12th Night A&S Championship

As is traditional, we had the Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship at the Debatable Lands 12th Night event yesterday. We had 8 excellent entries, and I do not envy them having to choose their champion from among the entrants.

In the end (and after some argument), Michiharu’s Kimchi of Various Styles was chosen by the Baronage as their favorite entry, and Oyama-dono was named as their new Arts and Sciences Champion!

Practice this week at Ace!

We are holding practice this Sunday, 1/19, at Ace. In error we had said practice would be canceled if favor of the region 2 muster, but we had some wires crossed. This week is Borderwatch monthly Pots & Shots. The muster is at the same site, but on February 2nd.

So, normal practice this week. Muster in 2 weeks.

Sorry for any confusion.


BMDL Fencing Practice Feedback Survey Closing Next Friday, 1/24

Hi fencers! The BMDL Fencing Practice Feedback survey will close next Friday, January 24th. If you are a fencer in the barony, or a frequent visitor, please complete it. We will have a brief meeting at practice on January 26th to discuss the survey results and plans for fencing practices going forward.

Form response link: https://forms.gle/eCx845sW55nCKemv5