Post Pennsic A&S Report

My report to the Kingdom is due on September first and I need your help!

  • Did you teach any classes at Pennsic?
  • Did you complete any projects for or at Pennsic?
  • Did you participate in the Pennsic A&S Display?
  • Did you participate in any competitions at Pennsic?
  • Did you participate in any demos at Pennsic?
  • Did you personally or as part of a group perform someplace at Pennsic, either in the Performing Arts tent or anywhere else?
  • Were any scrolls you worked on (for Barony or Kingdom) given out at Pennsic?
  • Did any guild in which you participate (Brewers? Scribal? Food?) have any activity at Pennsic?
  • Did you provide any artwork or writing for the Pennsic Independent?
  • Did you see any of your Debatable Lands neighbors do something so awesome (Can’t spell “AweSome” without A and S!) for or at Pennsic that you thought, “That wonderful person deserves an award”?

Well this is your chance to make sure that that information about your awesome self and your awesome neighbors makes it into this report!

Send any and all awesome A&S information to your humble A&S Minister at ansminister(at), please if you can before the end of next week (September 1st). Please! Your friends and I are counting on you.

Additional A+S at Iris Festival

In addition to the two activities listed in the previous Iris Festival Arts and Sciences post, here are two Arts and Sciences activities being run at this weekend’s Japanese Iris Festival event (June 4, 2022 – 121 Brady’s Run Rd, Beaver Falls, PA 15010).

The first (third?) is the Kingdom Equestrian Championship A&S Competition. This competition is required for anyone competing for the Kingdom Equestrian Championship. Only those participating in the championship will be judged towards that competition, though items can be cross-entered in the Iron Comet A&S Competition and Festival A&S Display.

The second (fourth?) is origami instruction from Lady Maire ni Cathal ui Conchobar. This is intended as a children’s activity, but Lady Maire will not be checking the IDs of participants, so all are welcome. If you or your companions want to try out some origami paper folding, please stop by the A&S pavilion.

The Festival A&S Display and Iron Comet A&S Competition are both still planned for this event. Performance entries for the Iron Comet competition are scheduled to be presented from 1pm-2pm in the A&S Pavilion.

12th Night Social – Jan 16th

Salve Accolens! Hello Debatable Lands and Friends!

Yes, Virginia, there will be a 12th Night! Online, of course. All are welcome to join us for an afternoon of merriment and joy! The afternoon will be capped by the first Baronial Court in nearly a year – see your friends get recognition!

The schedule with Links to the Activities is here: . Use this document to navigate to the rooms the day of the event.

This event features:

–A Main Room for socializing and chatelaining. No schedule here! Everyone is welcome to drop in and chat anytime. Newcomers can start here and are welcome to come with questions. Technical troubleshooting here, too.

–A track of fighting classes by Count Steinarr, Count Seto, and others organized by our own Lady Svava

A room just for games! Your Games MC is Lord Angus MacDougal

–12 Hours of 12th Night! Shakespeare’s 12th Night movies provided by Master Alaric, courtesy of the late and beloved Lord Albrecht Lowe’s collection

–A room for entertainments of all kinds
* I Genesii !!
* A Merry Sing-A-Long with Lady Alysoun
* A Bardic Circle, led by THL Silence de Cherbourg
* Gift Exchange Unwrapping Party

–A Memorial to Master Remus in the form of a Musicians’ Gathering – Just an informal gathering of folks that love music – bring memories, story or song to share, about Master Remus, Loud Band, or simply something he would have enjoyed.

Wait, did we say GIFT EXCHANGE?? YES!! Harkening back to the days the Barony did “Secret Santa” gift exchanges, if there’s enough interest, we are having a Secret Gifter Gift Exchange this year. Throw your name in, and you’ll be given a recipient to give to! Gifts should be $20-ish or 2-ish maker-hours. And you’ll get a gift in return. We’ll open them together at 12th Night (not required to participate). You must sign up by Jan 2nd, and mail or drop off the wrapped gift to your recipient so they have it *in-hand* by Jan 15th. Sign up here:

[Note: People are encouraged to gift to their friends outside of this particular gift exchange, too, and are welcome and encouraged to bring those to the online unwrapping party at the event, too.]

The day will culminate in Baronial Court at 5pm, followed by a Community Chat.

Event is free and online. Garb appreciated but not required.
Link to the Facebook “event” (just for FB calendars – the actual event is not on Facebook):

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!

Baronial Happenings at Pennsic!

Hello Debatable Lands! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Great Pennsic War, happening now! We hope set-up went well, and that you are or will be enjoying yourselves!
~Hilda and Brandubh

For your convenience, here is a list of activities at Pennsic of Baronial interest. (Those reading on the email list may want to click on the link to the blog post for a formatted version.)

Ceremonies and Courts
(Retainers needed, please)

  • Sat, 8/3, 5pm – Muster for Opening Ceremonies at AE Royal, N04. 5:30pm step-off for the procession (on the nose, not SCA time)
  • Sat, 8/3, 6pm – Opening Ceremonies, on the Battlefield by the Castle
  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception, AE Royal
  • Sun, 8/4, around 7pm-ish, Baronial Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 5pm, muster for Kingdom Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 6pm, Royal Court, Great Hall (note that there will probably be other Royal Courts throughout the War)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, after the battle (2pm-ish?) Closing Ceremonies, Battlefield

Known World Baronial Champs Events
(come cheer your champs!)

  • Sun, 8/4, 1pm-3pm, KW Baronial Archery Champs – yay, Kathryn!
  • Tues, 8/6, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Youth Fighting Champs – yay, Xavier, Bree, and Ethan!
  • Tues, 8/6, 1pm-3pm – KW Baronial Thrown Weapons Champs – yay, Duncan!
  • Wed, 8/7, 9am-12pm – KW Baronial Heavy Combat Champs – yay, Bors! Blue and White lists
  • Wed, 8/7, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Rapier Champs – yay, Jorundr! Blue and White lists.

Parties, Performances, and Other Happenings

  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception and Court (7pm-ish), AE Royal , link to FB event: , and see also
  • Sun, 8/4, 9pm-ish, Baronial Bardic Circle in Memory of Rachmiel, Debatable Lands Camp, N10, Fletcher Rd , Link to FB event
  • Mon, 8/5, 5:30 – 7:30pm, Childrens Party, AE Royal
  • Mon, 8/5, 7:30pm – Debatable Choir performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Mon, 8/5, 9pm, I Genesii performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Tues, 8/6, 9pm, Count Jehan’s Golden Jubilee, AE Royal
  • Wed, 8/7, 3pm, Baronial Brewers Guild Meeting, Polyhymnia (Debatable Lands subcamp, N10, corner of Cariadocs and Chandlers)
  • Wed, 8/7, Seven Pearls Dinner (closed party, but volunteers for cooking and serving needed – dinner provided, contact Hilda for details)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, 10am-4pm, AE Royal Teardown (please volunteer an hour or two)
  • Say, 8/10, 12pm-6pm, Baronial Camp Teardown

Order Meetings, Seneschal and Exchequer Meetings, War Points, and other Activities of Interest in the Kingdom can be found on the AE Periscope:

New Baronial Champions!

Choosing Baronial Champions is always difficult, particularly for the peaceful arts. This past Saturday at 12th Night, our Artisans, Scientists and Bards came out in force, and showered the Barony with their gifts of art.

The Baronial Bardic Competition had a record 11 entrants, and had the audience in tears of both sorrow and laughter. The Arts & Sciences Display was a wonder to behold, and included beginners to Laurels, some very impressive documentation, and all the works displayed were representative of the talent of our bright A&S Community. Without further ado:

Your New Baronial Bard: Lady Beatrix of Anglesey
Seconded by: Brehyres Gwendolyn the Graceful

Your New A&S Champion: Lady Aurelia Argentia Prima
Seconded by: The Honorable Lady Rachel Dalicieux

Vivant the New Champions, seconds, outgoing Champions (Mistress Fredeburg and Mistress Arianna), and all those gentles who put themselves forth for consideration!

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

Vigil of Luceta di Cosimo — September 29

On the 29th day of September, at the celebration of the Coronation of Anna Leigh and Harvest Raid XXV, a vigil shall occur so that THLady Luceta di Cosimo may prepare her answer to Our Majesties’ royal order that she contemplate elevation to the most noble Order of the Laurel.

We are seeking sustenance and refreshment for those offering to her their counsel and guidance. Any who would be pleased to create a food or beverage contribution, here is the information you need:

There will be cookies:
Luceta has requested a cookie table for her reception & vigil. If you are interested in contributing cookies, please contact THLady Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill at If you are able, please email her or pm her with your recipe so that she is able to have the ingredients listed on the table. Luceta would like to add your recipe to her vigil book; you may enter them or she would be happy to have them added for you! Please keep in mind that *nuts* *flowers* *seafood* are not welcome as ingredients, as Luceta is allergic.
Thank you from Muirgheal!


There will be food:
As I’m sure many of you already know, our wonderful Luceta DiCosimo will be sitting vigil for elevation to the Order of the Laurel at Harvest Raids the weekend of the 28th. In addition to a cookie table, coordinated by  Muirgheal, there will also be lots of non-cookie things to eat. I, Lady Kattera Doplerin, have a few specific things I’ll be making, and I will be coordinating the non-cookie offerings. There will be a gluten-free table as well. If you would like to contribute food, hands, or anything else related to consumption (the action, not the illness), please send me an email! I can be reached at Please keep in mind that *nuts* *flowers* *seafood* are not welcome as ingredients, as Luceta is allergic.
Thank you from Kattera!

If there are any who are not staying onsite, but wish to stay in the area, some are getting rooms at Hampton Inn & Suites Jamestown, 4 West Oak Hill Road, Jamestown, New York, 14701 1-716-484-7829.

For any who wish to help celebrate Luceta’s many arts by contributing aid and assistance, please contact the coordinator, that’s me, Elss of Augsburg at As we know, Luceta has many friends near and far, so please feel free to forward or share this missive as needed. Your contribution and assistance is greatly appreciated.

In service,
THL Elss of Augsburg
Vigil Coordinator

Demo — August 30 — Save the Date!

Dear friends —

Save the date! I know everyone is super busy with Pennsic prep, but I wanted to let everyone know that we were invited to demo at the Children’s Museum Medieval Maker night on Thursday, August 30, from 6:30 to 9:30.

This is a 21 + event, so no clearances are required. They are looking for 20-25 demonstrators, and are looking for fiber artists (weavers, nalbinders, knitters, dyers, enbroiderers, and all the rest), calligraphers, illuminators, equestrians, fighters, fencers, siege engineers, musicians, singers, dancers, royalty – you name it!

i Genesii has been the first to step up, they will be running a play date and getting spectators involved! Who else will be there?

We had several makeshop demos with them, and they really like working with the SCA. They are very flexible and accommodating, so if you want to be a part of it, let me know!

More details to follow. It will be awesome!

THL Luceta di Cosimo

Find contact info on the award-winning Barony website, under the Resources drop-down, in the Dark Pages.

War Practice Info – Unofficial

Hello Debatable Lands!

The Shire of Steltonwald’s War Practice Staff has been posting some updates on Facebook (and other media, too). For those of you not on that venue, here is what I know (I am only gathering, this is not official at all…apologies for any inaccuracies, please comment if you see one):

Official War Practice Webpage

Gate Info
-For most of it, see link above.
-This year, you will pay by the day you arrive, regardless of whether you are camping.
-RVs: “There is an area on the serengeti behind troll. If you plan to hookup to electric an sewers there is a 10 dollar per day fee. just let troll know when you arrive”
-No one will be admitted after 3pm Saturday. (This is not a change from previous years)

The Order Meeting tent is in the Woodland Watch Camp (which is where AE Royal is this year). West of the old barn/campstore, sort of the top of Runestone Hill nearish to the gate to Curry Road

Order of the Laurel: 9am- 10am (update: no meeting)
Order of the Millrind: 12pm-1pm, Saturday
Order of the Fleur: 1pm-2pm, Saturday
Chatelaine’s Meeting: 3pm -4pm, Saturday

Curia: 10am, Sunday, A&S Pavilion (where Chirurgeons Point is at Pennsic)

AA meeting: down at the lake by Willow Point on Saturday from 8:00-9:00 am Saturday. Blue and yellow marquee. (Privately run)

-Breakfast: In the Bathhouse this year, I believe
Saturday & Sunday 7:30am-1:30pm (free – run by the Scribes)
Food Merchants: Beast & Boar, and Coopers Store

Class List & Activities
There is an A&S village at the pavilion where the Chirurgeons are at Pennsic:
-There is only one pavillion; using the four corners it will allow up to 4 different activities happening at once.
-There are 3 A&S tents, they will have banners letting you know if it’s Tent 1, 2 or 3.
-There are 2 scribal tents. On Friday one will have scribal classes. On Saturday will be Scribal banner painting in one, scribal playtime/lutrell psalter competition in the other.
-For those wishing to have an artisan’s playtime, we have lots of room for byo tents & pavillions

Class List: Time Sheet
Class Descriptions

WP Classes Sortable (Hilda) (NOT official; I just wanted a sortable list)

Princess Anna Leigh’s Beverage Showcase & Social: Friday 6:30
Grand Ball: Friday Night, Great Hall, 7pm  (See below)
Scribal Playtime, 11am-3pm Saturday (See below)
Scarlet Apron Competition: 11am-4pm (See below)
Royal Court – 6pm Saturday, Great Hall (set-up at 5pm)
I Genesii – Saturday night, Great Hall

6 Hour Class Challenge (See below)

Martial Activities
Heavy: 6pm – 8pm Friday, field, Gage Meet n Beat
Heavy: 10-man Melee, 11am Saturday, field  (sign up at 10am) (see below)
Heavy: noon-5pm Saturday, field, melee, various scenarios
Heavy: 5:15 pm Saturday, field, Finns Speed tourney
MOL/Inspections: Friday 5pm-7pm and Saturday 9am – 1pm
Siege: Inspections 9am to 11am Saturday, field (see below)
Youth Fighting: Kingdom Championship, 10am Saturday, list opens 9am
Rapier: 6:30pm Friday, tourney (rapier and C&T pools)
Rapier: Saturday: lots of melee
Thrown Weapons: Update: New location is behind the Great Hall
Archery: Update: New location is behind the Great Hall

Pelican Vigil & Reception
-THL Ursula – send-off on field Friday night 7pm, vigil to follow at Woodland Watch camp
-Mistress Antoinette –  reception in the Scribal tents after court

Merchant List
Feed the Ravens
Black Moon Traders
Little Crystal Bijoux
Crafty Celts
The Basket Man
Little Dragon’s Horde
Munitions Grade Arms
Red Falcon
BadAss Garb
A Case of Random
Story Tellers Candles
Knights of the Classroom
Earthly Leather Designs
LeEllen Expressions
Logs Bogs and more
UnCommon Clay
Pillage Village
Miller Crossings
Miriam’s yarn

In Levitate et Caritate
Baroness Hilda


Grand Ball
Good Gentles!

here are the dances planned for the War Practice Grand Ball in random order:

War Bransle (naturally)
maltese bransle (sca)
official bransle
horse’s bransle
montarde bransle
charlotte bransle
pease bransle
washerwoman’s bransle
petit vriens
amoroso (long version)
gracca amorosa
bizzaria d’amore
rostiboli gioioso
rufty tufty
black nag
sellenger’s round
new boe peep
gathering peascods
picking of sticks
new yer’s de tribus
ly bens distonys (long version)
grene gynger
black almain
belle qui
heart’s ease
jenny plucked pears
petit rose

*most dances will be taught immediately before we do them.*

AND! Lady Lelija Barnasiewicz-tancerka will be leading the early, Children’s portion of the Ball. Children of all ages are invited to bring their parents and enjoy the special “re-creations” of period dance.

There will be refreshments for all!

Come by to dance, snack, watch or all of the above. You’ll find us in the Great Hall Friday evening.

Scarlet Apron

Good Gentles!

War Practice is finally upon us, and with it comes the time to choose AEthelmearc’s new Scarlet Apron Champion!

This year’s entrants have risen to the challenge to recreate period food preservation methods and recipes. Now, they look not only to our judges, but to you, the Populace, to let them know how they did!

Sign-In for Entrants will begin at 11:00 AM on Saturday, May 19, in the Great Hall (Look for the Scarlet Apron signs). While the competition is open to judges only from noon until 1:30 PM, once that time period is over, we welcome the Populace to visit us, and vote for your favorite entry! The entry with the most votes by the end of the competition wins a prize!

The Populace in attendance is encouraged to visit the Scarlet Apron, view and sample the entries, and cast their vote from 1:30 PM until 3:30 PM. The winners will be announced in court later that evening.

As always, if there are any questions, please contact the competition coordinator, Edelvrouw Lijsbet de Keukere, using Email (lijsbet(DOT)vandelfthout(AT)gmail(DOT)com), or Facebook Messenger **PREFERRED** (Keirin Lazauskas-Ralff).

We can’t wait to see you this weekend!

11:00 AM On-site Sign-in Opens for Entrants
• Entrants drop off their food items and documentation

12:00 PM Anonymous Judging Opens
• Judges will have the opportunity to experience and assess each entry based on only what has been set on the table.
• Entrants and members of the populace are asked to wait until after this period to come and interact with the display.

1:30 PM Anonymous Judging Closes;
Entrant-Judge Meet & Greet Opens;
Competition Viewing Opens to the Populace
• Entrants are invited to return to sit with their entries at this time. Judges can take this opportunity to interact with the entrants one-on-one to clarify or elaborate on anything they may have questions about before completing their scoring.
• The populace is invited to view and sample the remaining portions of each entry, and vote for their favorite to win Populace Choice.

3:30 PM Entrant-Judge Meet & Greet Closes;
Populace Viewing Closes;
All Judging & Feedback Forms are due back to the Sign-In Table for score tallying
• Judges should submit all of their scored feedback forms by this time so they can be tallied.
• Populace Choice tokens will also be counted at this time.

4:00 PM Entry Pick-Up
• All entries, including empty containers, must be removed by this time to facilitate an easy clean-up for Court.


10-Man Melee
On Saturday May 19th, 11:00am at AEthelmearc War Practice we will be hosting our Annual 10-man Unbelted Melee Tournament.
Sign-ups starts at 10am, all teams must be signed up, inspected, and ready to go at 10:45am. We have a limited window before the rest of the day’s activities.
Rules are as follows:
– Format will be round-robin, subject to change depending on the number of teams
– Winning team has the best record after the round-robin
– First place tie will result in a one fight sudden death bout (continuation rule 113d)
– Winner gets bragging rights and might get a chance to fight a 10 man chiv team….
– Participants cannot be members of the order of chivalry
– Maximum of 10 fighters on the field for each team
– Alternates are allowed, but no substitutions during a bout
– Fighters cannot be on multiple teams
– No combat archery
– Ok….no siege engines either…..
– Thrown weapons ARE allowed
– All other combat conventions will follow kingdom standards
Contact me if you have any questions.
Start forming your teams today!!!!
So….who wants some?

Heavy Schedule Details


The following is the current schedule for the heavy fighting at this years War Practice.

Friday May 18

MOL/Inspection point open from 5 pm-7pm as needed

6pm -8 pm. Gage Meet n Beat

Saturday May 19

MOL/ Inspection Point 9 am -1 pm or as needed

10-1045am team sign ins for 10 man unbelt tourney

11am 10 Man unbelt tourney

Noon-5 Melee fighting, various scenarios

5:15 pm Finn’s Speed Round Tourney

As in all things Scadian, our fighting schedule is fluid, we will attempt to stay on schedule as best as possible. It is called Scadian Time for a reason, plan accordingly.

(Event Reciept, Auth Cards and Identification required at MOL point)

We as always need assistance on the field from Our field marshals. If you want to help out, contact me privately so I can add you to the list.

If you need anything added or edited, please contact me privately so I can keep our schedule current!

Syr Thorgrim

Siege Inspections
Siege Inspections for AEthelmearc War Practice will be held on the battlefield from 9am – 11am (hard stop time at 11am due to the 10 man unbelt tourney, NO INSPECTION WILL BE STARTED AFTER 10:30AM). Please plan accordingly.
Siege will definitely occur in the bridge battles, and probably in the broken field battles.
Please share with your crews. If you are able to volunteer your time as a marshal, please let me know.
Thank you in advance,

From Mistress Antionette
War Practice will be here soon and we have a few fun things going on for scribes!Scribal Playtime (Saturday 11-3) will focus on completing the painted banners we began at our Retreat in March. Mistress Alicia has a spiffy Luttrell Psalter scroll blank contest happening- same time frame as Scribal Playtime. We have wonderful volunteers to cover the Playtime, but 3 of them have received their Fleur recently and would like to attend their FIRST FLEUR meeting at War Practice. So, we will need a few volunteers for Scribal Playtime beginning around 1:00. If you can pitch hit, send me an IM as soon as you can. Both of our Scribal tents will be up and running, if you have a scribal project you would like to work on, bring it!, we have a tent designated Saturday, all day for just this purpose.
Our Scribal Retreat in March- Wow!, we were busting out at the edges and from our Survey results we know that the Scribes would like to ~rinse and repeat~ in 2019. However, we are going to need to fund raise and Steltonwald has graciously offered us our first big opportunity to do so at War Practice. We will be serving up Breakfast on Saturday 7:30-1:30 and Sunday 7:30-1:30 We have a few people designated to help but we could use a few more volunteers. No cooking required. If scribes are uninterested in fundraising, there may not be a Retreat next year. Please IM me with a day and time ( 1 hour is fine) that you can help out w Breakfast.
Last fun thing, I will be elevated to the Pelican in evening Court at War Practice, no vigil, but we will have a reception in the Scribal tents after court. All scribes are welcome, remember ~Once a scribe, always part of the Tribe.

6 Hour Class Challenge
Back by popular demand- The 6 hour class challenge! For those of you serious about learning, pick up a passport at troll. When they’re gone they’re gone, but we trust your honor to keep track. For those who succeed, be sure to join the audience at Æthelmearc Court to come forward, be recognized and receive your token! Remember it’s 6 hours, not six classes, and don’t miss out on the workshops! Special thank you to Edana the Red for creating both the token & the passport again this year.

Tavern at the Park – Singing! And more!

Before lunch (11-12) I will be leading a practice of the Pilgrimage songs, your chance to learn or review the songs sung on our Pilgrimage at Pennsic. After lunch gather round for a sharing Bardic event: share a story or song, or request one! Want to learn or hear something? Post comments here and I’ll bring in the lyrics and/or the person to bring them alive in our circle. General or specific requests welcome (you know you want to sing our Barony song in Latin!).

–Bugga Bilibit

After lunch, we will gather round for a Bardic Circle and enjoy singing, storytelling, jokes and whatever anyone has to share. It’s fun just to listen, too!

12 Things to Do at 12th Night

Celebrate Twelfth Night with us in the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands! All are Welcome on this day to enjoy music and song and dancing, good food, and good friends!

What is a Debatable Lands Twelfth Night like? Here are the top 11 things to do!

1. Bring some food to share. Our event is free, even the food! It’s a potluck. All kinds of food are welcome! (Mmmm, cheese balls)

2. Bring and/or taste some cookies! A perennial favorite, Master Urho runs our favorite cookie competition of the year. Bring some to enter, or just munch on the entries and vote for a populace choice winner!

3. Bring your A&S project to display! The event features the Debatable Lands’ Arts & Sciences Championship and Display. There are no limitations, bring your projects, old or new, finished or in progress, to display. You can even request feedback from our top artisans. And if you’re from the Debatable Lands, enter the competition!

4. Bring some beverages. Wet site. Nuff said.

5. Snowball fight! Jasmine of Clan Tarn has her elves working overtime making stuffed “snowballs” for an epic tourney for young and old alike!

6. Get ready to laugh. The Best Commedia dell’Arte troupe in the Knowne World – I Genesii – will be *cough* performing *cough* …multiple times. Don’t miss the most beloved court of Misrule.

7. Bards welcome – the Debatable Lands Bardic Championship is also taking place. Only Debatable Landers are eligible for the Championship, but all are welcome to perform. The theme is the Old and the New.

8. Speaking of performances, the Barony’s own Debatable Choir will perform at 5pm. Let their dulcet tones wash over your ears and hearts.

9. Stuff and cash, cash and stuff… our Twelfth Night Auction of Forgotten Treasures ™ will delight you with the garb, gear, stuff and do-dads available at this silent auction. Have stuff you don’t need? Bring it to donate! But wait, there’s more! We also have a few fine merchants.. peruse their artwork, chainmail, and more!

10. Courts and vigils and courts, oh my! The event features Mistress Graidhne’s vigil and induction into the Order of the Laurel, as well as many other awards, Kingdom and Baronial.

11. Stay for the dancing! After evening Court, our event always has one of the best dances of the season in the entire Kingdom. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you!

12. Bring a donation for Paladin’s Pantry! The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank needs food items, blankets, and more. Read more here!

See you there!