Baronial Happenings at Pennsic, and More!

Hello Debatable Lands! Here’s a list of Baronial happenings at Pennsic that you may be interested in attending!

Saturday, August 6th, 5:15 pm muster at AE Royal (updated!). Opening Ceremonies is at 6pm in the Great Hall (new Barn). Come support the Kingdom and Barony! Bring your towel!

Sunday, August 7th, 5-8 pm. Debatable Lands Baronial Party and Court. Potluck, bring some food thing and your towel! Kingdom and Baronial Court is round about 7pm. More info HERE.

Sunday, August 7th, 8:30pm, Memorial for Countess Aiden, AE Royal

Sunday, August 7th, from 9am to 5pm. Gate Guards needed! The BMDL is responsible for providing gate guards all day for AE Royal. It’s a lot of fun, please sign up with Baroness Hilda. (We only have one volunteer so far… help? Email

Sunday Vigils: Vigil for Clewin Kupferhelbelinc for Defense Sunday, August 7th, during the day (evening?) Vigil for Irene von Schmetterling starts at 8:30 pm Sunday in the Debatable Lands Camp, N10.

Monday, August 8th, 7:30 pm, Debatable Choir Concert in the Performing Arts Pavilion

Monday, August 8th, 9 pm, I Genesii Performance in the Performing Arts Pavilion

Tuesday, August 9th, 6pm, Aethelmearc Kingdom Court, Great Hall (new Barn). Baronial retainers, guards, and champs to muster tentatively at AE Royal around 5:30? Exact details forthcoming, but I think that’s close to right.

Thursday, August 11th. The BMDL has been asked to provide retainers and guards for Their Majesties. Please contact Alaric or Elss to sign up. or

Friday, August 12th, morning, AE Royal tear down. We are asking Debatable Landers with free time then in particular to help with this. Royal often has enough hands for set up, but not tear down.

Friday, Field Battles! Battlefield. 10am Heavy, 1pm Rapier Bring your towels!

Baronial retainers will be needed for a lot of these things. If you can help us out, please contact our Head Retainer, Lady Rivka, at


And here’s a list of some Kingdom Happenings:

Sunday, July 31st, 10am-4pm, AE Royal Set up

Saturday, August 6th, 7pm-9pm, AEthelmearc Teen and Tween Party at AE Royal

Monday, August 8th, 6-8pm, Children and Families Party, AE Royal

Monday, August 8th, 8-11pm, Aethelmearc Party, AE Royal

Tuesday, August 9th, 6pm, Aethelmearc Kingdom Court, Great Hall (new Barn)

Their Highnesses also require retaining help, and you can sign up with Baroness Rowena at

SASS, the Sylvan Army Support Service, can use help watering and electrolyting our heavy and rapier armies. To sign up, and for more details, contact Baroness Soteria here:


Other Awesome Things we’d love to see Baronial folks at:

Saturday, August 6th, 10am-5pm, St Sebastian Archery Shoot

Sunday, August 7th, 1pm, AS 17, Newcomers Social

Sun-Fri, War week, Populace Archery shoot

Mon-Wed, War week. Volunteer War Point. Log your hours!!!

Thursday, August 11th, 9am to 3pm, A&S War Point. Great Hall

Details of the A&S, Volunteer, and all the Martial War Points can be found here:

CLASSES! Go to them! Share what you’ve learned after Pennsic.

Class schedules, as well as the overall schedule, and schedules for the war points, performing arts, artisans row, and more, can be found here:

Whew! Can’t wait to see you there!

In Levitate et Caritate,
Baroness Hilda

Letter from the Seneschal


It’s Pennsic time again and for those of us that are going, it’s a time of high activity – sewing, making things, planning parties, scheduling Pennsic class schedules, and looking forward to seeing friends that we see only once a year. For those of you who are not able to attend, know that we will miss you terribly and look forward to when we can share Pennsic with you.

Since my last letter, we have welcomed some new officers to the Barony; Baroness Anna Eisenkopf is our new Mistress of the Lists, Lady Elizabeth Parker is taking on the role of Chatelaine, and THL Elss of Augsburg is our new A&S Minister. To ​Baroness Elizabeth Arrowsmith​, Lady Edana the Red, and Master Meszaros Janos our outgoing officers; we thank you all for your service to our Barony. Vivat!

It was nice to see so many people join us for our Barony Meeting this past Sunday – there was nearly nothing left at the garb swap, the SASS auction raised $200, and folks who are new to Pennsic had the opportunity to learn more about what they were about to experience. Many thanks to Maighstir Liam and Baroness Constance for coordinating the garb swap, to Baroness Aemelia Soteria for holding the SASS auction, and to Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill for holding the Pennsic Newcomer’s Q&A session. Your contributions are very much appreciated.

Also since my last letter, the Barony has seen the creation of a new Guild and will be offering Equestrian activities within the Barony. The Pewterer’s Guild is lead by Lady Edana the Red and is available on a by-appointment basis on Saturday evenings. Contact Lady Edana the Red via email at to arrange a time. Equestrian practices are being lead by Lady Gesa Wallenstein and the schedule for those practices, along with Gesa’s contact informaiton, will be made available after Pennsic.

At Pennsic we will be holding our annual Baronial Dinner in Aethelmearc Royal Encampment on 7 August from 5p to 8p. There will be Baronial Court with some rumored Very Special Guests. Maighstir Liam is coordinating food for the light dinner. The Barony (through Liam) will be providing two protein entrees, plus water and lemonade. He is asking people to bring side dishes, desserts, and “other” beverages (the SCA doesn’t serve alcohol, but *you* can!) If you can contribute, please let Maighstir Liam know by adding your name and donation to the list.

On a more somber note, for those who knew and loved her, there will be a memorial for Countess Aidan just after the Baronial Dinner, starting at 8:30 in AEthelmearc Royal.

I wish everyone luck with finishing your Pennsic projects in time for Pennsic and, again, for those of you who are unable to go, we will be thinking of you and missing your presence.

With warmest regards,

​Odriana​, Seneschal

July Barony Meeting


​​​Come and join us at our Barony meeting and stay afterwards to participate in the Garb Swap, the SASS Auction, or attend a Q&A for new Pennsic attendees. Or bring a project and come spend some time with us in the sun. There will be a little bit for everyone and we can’t wait to see you there!

Baroness Hilderun and Baron Brandubh are bringing Excellent Towels to give out! THE YEAR OF THE TOWEL! (Also, if you got a faded one at May Barony meeting, if you want, bring it to trade in for a better printed one)

Here are the details on our post-meeting activities:

Pre-Pennsic Clothing Swap hosted by Baron Liam and Baroness Constance
If you have any garb/fabric/accessories that you no longer wear, have room for, etc. Please bring it to the meeting. As soon as the meeting is finished new folks get first pick, and then it’s open to everyone. This is an amazing way to pass on garb or exchange garb right before Pennsic. If you have things to donate but are unable to attend the meeting, please message Baroness Constance and she and Baron Liam will find a way to pick it up for you. Garb, shoes, fabric, trim, feast gear, jewelry, all are welcome! Let all help make the barony well clothed and happy!

Pennsic Primer with Lord Robert
First time going to Pennsic? Have some burning questions? Veteran Pennsic participant Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill will be conducting a Q&A session for new Pennsic goers right after announcements.

SASS Auction hosted by Baroness Aemilia Soteria
There will be auction items that will be available for auction with all proceeds benefitting SASS (Sylvan Army Support Services). Every Pennsic SASS provides watermelon, olives, pickles and water during the field battles to Aethelmearc and her allies. They serve both the Heavy Weapons and Fencing communities. There will be a minimum bid of $5 with every penny going to SASS. Donations will also be accepted.​

July Scriptorium: Attavanti Made Easy

Scriptorium is the monthly gathering of calligraphers, illuminators, wordsmiths, and anyone interested in taking up and learning more about these creative arts. We welcome all skill levels, from the most accomplished Laurels to those that have never picked up a pen or a brush. Become part of creating the atmosphere and visual splendor of the SCA!

This month, join us on Wednesday, July 20th, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Kameshima and Isabel’s house in the North Hills. (Our address is listed in the Dark Pages, or you can contact us at scriptorium at debatablelands dot org for more information.) Our topic for July will be “Attavanti Made Easy” taught by THL Rachel Delicieux.

Easy shading and design tricks to get those perfect “mirror image” acanthus leaves and jewels to POP off the page. If you can free-hand a few acanthus leaves, draw a circle and can make a thin line with a brush, you already have all the skills you need. Please bring your own paints and brushes, as well as a fine lead mechanical pencil. By the end of the class everyone will be well on their way to producing a scroll blank in the style of the panels found in the artwork of Attavante degli Attavanti, with the knowledge needed to finish said blank on their own.

Please be aware, our house contains a cat, a dog, and an infant: medicate or otherwise prepare yourself as necessary.