A&S and Bardic Championships at 12th Night!

Just a quick reminder that both the Baronial Bardic Championship and the Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship are at 12th Night on Saturday!

Any Debatable Lander, or gentle who’s been awarded a friendship (green) Comet is eligible to win, although anyone can display/perform. The new Champions are asked to represent the Barony at the Seven Pearls Champions’ event in the Rhydderich Hael after Pennsic, and to run the Championship next year. They are also asked to display the regalia of their achievement and to stand with us in Baronial Court, if they prefer.

We can’t wait to see your arts!

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

And here’s a little more about each Championship:

From Lady Argentia, current Baronial A&S Champ
Call for entries for the Baronial A&S Display! Show off your latest creations or your current study obsession. If you’re wearing it, just leave a card with what it is that says to see you. Also, it need not be a tangible thing! Are you really into early astrology and divination? Do you have impeccable table manners for an Angelo-Saxon? Can you tell us the signs farmers looked for to know it was safe to plant their seeds? Perhaps you’d just like to set a period table? If so, do a little write up and maybe bring some source materials for us to peruse. It counts! Even a work-in-progress can be put in the display. We want to see your works! Please enter by 1pm.

From Lady Beatrix, current Baronial Bard
Calling all bards!!    Join me, Beatrix, your Baronial Bardic Champion at Debatable Lands 12th night.  
I will be hosting this year’s competition, but more importantly, we are going to fill the hall with music and poetry and merriment all day long.  Open Bardic Circle from 10-12 and again after 2pm. 
Please join me on my cushions and carpets with your favorite song book to share your talents.  All are welcome to join in the singing, playing, recitation and any other performance art, regardless of skill and talent (or confidence).  Let’s sing together and make a joyful noise.  
If you want to participate in the competition, there will be a sign up from 10am to noon and the competition to perform for Their Excellencies will begin at 12:30.    There are no particular rules, but please limit your performance to 5-7 minutes to accommodate all interested participants in the allotted time. 
See you there!  

12 Things to Do at 12th Night

Celebrate Twelfth Night with us in the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands! All are Welcome on this day to enjoy music and song and dancing, good food, and good friends!

What is a Debatable Lands Twelfth Night like? Here are the top 11 things to do!

1. Bring some food to share. Our event is free, even the food! It’s a potluck. All kinds of food are welcome! (Mmmm, cheese balls)

2. Bring and/or taste some cookies! A perennial favorite, Master Urho runs our favorite cookie competition of the year. Bring some to enter, or just munch on the entries and vote for a populace choice winner!

3. Bring your A&S project to display! The event features the Debatable Lands’ Arts & Sciences Championship and Display. There are no limitations, bring your projects, old or new, finished or in progress, to display. You can even request feedback from our top artisans. And if you’re from the Debatable Lands, enter the competition!

4. Bring some beverages. Wet site. Nuff said.

5. Snowball fight! Jasmine of Clan Tarn has her elves working overtime making stuffed “snowballs” for an epic tourney for young and old alike!

6. Get ready to laugh. The Best Commedia dell’Arte troupe in the Knowne World – I Genesii – will be *cough* performing *cough* …multiple times. Don’t miss the most beloved court of Misrule.

7. Bards welcome – the Debatable Lands Bardic Championship is also taking place. Only Debatable Landers are eligible for the Championship, but all are welcome to perform. The theme is the Old and the New.

8. Speaking of performances, the Barony’s own Debatable Choir will perform at 5pm. Let their dulcet tones wash over your ears and hearts.

9. Stuff and cash, cash and stuff… our Twelfth Night Auction of Forgotten Treasures ™ will delight you with the garb, gear, stuff and do-dads available at this silent auction. Have stuff you don’t need? Bring it to donate! But wait, there’s more! We also have a few fine merchants.. peruse their artwork, chainmail, and more!

10. Courts and vigils and courts, oh my! The event features Mistress Graidhne’s vigil and induction into the Order of the Laurel, as well as many other awards, Kingdom and Baronial.

11. Stay for the dancing! After evening Court, our event always has one of the best dances of the season in the entire Kingdom. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you!

12. Bring a donation for Paladin’s Pantry! The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank needs food items, blankets, and more. Read more here!

See you there!