Largesse at Agincourt

The Honorable Lady Lisabetta de Rossi ran a largesse derby at Agincourt 15 this past weekend. Nominally, it was a competition, but the real purpose was to collect items that their Majesties Aethelmearc can give as gifts to their populace and to other Kingdoms.

Baroness Aranwen Verch Rhys ap Gwalter brought some lampwork beads and clay tokens.
THL Rachel Daliceux displayed some cast resin “enameld” Baronial Comet Award medallions
Ishiyama Shonagon donated some wooden boxes
Kolfinna donated these ginchy stuffed dragons
…and these thread + needle cases with escarbuttons.

Thank you everyone for enabling the Crown to disburse the artistic generosity of Glorious Aethelmearc!