Upcoming Archery Schedule

Hi all, from Niall!

Martial season is in full swing, and our archers’ ranks continue to grow and improve with each practice! The next few weeks will give all of us a chance to hone our skills, show newcomers the ropes, and even compete in some special events. (Note that all events and practices listed below are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather):

  • May 5: Regular martial practice, Washington Blvd., 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
  • May 12: Regular martial practice, Washington Blvd., 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. This practice will also include the Stellar Tournament to determine the next Defender of the Sky, who will have the opportunity to represent the Debatable Lands in the Scarlet Guard Challenge on June 1st (see below)
  • May 17-18: War Practice, Cooper’s Lake Campground. Current Aethelmearc Archery Champion, BMDL’s own Yakub al-Musafir, will be running the tournament to determine the next kingdom archery champion on Saturday, May 18th. Qualifiers will run from 9:00 am until noon, with the finals beginning at 12:30 pm.
  • May 19: Regular martial practice will be CANCELLED, due to War Practice.
  • May 25: Debatable Lands 50th Birthday, Old Economy Barn. Included in the day’s festivities is a Bearpit Archery tournament, run by our own Skjoldrbjorn, to determine the Baronial Archery Champion! Qualifiers start at 11:30 am, with the finals commencing at 3:30 pm.
  • May 26: Regular martial practice, Washington Blvd., 11:30 am – 2:00 pm.
  • May 31 – June 1: Scarlet Guard Inn IX, Eagle’s Nest, Shire of Hunter’s Home. More archery than you can shake (or throw) a stick at! The afternoon of June 1 is the Scarlet Guard Challenge, where a representative from every Barony, Shire, and Canton in the Kingdom will compete for the honor of being forever immortalized on the Scarlet Guard Banner.
  • June 2: Regular martial practice, Washington Blvd., 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
  • June 8: Equestrian Guild Hall and Japanese Iris Festival, Brady’s Run Park. This event has been designated as a baronial guild workday, so the Debatable Lands Archers’ Guild will be participating. There will also be mounted archery as part of the equestrian activities, so if you are interested, contact Lady Gesa (check the event page at debatablelands.org).
  • June 9: Regular martial practice, Washington Blvd., 11:30 am – 2:00 pm.
  • Iris Festival Arts+Sciences

    In addition to the many classes at Iris Festival this year, space will be set aside in the main pavilion again this year for an Arts and Sciences display. Please bring examples of your work in any art or craft. All are welcome. Projects related to East Asia or Japan are encouraged, of course. If you will be wearing your project that day, photographs and short write-ups would still be a great way to let people know about your work. If you have research to present, please bring copies for people to read.

    This site is covered but outdoors, so make sure to protect your project from errant breezes and possible stray raindrops. There is also a site restriction of “No glass bottles.”

    I had some lovely discussions with last year’s entrants, and they provided great content for my report to the kingdom. There will be no competition and no judging. If you have any questions you’d like to ask a more experienced craftsperson, we can probably find somebody to help out.

    Agincourt Thank Yous

    This is the first event that I have solo autocratted in about twenty years, which was a daunting task to begin with, but with the support and mentorship of Baroness Constance, I was allowed the opportunity to re-learn in a safe environment. Having a good mentor makes all of the difference and I am grateful to you for being that for me.

    Thank you to Their Majesties, Timothy and Gabrielle for attending the event and for Her Majesty for choosing our event to run her Queen’s Rapier Championship.

    Thank you to Master Alaric, who arrived early in the morning specifically to help with set-up. It was nice to know that there were extra hands so we could get things up and running as quickly as possible. Also to Baron Robert, Maighstir Liam, Baroness Constance, and Lady Arthes, who got the hall up and running.

    Much appreciation to Cody, Mason, and Baron Ixac for helping move things around the hall to make space for court

    My deepest thanks for those that helped clean up the hall at the end of the day: Lady Eilionora, Baron Brandubh, Sir Kadan, and Lady Arthes. I am very grateful for your help at the end of a very long day for all of us.

    To Lady Alethea Cowle and Maighstir Liam, you both did an amazing job. The food was plentiful, delicious, and you both ran your kitchens beautifully.

    Lady Arthes did a fantastic job running Troll and taking pre-registration. You made sure that everything ran smoothly so people could get to enjoying their day. Thank you also for making sure that people were able to close out their financial business by the end of the day. Thank you for your conscientiousness.

    Baroness Isabel and Lady Eilionora ran an engaging Artisan’s Playtime that appealed to people of all ages. Thank you for creating a place where people could explore and enjoy A&S activities and, from a couple conversations I heard, sounds like people found some new hobbies.

    Our MIC Lady Vika made sure that Queen’s Rapier Championship ran smoothly and her dear husband, Master Jussie was of great help to her all day. I appreciate you both very much and thank you deeply.

    Our Archery marshal, THL Katheryn, newest member of the Order of the Scarlet Guard, who braved illness to run the range and arrange some fun shoots for everyone to enjoy.

    Baroness Anna created and ran the Taker of Souls tournament for both Heavy and Fencing. People seemed to really enjoy it and we should certainly do that again soon. Hopefully when I can more actively participate as it looked like a lot of fun.

    Countess Sir Ariella ran some great scenarios for the fighters and everyone had a great time. Watching pickups was one of the highlights of my day, just seeing fighters enjoying themselves.

    Thank you to Baron Robert for running such a beautiful Queen’s Rapier Championship. There were 27 entrants and the procession was gorgeous. Another highlight for me, personally. Also, thank you to Don Jorundr for coordinating with Baron Robert and for running the lists. You are very appreciated.

    Thank you to Lady Jasmine (who coordinated with me and found me an MIC) and Lady Ranka (who was the MIC) who made Youth Fighting possible. I thank you both so much for working with me and my lack of familiarity with the site and helping find a way to do Youth Fighting. There was fantastic turnout and I am so glad that we could make that happen.

    An additional thank you to Baroness Arianna and m’lady Andruta for marshaling the Youth Fighting.

    Drottin Skjoldbjorn was our Royalty Liaison and unofficial runner for the day. Thank you for taking care of all of us so very well and making sure that everyone had what they needed. Your helpfulness is very appreciated.

    Thank you to Baroness Arianna for coordinating and running the silent auction to help replenish our Baronial Coffers. A special thank you to everyone that volunteered to donate something and everyone that bid on something.

    Without these folks, the people that helped them in ways large and small, and everyone that attended, this event would not have been as successful as it was and has been. Thank you all. If there is anyone that helped that I missed, that is entirely my oversight. Please remind me so that I may thank you publicly for your efforts.

    Agincourt & QRC

    Agincourt will be held at the Monroeville-Pitcairn Sportsmen’s Club, 505 Mosside Blvd, North Versailles, PA, 15137. The site will open at 9:00 a.m. Saturday 19 October 2019 and close at 9:00 p.m.

    This is the final schedule:

    For more details, visit the event announcement – http://aethelmearc.org/event/agincourt/ – if you did not preregister, please respond to the Facebook Event  if possible (https://www.facebook.com/events/490718301753605/) so we know that you’re coming!

    Agincourt & QRC

    Agincourt will be held at the Monroeville-Pitcairn Sportsmen’s Club, 505 Mosside Blvd, North Versailles, PA, 15137. The site will open at 9:00 a.m. Saturday 19 October 2019 and close at 9:00 p.m.

    Here are your TOP 10 REASONS to attend Agincourt and Queen’s Rapier Championship

    10. A new tournament – Taker of Souls – A ribbon tournament with a buy in of a toy for the children’s toy chest!

    9. The new tournament includes Heavy Weapons, Fencing, and the spectators. Be part of the fun!

    8. Artisan’s Playtime – Bring your projects, bring yourself, and spend a day hanging out with other artisans.

    7. Youth Combat! The future of the Society is a joy to see.

    6. A delicious feast created by Baron Liam, medieval dishes to tantalize and please the tongue.

    5. A fantastic lunch created by Lady Alethea, delicious food prepared with love.

    4. Archery! Lady Katheryn has fun and excitement in store for all archers, come and play!

    3. Baronial Court and Kingdom Court! Come and see your friends and neighbors be recognized for all of the awesome things that they do.

    2. Queen’s Rapier Championship! Come and see the best that the Kingdom has to offer on the Rapier Field. Athletes at the top of their game striving to become QRC is a beautiful thing to watch.

    and number one….Spending a day in the company of many interesting, friendly, talented people on a day that is promising to be perfect autumn weather in attractive environs.

    For more details, including where to send your preregistrations, visit the event announcement – http://aethelmearc.org/event/agincourt/ – don’t forget to preregister or respond to the Facebook Event  (https://www.facebook.com/events/490718301753605/) so we know that you’re coming!

    Here is the tentative schedule:


    KWHSS: Thanks!

    Thank you!         Thank you!         Thank you!

    The Known World Heraldic Symposium for 2018 has closed and by all accounts was a smashing success!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped make this event possible.

    Inspiration for the bid:
    Elsbeth, who always wanted to have KWHSS held in the Debatable Lands … we made your dream come true.

    Event planning:
    Wu, the event steward for the 2017 KWHSS who provided me with valuable information and advice.  Supporting cast:  Emma, Juliana, and all those who sent me advice and made suggestions.

    Event execution:
    Raven, my co-event steward, who helped out wherever needed and made the totes and name tags happen through excellent recruiting!

    Jorundr, he kept up with all my updates and crazy ideas and made them work, and made sure I stayed within the policies.  Supporting cast:  Kameshima.

    Social Media:
    Rachel, who served as my “Facebook Secretary” as I am not on that platform.  Supporting cast:  Elss, who posted to BMDL’s blog and shared the information across Facebook. Thanks also to all those who liked, shared and further distributed the information about the event.

    Kameshima and Antoinette, recruiters of fine teachers from across the Known World.  Supporting cast of teachers:  Alicia, Alys, Antoinette, Arianna, Beatrice, Brunissende, Christoforo, Clydwyn, Corbin, Cormac, Ellesbeth, Elsbeth, Emma, Gisela, Herveus, Ishiyama, Jeanne Marie, Jehanette, Jehannette, Jon, Jorundr, Juliana, Kieran, Kryss, Lada, Lillia, Lyonet, Madoc, Malcolm, Marie, Mariette, Meadhbh, Melissa, Nataliia, Nicolaa, Paul, Rachel, Richenda, Robert, Scaith, Seraphina, Shirin, Solveig, Thyra, Ursula, Vivienne, Wu, and Yehudah.

    Hara, information wrangler, who always made sure I had the information I needed when I asked “so, how many pre-regs do we have?”

    Class Scheduling:
    Bronwyn, tetris master supreme who worked wonders in setting up our class schedule given all the constraints (and for handling last minute changes at the event).

    Robert, who organized a fleet of shuttles to get our attendees from the airport, to and from the Friday reception, and back to the airport again. Supporting cast:  Muirgheal, Elsbeth, Alaric, Elss, Hilda, Ceindrech, Gwen, Alison.

    Byron and Ariella for opening their home to the heralds and scribes of the Known World.  The reception was a hit! Odriana for organizing the tasty food enjoyed by many.  Supporting cast: Alastar, Ceindrech, Kieran, Alethea, and Elss.

    Ceindrech for putting together a fantastic event booklet.  Supporting cast:  Gesa, Hilda.

    Odriana for providing tasty snacks on Saturday and Sunday.  Supporting cast:  Kieran, Alethea, and Alastar.

    Hara for organizing a crew to greet our guests and balancing the troll sheets before the event ended!  Supporting cast:  Ceindrech, Crystal, Rivka, Muirgheal, Arthes, and Alister.

    Name Tags:
    Edana for doing the design and production of the name tags prior to the event.  They looked fabulous! Rivka for doing the production at the event. Alaric, Elsbeth, and Hara for loaning their laptops for on-site name tag production.

    Myfanwy, who made a quest so challenging that only one gentle was brave enough to turn in their answers.  Did you get a chance to see all the artwork?  It was fabulous!

    Rachel for organizing and creating cool bookmarks!  Supporting cast: Ts’vee’a, Melodia, Ceindrech, Sturrim, and Graidnhe. Plus Alaric, Ceindrech, Dmitrii, Elsbeth, Graidnke, Mariette, Rachel, Rivka, and Ts’vee’a for contributing to the library.

    Elsbeth, who fielded questions from visiting royalty and heralds alike!

    Drauma-Ellisif, who is collecting proceedings for publication.  Hint, hint, it is still not too late to submit your contributions!

    Ceindrech and Ts’vee’a, who helped arrange for the great set of merchants at the event and made sure they had the space to set up for business!

    Audio / Visual:
    Jorundr, Irene, Alastar, and Ts’vee’a for organizing, labeling, and getting the projectors to their locations. Robert, Jorundr, and Yehuda for making their projectors available for use.

    Scribal Playtime:
    Shirin and Antoinette for providing cool banners to paint!  Looking forward to seeing them at a future event!

    Commemorative Totes:
    Raven, who came up with design and arranged for their production. Supporting cast:  Alicia.

    Their Excellencies of the Debatable Lands, Brandubh and Hilderun, and Her Majesty of Atenvedlt, Ian’ka.

    The Debatable Choir and i Genesii.  Come and see them at Pennsic on Monday evening of War Week!

    Field Trip:
    Mary Kay, Senior Librarian at the Hunt Library, for putting together a fine collection of books and manuscripts for us to view and learn about.

    The staff at the Pittsburgh Marriott North for welcoming us and helping to make our event a success.

    If I missed anyone it is because of my forgetfulness.  All your contributions were noticed, no matter how big or small.  This event happened because of all of you! And finally, thank you to all who traveled from lands near and far to attend.  We hope you enjoyed your visit to Aethelmearc and we look forward to seeing many of you in Calontir next year and Lochac in two years.

    Humbly Yours,
    Alaric & Raven
    Event Stewards, KWHSS 2018

    KWHSS: Four Days Away!

    Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!
    Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is 4 days away!
    We’ve finalized the overall schedule.  Check it out!  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/schedule.php
    See some updated information on the Name Tags and Field Trip in our FAQ:   http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/faq.php
    Transportation:  If you’re flying to / from the Pittsburgh Airport or going to the Reception and would like us to help with transportation, please let us know!  We’re in the process of making our arrangements and would like to know sooner, rather than later.  Thank you! http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/transportation.php
    We’ve updated our local activities page with additional information!  More to see and do!  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/local.php
    Scrolls!  Bring your scrolls to display and share!  See our other activities page!  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/local.php
    Safe travels everyone, and see you soon!
    Baron Alaric and THLady Raven
    Event Stewards

    KWHSS: Merchants and Banners and Lunch … Oh, My!

    Oyez, Oyez!
    Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is 1 week away!
    Merchants!  We have Merchants!  Check out our merchant page for a listing:  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/merchants.php
    Banners!  Help us decorate the main hall!  Bring your banners!  See our other activities page and look for “Banners”: http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/activities.php
    Lunch!  The lunch menu is posted.  Please see our “Other Activities Page” and look for “Saturday Lunch Break”.  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/activities.php
    Our schedule page has been updated with a site map and list of what activities are where.  Check it out!  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/schedule.php
    Totes!  The deadline for pre-ordering has been extended.  See our web page for instructions on how to pre-order!   http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/tote.php
    An announcement from one of the merchants coming to KWHSS:
    Scribes! Are you attending KWHSS?
    • Did you know that John Neal Books will have an onsite store?
    • Did you know you can preorder supplies to be brought to you?
    • Did you know that all you have to do is follow the link below and put that item in your cart to get free delivery and 5% off the order?
    • Did you know that every preorder comes with a gift and will enter you to win a fabulous prize?
    • Did you know you need to place your order before Wednesday, June 6th?
      You didn’t know? Well, now you do! See you all there!
    In Service,
    Baron Alaric
    THLady Raven
    Event Stewards

    KWHSS: Class Schedule Available

    Oyez, Oyez!

    10 Days and Counting!

    Get your classes here.  Lots of classes. Scheduled classes!  You want scribal classes? We got ‘em.  You want heraldic classes? We got them too!  Time to start planning what classes you’ll attend.  Check out our classes page. http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/classlist.php

    Final reminder:  the deadline for the discounted event registration is May 31, 2018.  Send your reservations to THLady Hara.  The information can be found on the main event page:  http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/index.php

    Transportation:  Are you flying in to the Pittsburgh International Airport and would like us to help coordinate transportation?  If so, please see our transportation page: http://debatablelands.org/KWHS/transportation.php

    You can also sign up for transportation to / from the Friday night reception from there as well.  Parking is limited so we encourage you to take advantage of the provided transportation.

    Please forward and spread the word!

    In Service,
    Baron Alaric and THLady Raven
    Event Stewards