There will be Fight Practice on Sunday February 2, from 2 til 6 PM, at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church (8711 Old Perry Highway). Loaner armor will be available.
Month: January 2020
Brewer’s Guild Adventures!!
Greetings All!
The Brewer’s Guild would like to invite you to join us for a Craft Beer Brewery Tour on Saturday, February 29th. We’re arranging a private tour that visits 3 breweries and includes a meal as well, for a cost of $150 / person (more details on the form).
Please sign up here to reserve a spot!
We’ll be collecting signups until Friday, February 14th. Payment will be due before the 29th. We’ll follow up with payment details after signups close.
In Service,
The Debatable Lands Brewers Guild
Fight Practice January 26
There will be Fight Practice on Sunday, January 26 from 2 til 6 PM at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church (8711 Old Perry Highway).
Loaner armor will be available.
Feb sewing dates: Thurs. Feb 6th and Sat. Feb 15th
The next sewing circle is Thursday Feb 6th starting at 7:30. The location is 1105 Shady Avenue in Point Breeze. There are two ironing boards, two sergers, two regular machines, and an embroidery machine. But wait; there’s more. There is a second SPECIAL sewing date. The theme: Sewing machine cleaning and oiling. Did you know, your machine should be cleaned and oiled for every 8 hours of sewing? If you are like me, you may have not done this ever. Lord Owen has lots of experience doing this maintenance and will be there to teach you how to clean and oil your machine. You and your machine should come Saturday Feb 15th between 11am and 4pm for a spa treatment (for the machine). This will also be held at 1105 Shady Ave. If you have questions you can contact me by email to: sewing at debatablelands dot org, or send email to Hara Kikumatsu. You can find the e-mail address in the dark pages. There are two cats so medicate appropriately.
Thank you to the staff, helpers, and attendees of the BMDL 12th night event.
Best wishes to all. This past twelfth night was wonderful and couldn’t have happened as wonderfully as it did without these generous and kind individuals.
Firstly to lady Melodia, who helped me put the event together and to run it. It was wonderful and a huge help to have your help with all the communications and organizing.
For the decorations and Pie-a-Peer auction, Mistress Arianna of Winthrop, thank-you so much the decorations we’re wonderful as always and the auction was hysterical and a great benefit to the barony. And thank you to all the peers who donated their faces to the cause.
To the BMDL Choir for their beautiful performance.
To Lady Ranka and everyone who participated in the youth quest.
To All of Igenisii, for the court of misrule and their performance.
And to Master Alaric and Master Creador for their jousting duel during Misrule court. It was hysterical and wonderful to have.
To Lady Dorthea, for running the potluck in the kitchen all day.
To Lady Arthris and all who helped her run the silent auction tables.
To Lord Kuma for organizing the vendors. Thank you again.
And to Lord Ronan for running troll.
And to Lady Aíbell for the crafts wonderful crafts corner.
To Master Ulliam and Mistress Contance, for all the fun and excitement of May I Hit You with My Salted Fish.
To Lady Beatrix and Lady Prima for running the Bardic and A&S competitions.
To my teacher Urho, who always runs and man’s the cookie table and competition.
And to the brewers guild for their tasty tasty fruitful work.
And thank you to everyone who attended the event. All together the event made money for the Barony, and will help us all with more of what we love to do. Thank you so much, and we look forward to seeing you next year.
12th night Lost and found
Everyone thank you so much for the wonderful event. But before a full thank-you post occurs, we have lost and found that Lady Katheryn Täntzel would like to address. Please see the pictures on the Facebook post, to see the lost and found items. If you find something of yours please email me at designsbymlb@gmail.com or message me on Facebook. Facebook link posted below 😉 if you do not have Facebook access please email me and I can send you the picture list of lost and found items.
Fencing Practice at Chinese Church Today 1/19
This week we return to the Chinese Church. 8711 Old Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Practice starts at 2. Loaner gear for fencing and Cut n Thrust is available.
Fight Practice January 19
After you have been to the revels of Twelfth Night, come on out to Fight Practice.
There will be Fight Practice on Sunday January 19, from 2 til 6 PM at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church (8711 Old Perry Highway). Loaner armor will be available.
A&S and Bardic Championships at 12th Night!
Just a quick reminder that both the Baronial Bardic Championship and the Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship are at 12th Night on Saturday!
Any Debatable Lander, or gentle who’s been awarded a friendship (green) Comet is eligible to win, although anyone can display/perform. The new Champions are asked to represent the Barony at the Seven Pearls Champions’ event in the Rhydderich Hael after Pennsic, and to run the Championship next year. They are also asked to display the regalia of their achievement and to stand with us in Baronial Court, if they prefer.
We can’t wait to see your arts!
In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda
And here’s a little more about each Championship:
From Lady Argentia, current Baronial A&S Champ –
Call for entries for the Baronial A&S Display! Show off your latest creations or your current study obsession. If you’re wearing it, just leave a card with what it is that says to see you. Also, it need not be a tangible thing! Are you really into early astrology and divination? Do you have impeccable table manners for an Angelo-Saxon? Can you tell us the signs farmers looked for to know it was safe to plant their seeds? Perhaps you’d just like to set a period table? If so, do a little write up and maybe bring some source materials for us to peruse. It counts! Even a work-in-progress can be put in the display. We want to see your works! Please enter by 1pm.
From Lady Beatrix, current Baronial Bard –
Calling all bards!! Join me, Beatrix, your Baronial Bardic Champion at Debatable Lands 12th night.
I will be hosting this year’s competition, but more importantly, we are going to fill the hall with music and poetry and merriment all day long. Open Bardic Circle from 10-12 and again after 2pm.
Please join me on my cushions and carpets with your favorite song book to share your talents. All are welcome to join in the singing, playing, recitation and any other performance art, regardless of skill and talent (or confidence). Let’s sing together and make a joyful noise.
If you want to participate in the competition, there will be a sign up from 10am to noon and the competition to perform for Their Excellencies will begin at 12:30. There are no particular rules, but please limit your performance to 5-7 minutes to accommodate all interested participants in the allotted time.
See you there!
Pie a Peer at BMDL Twelfth Night
Good Gentles! Are you going to the Debatable Lands’ Baronial Twelfth Night this coming Saturday? Then make sure to bring lots of spare cash or your checkbook, because you won’t want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! You, yes YOU, will get the chance to Pie a Peer in the face!As a fundraiser for the Debatable Lands, starting at 1:00 pm, we will auction off the right to pie four brave victims, ahem, volunteers: • Master Liam mac an Tsaoire• Master Clewin Kupferhelbelinc• Master Donnan MacDubhsidhe, called the SolitaryAnd last but hardly least:• Baron Brandubh o Donnghale!So bid early and bid often, my friends! Your Barony needs you, and you need to experience the thrill, the satisfaction, nay, the PURE JOY of smushing a pie into the face of your friendly neighborhood peers (in service to a great cause)!See you there. Arianna of Wynthrope