ISO: Groups, Guilds, Meetings, and Practices

Hello everyone!

Coming to you live and in technicolor, it’s your chatelaine Svava! I’m actually in a bit of a pickle and looking for assistance from everyone.

As you know, part of my role is helping folks new to the SCA and new to the area find their niche in our game. From rapier to scribal to cooking and forestry, we have so many wonderful groups and guilds in our barony. I love seeing the various ways people play in the SCA and the different interests one could explore! I’d love to help people find new parts of the SCA they can fall in love with.


Finding the information about these groups and their meetings is rough, even for me. If you run any official SCA activity in the barony could you please take a moment to check if it’s listed correctly on the baronial calendar and under the What We Do header on the website? This would help me guide folks curious about your area of interest to you AND show what a vibrant and active community we have in the barony.

If you find your meeting or practice information is incorrect or missing, please reach out to the Web Minister at

Thank You Kindly,

Save the Date: July 10th – Barony Meeting with Garb & Gear Swap! And Martial Practices (NEW location)

Salve accolens! Hello Debatable Lands!

Save the date! Sunday, July 10th will be an in-person Barony Meeting, held in conjunction with our normal martial practices.

Since parking is an issue at the normal site, the July 10th practices and Barony Social Meeting will not be held at our normal site near the zoo. Instead, Jasmine is opening her fields to us. Address is 14 Quail Run Ln, Allison Park 15101.

Also, Baroness Constance is holding the annual Garb and Gear Giveaway/Exchange! Please go through your old garb, camping gear, sewing supplies, sca bits and bobs, etc, and bring them to the July meeting. If you have things to donate but can’t make it, she can arrange to pick them up. Thank you, everyone!!

This is an SCA function, so Covid precautions apply.

More info closer to the day. See you there!

In Levitate et Caritate

~Baroness Hilda

Woodworking Planning Meeting TONIGHT

The last Woodworking Guild planning meeting of 2019 is scheduled for TONIGHT, December 19th at 7pm in the Boulevard of the Allies Panera location. These meetings haven’t been as well attended as the workshop days, so they may be discontinued next year. Please attend and help us make plans for workshops and activities for the first part of 2020.

Woodworking Planning Meeting This Thursday

The last Woodworking Guild planning meeting of 2019 is scheduled for Thursday, December 19th at 7pm in the Boulevard of the Allies Panera location. These meetings haven’t been as popular as the workshop days, so they may be discontinued next year. Please attend and help us make plans for workshops and activities for the first part of 2020.

Woodworking Guild Planning Tonight

The Woodworking Guild will be meeting as scheduled at the Panera in Oakland (3401 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15213) at 7pm to discuss our plans for the next workshop day (scheduled for December 8th), the results of recent joinery and sharpening workshops, and plans for the future.

Please join us!

Woodworking in November

Last month, we discussed tools and woodworking at our Thursday meeting. Then, at our shop day, we practiced cutting dovetail joints by hand.

Our next shop day is Sunday, November 17th, from 10am to 2pm in Ishiyama’s shop. This shop day will be our long-awaited sharpening workshop. Learn to sharpen your chisels and knives by hand with a stone for better results on whatever materials you work. We’ll discuss jigs, papers, grinders, polishers, and strops; and do some “before and after” tests.

Our next planning meeting is on Thursday, November 21st, from 7pm to 9pm at the Oakland Panera. We’ll make some plans for our December shop day, as well as discuss what tools are on our “want” lists for the holidays. Coal is just a one element away from being high carbon steel!

Woodworking Guild planning meeting tomorrow

Please join us tomorrow (Thursday, August 22nd) at 7pm at the Panera in Oakland (the one on the Boulevard of the Allies, the one that used to be a Howard Johnson’s) to help plan out meetings, projects, and workshop days for the autumn. Did you learn to make something cool at Pennsic? What would you love to learn to make now that Pennsic is over and you’ve seen ten thousand other peoples’ cool stuff? I hate to bring it up so early, when it isn’t even Labor Day yet, but this is the best time to start planning out what your winter holiday presents are going to be. Sit down with us, have some tea and a pastry, and talk it out. Bring your planners and calendars!

Woodworking Guild Planning Meeting, Thurs. May 23rd

The Woodworking Guild’s next planning meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, May 23rd from 7pm to 9pm at the Panera in Oakland. Agenda items include:

  • Determining the time and place for the next planning meeting.
  • Reviewing progress on the banner stand project and planning future work.
  • Determining the location of the June 2nd workshop day.
  • Determining the date of the next workshop day.
  • Show and/or tell of recent member projects and activities.
State of the banner stand cross-pieces

A and S – Crayon Bundles for Kids – Oct 7

Weather permitting, but the forecast looks favorable!

This week we will make simple no-sew crayon rolls for children or the otherwise artfully inclined for the Baron and Baroness to gift to the Royalty. I will bring all the materials needed.

Date: Sunday, October 7th
Time: 1 PM.
Location: Washington Boulevard martial practice site
Address: Allegheny River Blvd and Washington Blvd.

NOTE: Even though the parking lot is full of huge white trailers, there is still quite a lot of space to park. There is also a parking lot up Washington Blvd where the cyclists park, and a path down to our site.

Standard disclaimers here:
We are accessible to our less mobile friends, have free parking, and are a pet-friendly site. Yay!

Bring everything you need for your comfort including a chair, a beverage or snack, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, cabana boy, musical instruments, *wellies*, etc., etc., etc. Also, the site has a porta-john and no running water so make appropriate preparation.

If you need assistance or have questions, please call or text me at 724-759-3333.

Thank you for asking! These meetings are free and there is no materials charge, as we are generously supported by the Barony and the teachers themselves.


A and S Cancelled Sunday 9/30

Sorry for the late notice, but due to a schedule conflict, there will be no A&S this weekend.

I look forward to seeing folks next weekend at Washington Blvd.

In Service —


PS — if you have a subject or topic you would like to learn about, please email me at ansminister at and I *will* find someone to teach us!