Tomorrow October 1st, there will be Archery Practice at Highland Park. 11am to 1pm, and afterwards we will have a Barony meeting. See you there!!
Month: September 2017
Barony Meeting is TOMORROW
Tomorrow Sunday, 1 October 2017 is the September Barony meeting. The meeting will be at the Washington Blvd practice site (Washington Blvd at Allegheny River Blvd, the map is here and starts at 1:00 p.m.
The Seneschal will have the Baronial Business cards available for those who need them.
I look forward to seeing folks there!
Social Media Policy Changes
To better fall in line with the Social Media Policy at the Society Level, there are some new policies governing posting to the Populace Discussion Group on Facebook that will go into effect starting today, 29 September 2017. I have included the policy here and it will also be available in the files section of the Facebook group. There will be other Social Media policies created to cover our other existing Social Media presences online that will be announced as completed.
If you have any questions after reading the new policy, please contact me directly at seneschal(at)debatablelands(dot)org.
Odriana, Seneschal
Social Media Policy for the Populace Discussion Group on Facebook_20170929
The Crown Tourney Combatant/Consort List for Autumn Crown
From His Majesty, King Gareth, and her Majesty, Queen Juliana —
Fall Crown Tournament, October 7, AS 52, 2017
Combatant/Consort List.
Duke Timothy of Arindale for Duchess Gabrielle van Nijenrode
Duke Sven Gunnarsson for Duchess Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin
Duke Malcom Duncan MacEoghainn for Viscountess Rosalinde Ashworth
Duke Marcus Eisenwald for Countess Marguerite Eisenwald
Count Andreas Morgan for Countess Kallista Morgunova
Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford and Countess Ariella of Thornbury, each for
the other
Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora for Mistress Gwendolyn the Graceful
Sir Angus MacBain for Mistress for Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon
Sir Murdoch Bayne for Baroness Rioghnach ny Rise
Sir Delphinious Aegeous for Lady Sigrid Wilhelm
Sir Alonzio of the Peacemakers for Mistress Alexandra dei Campagnella
THL Rouland of Willowbrooke and Mistress Jenna McPherson of Lion’s Tower, each for the other
THL Freidrich Flußmüllnerin for Mistress Felicitas Flußmüllnerin
Sir Vladimir Mechnik for Lady Tomassa Isolona
Master Tigernach mac Cathail for Margareta le Sayre
Sir Arnþorr inn sterki for Lady Ceirich na Hinnsi
Sir Marek Viacheldrago for Baroness Sybilla Detwyller
Royce Bentley for Master Juan Miguel Cesar
Master Jussie Laplein for Lady Vika Vyborgskaia
Sir Beatrix Krieger and THL Thorsol Solinauga, each for the other
THL Dominic McMorland for Eleanor McMorland
THL Madison Morai for Lady Stasha Sebastyn
THL Oliver Sutton for Lady Grainne Shionnach
THL Cid Hiyo for Diane Haldie
THL Ardan Scott for Lady Deirdre Scott
Lord Marius Sittius for Lady Alita of Hartstone
Lord Wolfgang Starke for Lady Katerin Starke
Lord Cheng Tai Ren for Dai Li
Lord Ulfkell Dungalson for Lady Aesa
Legaire mac Connall for Aurelie NicTurnear
Agincourt Lunch Cook Thank Yous
Good morning BMDL-
I must proclaim how humbled I am at the amount of support – help – offers to carry – etc that I have received in order to put out the day board at Agincourt on Saturday. I am going to most doubtedly miss someone so I ask all gentles to tag those people to make sure they are aware of my appreciation. I had a wonderful time “feeding all the people!l and look forward to the next time I get the chance to do so…
To (Shawn MacIntyre) and (Sunshine MacIntyre) for putting on an amazing event and continually checking to make sure we had everything we needed.
To Jennifer Ja Strobel for one year ago allowing me to make a cake and having the faith in me to ask me to cook the dayboard and share her kitchen.
To Brie Montgomery and Antoinette de la Croix for the dayboard menu scroll. To Nicola Kendall for the feast menu scroll. To Kristina Kaufman – Ashling for the description cards for the dayboard.
The following three ladies spent months planning with me and hours of prepping to make key items on the dayboard happen and to be most delicious. Without them – this could have happened. It was an honor and a pleasure to cook and learn from you in the kitchen.
Lynn Harvey- your hand made noodles and Mac n cheese was awesome. You – your husband and son were so much help.
Suzanne Ackley-Perot for let alone making the drive to the event and for the scrumptious chicken and wafers. I hope to repay the help in February.
Cassandra Nelson- for curing and smoking the pork – the mustard – the sauerkraut the unbelievable smoked olives and for the calmness when I went – oh they are gonna hate the food.
On Friday and Saturday the following people “did the thing” and made our game a reality. Thank you so very much and please let me know when I can repay the helping hands.
April McCoy Duncan – your husband and your boys
Lake Strobel
Ray Strobel
Ottilige von Rappoltsweiler
Bethany Klick
Amanda – your first event!! Welcome
Saj – the apple of my eye
Kristie Seib
Keirin Lazauskas-Ralff
Dennis Ralff
The armored fighters that kept the outside dish washing station under control.
Please share with anyone that I may have missed and know I am truly moved by our Barony and friends. Thank you so very much.
Yours in Service –
Lady Zianna Beguy Urdina de Zabaleta
Agincourt Feast Thank Yous
This past weekend was Agincourt and, again, it was my absolute honor and pleasure to be the feast cook.
A feast only happens due to the contributions and talents of many people. Without them, it would be impossible to do what I do and they truly deserve the lion’s share of the thanks.
The gentles who made the feast happen:
Ulf Halfdansson
Rynea von Lingen
Joshua Trinidad
Dorothea Stark Schultz
Kearn MacLeod
Amanda Lake
Sarab bint Alima
Halfdan Drake Rauthkin
Alva Halfdaansdottir
Thank you to Katja for keeping track of food allergies and preferences so that the right food made it to the right people.
Also, a big thank you to Katja Davida Orlova and Kieran MacRay for washing a ton of dishes during feast prep and dinner.
I also wish to thank the folks who came in to clean up the kitchen. Thank you for allowing the kitchen staff to sit down and eat dinner after 9 hours on their feet. You are very much appreciated.
Constance Glyn Dwr
Sarab bint Alima
Liam MacIntyre
Arthes MacLeod
Trillium Reynolds
Beren Reynolds
Kathryn Tantsel
Umm Samin bint Al-Hisfasaniyya
Kieran MacRay
If there is anyone that I missed, please know that it is entirely unintentional and please let me know if I did miss you so that I may thank you publicly for your service.
I have special thanks for my dependents Lijsbet de Keukere, Ottilige von Rappoltsweiler, and Zianna Beguy Urdina de Zabaleta for inspiring me as a cook, as a Laurel, and as a friend. I also would like to thank my husband Kieran MacRay and daughter Aletha Cowle for supporting my work, helping me load/unload two cars, and for making their own dinner for the week before the event while I pre-cooked.
Barony Meeting – THIS SUNDAY!
This Sunday, 1 October 2017 is the September Barony meeting. The meeting will be at the Washington Blvd practice site (Washington Blvd at Allegheny River Blvd, the map is here and starts at 1:00 p.m.
The Seneschal will have the Baronial Business cards available for those who need them.
I look forward to seeing folks there!
Fencing Practice Tomorrow
This is just a reminder, fencing practice will be going on tomorrow at the Washington Blvd site starting at 1 PM. I will have loaner gear available for fencing and cut n thrust if you are interested.
No Archery Practice This Sunday
This weekend we will be at the Agincourt event. Come join us on the archery range of Agin Court, or join us for all the other festivities.