Letter from the Outgoing Seneschal

Unto the good populace of the Barony, greetings from Master Alaric!

By the time you read this missive my term as Seneschal will have ended and the Barony will be in the capable hands of my successor, Mistress Odriana. It has been a pleasure to represent you as your Seneschal over the past few years. You are the best Barony in the Known World!

I have had the opportunity to learn more about the SCA and to stretch my boundaries. While I can’t list everyone’s name, I would like to especially thank Baroness Alex, THLady Muirgheal, Mistress Cori, and Duke Christopher who served as the regional and kingdom seneschals during my term. Your guidance and sounding boards were much appreciated and valued. To my predecessor, Mistress Hilderun, who set a great example for me to follow. To Baron Liam, Baroness Constance, and all the Officers … thank you for your service and gentle reminders to me when I missed something needed to be done.

And finally my thanks to the populace of the Barony, Canton and College. You guys are great! I am sure you will give my successor the same support that you have given me.

In Service,

February Officer Meeting

The February Officer’s Meeting is Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 at 8pm in Porter A18A on the CMU Campus. If you are unable to make it please send a proxy either to me or one of the other Officers who are attending.

The meeting was delayed from its customary day of the first Wednesday until after the investiture of our new Baron and Baroness.

At this meeting, we will be selecting a new Seneschal. Members of the populace are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Here’s a map link:

Post from the Seneschal

The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she?

The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she? The Seneschale is in charge – or is she?