Input Requested: Baronial Activities Online

Hello Debatable Lands! Salve Accolens!

By now, you may have heard that the SCA Board of Directors, at the behest of most of the Kingdoms, has suspended all in-person SCA activity until at least January 31, 2021.

Here’s the announcement:

There are provisions for small gatherings like meetings and martial practices, when it is safe and within local regulation to do so. Here in Allegheny County, that may be awhile, as cases of the virus do not seem to be decreasing.

While we can’t hold in-person events, we can continue our activity online! We’d like to hear from YOU! What would you like to see from our Barony over the next 6 months? What would you like to organize and run? Let’s get creative! What shall we do for Barony meetings? For Baronial Courts? Other online gatherings?

What would ignite the fun, passion, and camaraderie?

We’re looking forward to the conversations!

In Levitate et Caritate, Cheers, and In Service,

Baron Brandubh
Baroness Hilda
THL Muirgheal, Baronial Seneschal

Agincourt XIV Postponed to 2021

From the Agincourt autocrat:

After some discussion with their Excellencies and the Seneschale, it has been decided to postpone Agincourt XIV to 2021. I have already asked that I be permitted to re-bid the event as soon as possible to get the date on the calendar. The tentative date for 2021 is 23 October 2021 at Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsmen’s Club in North Versailles.

I am so sorry that this needs to be cancelled, but with the trajectory of the County’s COVID19 cases and the cancellation of other Kingdom events in the same time period, it was the responsible thing to do.


Online Sewing Thurs. Jul, 23rd at 7:30

Next online sewing is Thursday, July 23rd starting at 7:30 on kingdom zoom. There is no agenda or class, but I am encouraging mask making or just show us what you have made. I enjoy fun fabric especially. I have hopes that we may have a class soon either for sewing viking hood (good for combatting summer heat) or for making cute little dolls. Hint hint. I am also looking for other classes that folks may want to offer. For zoom information or if you have a class you want to teach you can send email to sewing at debatablelands dot org.

Online Sewing Thurs July 23rd

Rather than have online sewing overlap with online scribal, I am postponing online sewing until next Thursday, July 23rd starting at 7:30 on kingdom zoom. I have hopes that we may have a class soon either for sewing viking hood (good for combatting summer heat) or for making cute little dolls. Hint hint. I am also looking for other classes that folks may want to offer. If there is no class scheduled, I may make the theme sewing masks. If you have great fabric to sew it makes it more fun. For zoom information or if you have a class you want to teach you can send email to sewing at debatablelands dot org.

AEcademy This Weekend!

Are you ready to learn something new? Need a virtual break from isolation? Here’s your perfect opportunity to see some familiar faces and get your A&S on, virtually!

From the Chancellor of the AEcademy:
Good morning AEthelmearc!

It is my pleasure to share the draft list of classes and schedule for this
weekend’s AEcademy. Please keep an eye on this document between now and
Saturday, as classes are still being registered;

And please remember, if you’d like to join us this weekend, YOU MUST SIGN
UP to receive the Zoom login information:

Yours in service,
Elena de la Palma
Chancellor AEcademy

Q2 Althing!

Good evening Debatable Lands!

See the following link for the Althing including a letter from our lovely Baron and Baroness and information on the SCAs policy on doxxing.

Tonight Online sewing 7:30

Tonight, July 2nd there will be another online sewing circle on zoom starting at 7:30. There is no agenda for this, so feel free to bring any sewing or other project and hang out. We cannot publish zoom information in public forum, so please email sewing at debatablelands dot org if you would like the zoom information.

The previous class, Gored to Tears, was a great success. Thank you to Mistress Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi. She showed us hand sewing technique for attaching a gore. For machine sewing she showed us a couple different methods, gore in a seam and gore in fabric panel. The class went very well, but the recording did not. That means there will be another recording session. If you attended and have specific feedback that for the upcoming recording session. Please send that to sewing at debatablelands dot org If you have a class that you would like to teach, or a class that you would like someone to teach, please send any suggestions to (you guessed it) sewing at debatablelands dot org.