Greetings, I would like to thank Master Kieran MacRae and THLord Guillaume le Noir, who have agreed to run Heavy Fight Practice this week. Weather permitting, we will have fight practice, at the Washington Blvd site, starting at 2:00 PM on Sunday August 1. As of July 1, if you are fully vaccinated you are no longer required to wear a mask. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated, including children aged 2 to 11, still must wear masks.
There will be loaner armor.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Have a good time. Robert
Month: July 2021
Fencing Practice Sunday August 1 at 1PM
Greetings Debatable Lands,
This Sunday August 1 there will be practice at Washington Blvd starting at 1PM.
Limited loaner gear is available. If you need loaner gear contact me at fencingmarshal (AT) debatablelands (DOT) org.
Mistress Irene continues her Introduction to Italian Rapier class this week to start at 2PM.
Masks will not be required for fully vaccinated individuals (2 weeks after the final dose of the vaccine). Masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
See you at practice, jorundr
Arts & Sciences in the Park
Your A&S Minister has no organized activity lined up, but if people want to spend some time in the open air working on their own personal projects, I will probably be at the Washington Boulevard practice site some time before noon until some time in the afternoon.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Fencing Practice Returns to 1PM Start July 25
Greetings Debatable Lands,
This Sunday July 25 there will be practice at Washington Blvd starting at 1PM. Note that we are returning to our usual summer start time.
Limited loaner gear is available, please contact me by email at fencingmarshal AT debatablelands DOT org before 11 AM Sunday July 25.
Masks will not be required for fully vaccinated individuals (2 weeks after the final dose of the vaccine). Masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
See you at practice, jorundr
Fight Practice July 25
Greetings, Weather permitting, we will have fight practice, at the Washington Blvd site, starting at 2:00 PM on Sunday July 25. As of July 1, if you are fully vaccinated you are no longer required to wear a mask. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated, including children aged 2 to 11, still must wear masks.
There will be loaner armor.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
I hope to see you there. Robert
The Merry Wives of Windsor – Tonight!
Greetings All!
It’s Shakespeare Movie Night! On Friday, July 23rd we’ll show The Merry Wives of Windsor (BBC Production) starting at 8:15pm, followed by a chat after the movie. We’re offering in person gatherings, some outdoors, weather permitting.
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. This performance features the BBC Production. We hope to see you there! Watch from the comfort of your living room via the AEther or join us at Alaric & Elsbeth’s. Thou are the Mars of malcontents.
Here is the link to the schedule for the movie nights scheduled through August (including the Zoom link):
Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information (or see the linked document). He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away.
If you plan to join us in person, you must be fully vaccinated (2 weeks past your last shot) per request of the homeowners. In person attendees must notify me in advance (email: alaric (at) pobox (dot) com, or Alaric #9264 on Discord) that you plan to attend (don’t show up at the door). I’ll provide the address when you request to attend in person. In person requests must be made no later than 5pm on Friday, July 23rd.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Hope to see some of you there!
Alaric & Elsbeth
New Defender of the Sun – Stellar Tourney Winner!
Announcing your new Stellar Tournament Defender of the Sun…
Sir Graedwyn! VIVAT!
Thanks to THL Boden for donating an amazing prize! The Eastern European maul you see in the picture below. Thanks, too, to our MOLs Lady Vika and Jessica, our marshal Sir Koredono, our Herald Baron Brandubh, our steering committee Master Kieran & THL Guillaume, and all the participants!
Come one and all to the next Stellar Tournaments ! (more details to follow)
Moon List (Rapier) – August 8th – afternoon
Sun List (Rattan) – August 15th – afternoon
Sky List (Archery) – August 15th – midday – Inaugural shoot!

Fencing Practice Sunday July 18 2PM
Greetings Debatable Lands,
My apologies for the late post, I forgot to send this earlier. This Sunday July 18 there will be practice at Washington Blvd starting at 2PM.
Limited loaner gear is available.
Mistress Irene cannot attend practice today so there will be no Introduction to Italian Rapier class this week.
Masks will not be required for fully vaccinated individuals (2 weeks after the final dose of the vaccine). Masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
See you at practice, jorundr
Fight Practice July 18
Greetings, Weather permitting, we will have fight practice, at the Washington Blvd site, starting at 2:00 PM on Sunday July 18. As of July 1, if you are fully vaccinated you are no longer required to wear a mask. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated, including children aged 2 to 11, still must wear masks.
Due to inclement weather, people packed up very quickly last week. As a result, a number of things were found on the field after fight practice had ended, including a plastic glass with a Penguin’s logo. I plan to bring the items, so if you left anything last week, please let me know.
There will be loaner armor.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
I hope to see you there. Robert
Let’s Make Target Stands
Once more the passage of time (time flies like an arrow, they say) has wrought its depredations on our Barony’s archery target stands. Two years ago, the Debatable Lands A&S community and the Woodworking Guild banded together to make new target stands, and we are planning to do so once again this Sunday, July 18th!

Come learn or practice some basic woodworking skills while providing service to the Barony and its Archers! Join us at the Washington Boulevard site from 11am to 2pm, the same time as Archery Practice. Please wear close-toed shoes, and bring your protective gear like gloves, eye protection, and mask.
Captain of Archers Ronan is providing materials, Master Alaric is providing a good set of instructions, and I’ll be bringing tools. Feel free to bring your own tools if you have them.
See you Sunday!
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.