New Defender of the Sky – Lord Ronan!

Congratulations to Lord Ronan O Connaill, the new Vindex Coelorum, Defender of the Sky, in the Archery list of our Stellar Tournaments!

Ronan proved victorious out of about a dozen awesome archers in 3+ rounds of gnome-y fun, at a shoot designed and kindly run by Lord Godzimir (formerly Lord Godfrey). The final round came down to a tie between Lord Ronan and Lord Niall, to defeat the gnome king. Lord Ronan emerged victorious.

Congrats to Ronan, and thanks to Gozimir, Elle, the Archery Guild, our marshals, and all the archers! VIVANT!

And quick reminder – the first Baronial archery championship in three years will be on Sunday, July 17th at practice.

Heavy Champs will also be July 17th. Thrown weapons and Fencing Baronial Champs will be on Sunday, July 24th at their respective practices.

Attention Marshals – Navagating the Earl Marshal Website

Greetings Noble Populace, especially Warranted Marshals.

Please take a moment to refamiliarize yourselves with the Earl Marshal’s website! Its crammed full of useful information with its last updates! Please check your entry in the roster of marshals and confirm that you are up to date. [If you are working with youth, please remember to check your background clearance & resubmit a request if you need an update to one]

Website location:

All the policies for the marshal disciplines is now located in one central place.

All of the waivers needed for the marshal disciplines are now located on this site.

You can also find all the online submissions for your warrant process and reporting!

I would like to draw your attention to two specific reports; Injury and Incident. If we have any need to use these forms you should be entering them in within 2 days of the reported issue. Please remember to send this report to your Autocrat and the Seneschal so that we are aware of any issues and can support and assist you.

If someone is hurt while at a practice or event, you must submit an injury report & you can do so online here;

If someone is unsafe or breaking the marshal policies for a discipline, when on your field at a practice or event; you should be reporting that to

In Service,

Baronial Martial Champs Tournaments! July 17th and 24th

Hello Debatable Lands! Salve accolens!

For the first time since 2019, we will be selecting new martial champions this July! We are so thankful to our outgoing Champs for holding these positions for three years! They have all represented the Barony with gusto and honor! Vivant to Lady Kathryn, Lord Duncan, Don Jorundr, and Sir Bors! But, it’s time for them to rest…

The Barony martial Championships this year will be held at our normal Sunday martial practices:

Archery: Sunday, July 17th

Heavy Fighting: Sunday, July 17th (Speed Tourney into finals)

Thrown Weapons: Sunday, July 24th

Rapier Fighting: Sunday, July 24th (speed Tourney into finals)

Youth fighting: unfortunately still on hiatus, as the program is still in recovery from the pandemic.

All gentles attending are welcome to participate for score, but only Baronial folks and people who’ve been awarded a Comitus Amicus or Green Comet are eligible for the finals of each championship.

Our Champions (all) are expected to compete in the Seven Pearls Champs event (all the Kingdom’s Baronial Champs), which will be held this year in the Rhydderech Hael (Buffalo) on August 27th.

Bring your best!

In Levitate et Caritate and Cheers,

Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

Save the Date: July 10th – Barony Meeting with Garb & Gear Swap! And Martial Practices (NEW location)

Salve accolens! Hello Debatable Lands!

Save the date! Sunday, July 10th will be an in-person Barony Meeting, held in conjunction with our normal martial practices.

Since parking is an issue at the normal site, the July 10th practices and Barony Social Meeting will not be held at our normal site near the zoo. Instead, Jasmine is opening her fields to us. Address is 14 Quail Run Ln, Allison Park 15101.

Also, Baroness Constance is holding the annual Garb and Gear Giveaway/Exchange! Please go through your old garb, camping gear, sewing supplies, sca bits and bobs, etc, and bring them to the July meeting. If you have things to donate but can’t make it, she can arrange to pick them up. Thank you, everyone!!

This is an SCA function, so Covid precautions apply.

More info closer to the day. See you there!

In Levitate et Caritate

~Baroness Hilda

New Stellar Champs! Defenders of the Moon and Sun!

VIVANT! The Stellar Tournaments today proved exciting and chivalrous. The lists were solid, with fighters of all experience levels, but they all shared in the joy and honor, along with our marshals, MOL, herald, and listrunner.

Don Jorundr hinn Rotin is our new Vindex Lunae, Defender of the Moon, for rapier fighting!

Count Isenwulf Thorolfsson is our new Vindex Solis, Defender of the Sun, for heavy fighting!

Join us next Sunday the 19th around 12:30 during Archery practice as for the Sky List!

Special thanks to THL Hara for stepping in as MOL last minute, to Lady Jehannette for heralding, Josh for listrunning, THL Guillaume and his new MIT for marshaling. Vivant!

Online Sewing Thursday Jun 16th 7:30

There will be online sewing circle this Thursday, June 16th starting at 7:30pm in the kingdom zoom. The topic this month is a survey of late period Japanese garb. The focus in on general “working” garb vs court garb. I will have pictures of the different garments and will talk about the characteristics of the garment. I will also review what sorts of fabrics are appropriate. If you aren’t interested in Japanese and want sewing companions, I will have a separate breakout room for that. If you have questions or want zoom information contact sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org.

Moon & Sun Stellar Tourneys Tomorrow, June 12th!

Don’t forget, the Moon (rapier) and Sun (heavy) Lists of our Stellar Tournaments make their triumphant return at practice tomorrow afternoon!

Come one and all! Fighters, MOLs, Heralds, Consorts! Practice your Tourney skills!

Sky List (archery) will be June 19th.

See you there!!

Notes: If practice is canceled for weather, the Tourneys will be as well. CovidSafe rules are still in place.