “baronage (at)”. Please submit your letter of intent by the 31st of January, 2025 so that it can be presented to the officers ahead of the Business meeting.

You should also plan to attend the Business Meeting on February 5th (online is fine if you can’t make it in person) so that you can speak for yourself to the officers about your involvement in the A&S activities of these Debatable Lands, and your plans should you be chosen as the next Minister.

The Barony-Marche goes Marching on, Hurrah, Hurrah

Hello friends!

How’s everyone doing? Wanna do some SCA demo stuff in public soon?
Well, March is marching along towards the Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day Parade and you can, too! The Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands will be marching and riding in the parade on Saturday, March 16th. It’s always a fun, silly time and we’re routinely a crowd favorite.

All you need to join us is the low, low entry fee of, “Show up and enjoy yourself”

Check out this facebook event so we can get organized and plan out who, where, what, and when everything takes place!

You can also email the chatelaine office directly!

Call for Letters: Chronicler and Call for Content for the Althing

Greetings to the populace from your Chronicler, Silence!

I write with two missives. First, I am assembling the newsletter wrapping up the final quarter of 2023, and as we lost some dear members of our barony in this past calendar year, I would like to hold space in the Althing for photos, memories, or words the populace wishes to share to commemorate them. As I am formatting the newsletter this week, if you know you want to send something but aren’t sure what, please feel free to drop a line and say “Hey Silence, please save a spot for me,” and I will reach out before I publish, which I anticipate to be in two weeks.

Second, my 2-year term comes to an end, and I am formally issuing a call for letters of intent should anyone be interested in becoming the next Chronicler. I am seeking a second term and I am also seeking a deputy to train. The Chronicler is in charge of producing the Althing, the newsletter for the Barony. Past issues are available at for your perusal. Any gentles wishing to submit a letter of intent should email both seneschal [at] debatablelands [dot] org and chronicler [at] debatablelands [dot] org by the next business meeting, which will be February 7th. If you are interested in becoming Chronicler or becoming my deputy, please email me at chronicler [at] debatablelands [dot] org and I will be happy to discuss what that entails!

In Service and Song,

Salve accolens, from the new Baronage!

Dearest neighbors,

Yesterday’s Investiture was absolutely amazing. Even though we didn’t get to partake in all the festivities, we’re so happy that you enjoyed yourselves and had so much fun. We felt strongly about it not being a day just for us, but for the whole Barony to come together and celebrate the wonderful years we had under Brandubh and Hilda, and to look forward to the years to come.

The list of people who contributed to the event yesterday is tremendous, and we feel so blessed that so many people stepped up to help make the day special.

But first and foremost, we want to thank Their Majesties Gareth and Juliana for their kind and gracious presence. We are so honored that you were the ones to invest us in this office.

And once again I want to thank Brandubh and Hilda for their years of heartfelt service, and for setting the bar so very high for us as we step into the role of the Baronage. We aspire to the show the same levels of love and care you showed the Barony during your tenure. Though the stars may not shine as bright as the sun, they strive to do their best every night, and so too shall we.

And with Barony like this, how can we not shine? I’d love to put a period-appropriate quote here, maybe something by Seneca, but the best quote I can think of right now is one from Helen Keller: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.” Yesterday was heart-felt, and it was beautiful.

So here is a very long list of the wonderful people who made it so:

Dorothea Stark Schutz and Ceindrech verch Elidir, the event autocrats.

Elss Augsburg, who ran the kitchen, and her staff: Alastar Scott MacCrummin, Blanche, and Elsa Taliard.

Luceta DiCosimo for the Barony themed gingerbread cookies.

Gwendolyn the Graceful for leading the dancing, as well as the talented folks who provided live music: Alaric MacConnal, Arianna of Wynthrope, Willow, and Kieran MacRae.

Jorundr hinn Rotinn, Robert MacEwin of Thornhill, Kieran MacRae, and William Colbert, for their gladiatorial battles to entertain the populace. As well as the Debatable Choir, and i Genesii (The Greatest Commedia del’Arte Troupe in the Known World), for their wonderful performances.

Cadence Mayberry for arranging for the period gaming, and Byron of Haverford for creating betting tokens.

Elle (Elinor Walden) and Kate (Catherine O’Herlihy), our wonderful Head Retainers, and the volunteer retaining staff and guards: Cerva, Michiharu, Thomasyn, Reinhard, Isabel, Yacob, Kit, Faye, Agnella, Etienne, Cassiano, Godzimir, Sebastian, Niall, Jiro, and Dagon.

Tsveea for my beautiful gown, and Nicola Beese for helping make sure the show could go on until we were able to get me into said gown. Also Ishiyama Gen’tarou Yori’ie for his timely donation of award favors.

Finally, congratulations to the first recipients of the first new comet awards: Etienne Renault and Emrys Eustace recipients of the Amber Comet, Bran Riddl recipient of the Hematite Comet, and Kara Ivarsdottir recipient of the Jade Comet.

This list feels too short, and I’m sure I’ve missed people. Any error or omission should be corrected, so please let us know if any are needed.


A few years ago, there was a project to make banners for all of the Baronial officers and many of the deputies.

It would be super awesome if we could get the whole collection back together at Investiture this Saturday to greet the new Baronage with all the pomp this Barony has to offer.

If you have one of these banners, please bring it or otherwise make sure it travels to the event.

If you have a personal banner, or a Kingdom banner, or heraldic banner of any kind (within the bounds of acceptable SCA heraldry) please bring it to witness investiture!

Do you have an excellent towel? Bring that too!

Largesse at Agincourt

The Honorable Lady Lisabetta de Rossi ran a largesse derby at Agincourt 15 this past weekend. Nominally, it was a competition, but the real purpose was to collect items that their Majesties Aethelmearc can give as gifts to their populace and to other Kingdoms.

Baroness Aranwen Verch Rhys ap Gwalter brought some lampwork beads and clay tokens.
THL Rachel Daliceux displayed some cast resin “enameld” Baronial Comet Award medallions
Ishiyama Shonagon donated some wooden boxes
Kolfinna donated these ginchy stuffed dragons
…and these thread + needle cases with escarbuttons.

Thank you everyone for enabling the Crown to disburse the artistic generosity of Glorious Aethelmearc!

Post Pennsic A&S Report

My report to the Kingdom is due on September first and I need your help!

  • Did you teach any classes at Pennsic?
  • Did you complete any projects for or at Pennsic?
  • Did you participate in the Pennsic A&S Display?
  • Did you participate in any competitions at Pennsic?
  • Did you participate in any demos at Pennsic?
  • Did you personally or as part of a group perform someplace at Pennsic, either in the Performing Arts tent or anywhere else?
  • Were any scrolls you worked on (for Barony or Kingdom) given out at Pennsic?
  • Did any guild in which you participate (Brewers? Scribal? Food?) have any activity at Pennsic?
  • Did you provide any artwork or writing for the Pennsic Independent?
  • Did you see any of your Debatable Lands neighbors do something so awesome (Can’t spell “AweSome” without A and S!) for or at Pennsic that you thought, “That wonderful person deserves an award”?

Well this is your chance to make sure that that information about your awesome self and your awesome neighbors makes it into this report!

Send any and all awesome A&S information to your humble A&S Minister at ansminister(at), please if you can before the end of next week (September 1st). Please! Your friends and I are counting on you.

Iris Festival Arts+Sciences

In addition to the many classes at Iris Festival this year, space will be set aside in the main pavilion again this year for an Arts and Sciences display. Please bring examples of your work in any art or craft. All are welcome. Projects related to East Asia or Japan are encouraged, of course. If you will be wearing your project that day, photographs and short write-ups would still be a great way to let people know about your work. If you have research to present, please bring copies for people to read.

This site is covered but outdoors, so make sure to protect your project from errant breezes and possible stray raindrops. There is also a site restriction of “No glass bottles.”

I had some lovely discussions with last year’s entrants, and they provided great content for my report to the kingdom. There will be no competition and no judging. If you have any questions you’d like to ask a more experienced craftsperson, we can probably find somebody to help out.

Congratulations to Our New Webminister!

The Barony Officers have chosen to appoint Niall Mac Rædwulf as our new Barony webminister! Niall enters the office with plenty of “Tech in These Current Middle Ages” experience in his work as Ætherial herald and as a deputy Kingdom Webminister. I am excited for the plans Niall has for the site, calendars and communications, and will serve as his deputy as long as he requires.

It has been a pleasure serving as Webminister over the past two years. I thank the officers for giving this SCA newbie a chance, and for the populace for being patient with me as I learned the ropes!

In Service,

Herr Reinhard Regenbogen