The Spring Crown List Has Been Announced

From their Majesties:

The spring crown list. All letters received were found acceptable. We look forward to naming our heirs.
Gareth and Juliana
King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc

Duke Timothy of Arindale for Duchess Gabrielle van Nijenrode
Duke Sven Gunnerson for Duchess Siobhan inghean ui Liathain
Duke Malcolm MacEoughainn for Viscountess Rosalind Ashworth
Count Byron of Haverford and Countess Ariella of Thornberry each for the other
Master Drusilus vin Oberbessenbach for Mistress Caroline of Burgandy
Sir Maghnus de Cnoc an Iora for Brehyres Gwendolan the Graceful
Sir Murdoch Bayne for Mistress Riognach ni Rose
Syr Finn Marland O’Shannon for THLady Shirin az Suza
THL George Eisenfaust for Mistress Aleea Bagah
Mistress Jenna MacPherson of Lions tower and THL Rouland of Willowbrooke each for the other
Master Kieran Macrae for Meestress Odriana vander Brughe
Master Tigernoach mac Cathail for Lady Margareta le Sayre
Sir Arnthor Inn Sterki for Lady Cairech Na Hinnsi
Sir Thorsal Solingua and Sir Beatrix Kreiger each for the other
THLord Nikolas the Bastard for Meister Madoc Arundul
Master Jacob Martinson for Baroness Wilhelmina Boddenham
Sir Oliver Sutton for Lady Grainne Shionnach
THL Gwydeon ap Arden for Lady Myskia Nattfari
Thl Cid Hiyo for Lady Astrid
THL Ardan Scot for THL Dierdre Scot of Clann Scot
Baron Cormac mac Gilla Brigde for Baroness Elana de la Palma
THLord Lotharius qui et Segimundus for Birna Hakadottir
Lord Ufkell Dungelson for Lady Aesa Helgulfsdottir

The Crown Tourney Combatant/Consort List for Autumn Crown

From His Majesty, King Gareth, and her Majesty, Queen Juliana —

Fall Crown Tournament, October 7, AS 52, 2017
Combatant/Consort List.

Duke Timothy of Arindale for Duchess Gabrielle van Nijenrode
Duke Sven Gunnarsson for Duchess Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin
Duke Malcom Duncan MacEoghainn for Viscountess Rosalinde Ashworth
Duke Marcus Eisenwald for Countess Marguerite Eisenwald
Count Andreas Morgan for Countess Kallista Morgunova
Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford and Countess Ariella of Thornbury, each for
the other
Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora for Mistress Gwendolyn the Graceful
Sir Angus MacBain for Mistress for Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon
Sir Murdoch Bayne for Baroness Rioghnach ny Rise
Sir Delphinious Aegeous for Lady Sigrid Wilhelm
Sir Alonzio of the Peacemakers for Mistress Alexandra dei Campagnella
THL Rouland of Willowbrooke and Mistress Jenna McPherson of Lion’s Tower, each for the other
THL Freidrich Flußmüllnerin for Mistress Felicitas Flußmüllnerin
Sir Vladimir Mechnik for Lady Tomassa Isolona
Master Tigernach mac Cathail for Margareta le Sayre
Sir Arnþorr inn sterki for Lady Ceirich na Hinnsi
Sir Marek Viacheldrago for Baroness Sybilla Detwyller
Royce Bentley for Master Juan Miguel Cesar
Master Jussie Laplein for Lady Vika Vyborgskaia
Sir Beatrix Krieger and THL Thorsol Solinauga, each for the other
THL Dominic McMorland for Eleanor McMorland
THL Madison Morai for Lady Stasha Sebastyn
THL Oliver Sutton for Lady Grainne Shionnach
THL Cid Hiyo for Diane Haldie
THL Ardan Scott for Lady Deirdre Scott
Lord Marius Sittius for Lady Alita of Hartstone
Lord Wolfgang Starke for Lady Katerin Starke
Lord Cheng Tai Ren for Dai Li
Lord Ulfkell Dungalson for Lady Aesa
Legaire mac Connall for Aurelie NicTurnear

Sycamore Herald Calls for Voice Heralds for Crown Tourney


Greetings from the Sycamore Herald,

Crown is fast approaching and there will be limited time in between Coronation and Crown Tournament to know who the combatants are.

The Kingdom needs the service of all available voice heralds for Crown Tournament. Heralds help create the magic for the tournament. If you are a voice herald and have the ability to help that day, please contact me so I may have a list of those attending.

If you plan to be a combatant at crown please contact me and let me know if you have a herald, or will be in need of one.

I am going to try to put those in need of heralds in contact with combatants before crown so that they can plan early, rather than the morning of crown.

Thank you in advance,

Maighstir Liam MacantSaoir
Sycamore Herald

Cooking event at War Practice

Edelvrouw Lijsbet de Keukere writes about an event at Aethelmearc War Practice in our canton of Steltonwald in May.

If you are a baker, join us!
If you are a baker, a butcher, a saucier,
A fry-er, A boil-er, a sugar paste sculptor…
If you love to cook, come add fuel to our fire,
For your passion and skills we want you to show us.
Join us!
Join us!
Join us!

Introducing The Scarlet Apron – a new cooking competition to be held at AEthelmearc War Practice (May 19-22, 2016)!

This competition is open to any and all comers who have a penchant for the medieval culinary arts. No matter if you are new to period cooking, or if it is old hat to you, you are welcome at our table!

The theme for our inaugural year is sure to be a feast for the eyes as well as the belly – Illusion Food! Anyone wishing to participate must create an example of such a food from anywhere in SCA-period. This could be an interpretation of a subtlety that has been described in a cooking text, or an original creation that can be considered “period-plausible” based on its design, construction and the materials used to create it.

All contestants should follow these guidelines:

1. The entry should be made and assembled prior to judging – this is not a competition at which contestants must cook their final product on site.

2. The finished product should be constructed from at least 50% edible

3. The use of period construction techniques, including internal shaping structures and edible ingredients is preferred and encouraged.

4. The final product should be registered, signed in, and ready for judging by 11:00 AM on Saturday, May 21. The judging will take place in the Great Hall alongside the A&S competition. [ed.note: There is no A&S competition]
Registration/sign-in will open Saturday at 10:00 AM. The final judging will occur between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, with the winner announced during court that evening.

5. Contestants should provide a brief written overview (one page, maximum) of their entry, including their inspiration (if it was based on a specific subtlety, the original text of its description; if it was based on something else, then those details), a complete list of the materials used, and a description of how they created the structure.

6. Contestants can choose to sit with their entry during the judging period in order to answer questions from the judges and the populace, however it is not required.

7. Plating and presentation are integral to this competition. Each contestant will get no less than half of a six- or eight-foot table, which should be adorned as befits the entry.

Entries have three potential categories to win: Youth (for contestants age 5-12), Populace Choice, and Overall Winner. Cooks of all skill levels are encouraged to enter!

Any questions should be directed to the competition coordinator, Edelvrouw Lijsbet de Keukere (lijsbet(dot)vandelfthout(at)gmail(dot)com, “Keirin Lazauskas-Ralff” on Facebook). We are so excited about this competition, and are looking forward to seeing the beautiful and delicious pieces of art you create!