Call for Letters – Become the next BMDL Minister of Arts and Sciences!

Greetings to all whom these letters reach!
I have had the honor of serving as the BMDL Minister of Arts and Sciences for the past 2 years. During that time, I’ve witnessed countless acts of creation and teaching as the artisans of our barony have found new and countless ways to share their arts and love of learning.
The time has come for an official call for letters for the next gentle that would like to take up this mantle! My term ends on February 3, 2021 and I will not be seeking an additional term due to mundane circumstances.
What the job entails:
The baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences is the point person to connect those who are curious with those who can teach, to promote A&S activities within the barony, and to act as an enabler for those participants that wish to explore arts and sciences within the SCA. This position reports to the BMDL Seneschal and to the Kingdom A&S Officer. You must be a paid member of the SCA to hold this position.
Administratively, the Minister of Arts and Sciences:
Must submit quarterly reports to the Kingdom A&S Officer via web portal.
Monitors the BMDL A&S sub-page on the website for potential updates.
Attends the BMDL Officers’ meetings and acts as a voting officer.
Utilizes the BMDL Blog A&S Minister profile to promote A&S activities and opportunities.
Recruits and trains a deputy A&S minister.
I am available to answer any questions you may have about the position. All letters should be submitted to me at ansminister at and to the seneschal at seneschal at no later than February 1, 2021 for consideration at the February 3rd Officers’ Meeting.
In service,
Baroness Isabel Fleuretan

Sunday Dec 6th 2pm – Fabric and Fiber Show and Tell

On Sunday Dec 6th, there is an online fabric & fiber Show & Tell. (Sew & Tell?) This is an opportunity to show something you made or are making and talk a little bit about it. It can be a current, a recent, or an older project. Join the fun and show something you sewed, or braided, or knitted, or embroidered, or naal bound, or dyed, or spun, or… well you get the idea. It will be held in the kingdom zoom room. Sunday is the day before Pearl Harbor day, and the theme of the show and tell is a day that will live in industry. For more information or if you need the zoom information contact

Dec 6th 2pm – Sewing circle fabric and fiber Show and Tell

It has been quite a year. December sewing circle is a Show and Tell. It will be held Dec 6th, at 2pm in a kingdom zoom room. So for the day before Pearl Harbor Day, the theme is “A day that will live in Industry”. If you have made something with fabric or fiber please come show it off and talk a little about your project. This can be a recent project or an older one. It is a chance for others to see what you made. If your project has pearls, I think that is extra credit. For information about the zoom session contact sewing at debatablelands dot org.

Tomorrow is the last Archery Practice of the season!

Greetings Archers of BMDL!

Sorry for the late notice, but tomorrow from 11am – 3pm will be the FINAL practice for BMDL archery before we break for the winter season. Join us as we hone our skills, have some end of the year food and drink, and enjoy one last practice together in 2020.

Thank you again to Kieran and Odriana for inviting us to use their land as our archery range while use of public spaces is discouraged. We couldn’t have had any of these practices without you. Vivat!

The address of the site is 3000 Harts Run Road, Allison Park, PA 15101. To get there from the city, head north on Route 8 and make a right on Harts Run Road, then after 1 mile their house is on the right side. The driveway for the site is a small bridge. Look for the SCA sign!

Parking will be in the empty lot of Virgin Flooring (2984 Harts Run Rd on Google maps). Anyone who needs to may drive directly up to the site to drop off people or equipment before heading to the parking lot.

We want to do this as safely as possible, so the following safety and social-distancing guidelines will be put in place:

– Masks must be properly worn at all times (covering both nose AND mouth).
– No sharing equipment. This includes bows, arrows, gloves, armguards, etc.
– The loaner gear will NOT be available.
– Only the marshals can handle another person’s bow, arrows, or equipment, and only for inspections.
– Maintain 6 ft. of separation when shooting on the line and when waiting in line to shoot. The ground will be appropriately marked with cones.
– When retrieving arrows, only one person per target may retrieve their arrows at the same time.
– Only one person at a time can be under the canopy at the water cooler and hand washing station.
– Marshals will be monitoring the practice and reminding people to adhere to these guidelines.
– This is a practice for archers only. Please do not come just to socialize.

These rules will be reviewed with everyone prior to the beginning of practice. In addition to these guidelines, I will do my best to ensure there is hand sanitizer, hand wipes, a hand washing station, etc. available for staying clean. Being considerate of the health and safety of our populace is greatly appreciated!

If anyone has additional questions or concerns regarding the practice please reach out to me at

Stay safe out there!

Yours in service,
Rónán Ó Conaill
BMDL Captain of Archers

Sunday’s Post-Halloween Archery Practice: Now with Garb!

Hello Debatable Lands!

This Sunday from 11am – 3pm will be the BMDL Post-Halloween Archery Practice! In addition to our usual 20, 30, and 40 yard targets, there will be a special novelty range with pumpkins, spiders and all sorts of fun Halloween targets. Come test your skill and win some candy and prizes in the process!

UPDATE: In the spirit of dressing up for Halloween, everyone who attends is encouraged to wear garb if you’ve got it!

And if you’ve got pumpkins of your own that you’d like to take a shot at, bring them along too!

REMINDER: Please only come to the practice if you’re there to participate in archery. We don’t want to overcrowd the site. (Remember your social distancing.)

The address of the site is 3000 Harts Run Road, Allison Park, PA 15101. To get there from the city, head north on Route 8 and make a right on Harts Run Road, then after 1 mile their house is on the right side. The driveway for the site is a small bridge. Look for the SCA sign!

Parking will be in the empty lot of Virgin Flooring (2984 Harts Run Rd on Google maps). Anyone who needs to may drive directly up to the site to drop off people or equipment before heading to the parking lot.

We want to do this as safely as possible, so the following safety and social-distancing guidelines will be put in place:

– Masks must be properly worn at all times (covering both nose AND mouth).
– No sharing equipment. This includes bows, arrows, gloves, armguards, etc.
– The loaner gear will NOT be available.
– Only the marshals can handle another person’s bow, arrows, or equipment, and only for inspections.
– Maintain 6 ft. of separation when shooting on the line and when waiting in line to shoot. The ground will be appropriately marked with cones.
– When retrieving arrows, only one person per target may retrieve their arrows at the same time.
– Only one person at a time can be under the canopy at the water cooler and hand washing station.
– Marshals will be monitoring the practice and reminding people to adhere to these guidelines.
– This is a practice for archers only. Please do not come just to socialize.

These rules will be reviewed with everyone prior to the beginning of practice. In addition to these guidelines, I will do my best to ensure there is hand sanitizer, hand wipes, a hand washing station, etc. available for staying clean. Being considerate of the health and safety of our populace is greatly appreciated!

If anyone has additional questions or concerns regarding the practice please reach out to me at

Stay safe out there!

Yours in service,
Rónán Ó Conaill
BMDL Captain of Archers

Online Sewing Thurs. Nov 5th 7:30

The next online sewing will be tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th from 7:30 to 10:00. This is not just a sewing circle, it is a general fiber make, fix, plan, and hang-out time. In December, sewing circle will be show and tell. You are welcome to bring one or many things you made and show them. Talk about the project, why you made it, what worked and what didn’t work. Please contact sewing at debatablelands dot org for the zoom information, other questions, or if you want to teach a class.