Last month, we discussed tools and woodworking at our Thursday meeting. Then, at our shop day, we practiced cutting dovetail joints by hand.
Our next shop day is Sunday, November 17th, from 10am to 2pm in Ishiyama’s shop. This shop day will be our long-awaited sharpening workshop. Learn to sharpen your chisels and knives by hand with a stone for better results on whatever materials you work. We’ll discuss jigs, papers, grinders, polishers, and strops; and do some “before and after” tests.
Our next planning meeting is on Thursday, November 21st, from 7pm to 9pm at the Oakland Panera. We’ll make some plans for our December shop day, as well as discuss what tools are on our “want” lists for the holidays. Coal is just a one element away from being high carbon steel!