Demo — August 30 — Save the Date!

Dear friends —

Save the date! I know everyone is super busy with Pennsic prep, but I wanted to let everyone know that we were invited to demo at the Children’s Museum Medieval Maker night on Thursday, August 30, from 6:30 to 9:30.

This is a 21 + event, so no clearances are required. They are looking for 20-25 demonstrators, and are looking for fiber artists (weavers, nalbinders, knitters, dyers, enbroiderers, and all the rest), calligraphers, illuminators, equestrians, fighters, fencers, siege engineers, musicians, singers, dancers, royalty – you name it!

i Genesii has been the first to step up, they will be running a play date and getting spectators involved! Who else will be there?

We had several makeshop demos with them, and they really like working with the SCA. They are very flexible and accommodating, so if you want to be a part of it, let me know!

More details to follow. It will be awesome!

THL Luceta di Cosimo

Find contact info on the award-winning Barony website, under the Resources drop-down, in the Dark Pages.

Sunday Practices, June 5th

Knight Marshal Isenwulf writes:

Come on out this Sunday for Baronial heavy fight practice. Hone your skills, learn new skills, and be ready for Pennsic! We start at 2:00pm at the Washington Boulevard site.

Fencing Marshal Jorundr writes:

There will be fencing practice this Sunday at Washington Blvd. starting at 1:00pm.

Dance Master Pavel writes:

There will be dance practice at the Washington Blvd practice site tomorrow. Come join in and have some fun.

Practice will start immediately after archery practice, around 2:00pm.

All dances will be taught and called. No experience necessary, if you can walk you can dance.

Captain of Archers Katheryn Täntzel writes:

Looks like the weather is going to clear up for Archery practice. Thunderstorms look to clear up just in time for 11am practice. Weather permitting archery practice is on for this morning. Hope to see you all there. Highland park 11am-2pm.

Dancemaster Call for Letters

The Honorable Lord Cai writes:

Greetings to the Barony from Cai o’r Llyn, Baronial Dancemaster!

I’ve served as the Barony’s dancemaster for over 10 years (how long exactly is lost to the mists of time), and I feel it is time for me to step down. As a result, I am calling for Letters of Intent to take my place.

Letters of intent should include a brief SCA resume, especially including experience with SCA dance. Letters should be sent to myself (jeffhos[at]gmail[dot]com) and the A&S Minister (ansminister[at]debatablelands[dot]org), and received by April 6th, as a replacement will be selected at the officers meeting that night.

The job of Baronial Dancemaster involves hosting a regular baronial dance practice (Regularity is up to you; I ran it weekly for many years before switching to monthly when there was less interest). It may also involve running balls and teaching dance at local events.

If you have any questions about the position, feel free to contact me!

— Cai