In addition to the two activities listed in the previous Iris Festival Arts and Sciences post, here are two Arts and Sciences activities being run at this weekend’s Japanese Iris Festival event (June 4, 2022 – 121 Brady’s Run Rd, Beaver Falls, PA 15010).
The first (third?) is the Kingdom Equestrian Championship A&S Competition. This competition is required for anyone competing for the Kingdom Equestrian Championship. Only those participating in the championship will be judged towards that competition, though items can be cross-entered in the Iron Comet A&S Competition and Festival A&S Display.
The second (fourth?) is origami instruction from Lady Maire ni Cathal ui Conchobar. This is intended as a children’s activity, but Lady Maire will not be checking the IDs of participants, so all are welcome. If you or your companions want to try out some origami paper folding, please stop by the A&S pavilion.
The Festival A&S Display and Iron Comet A&S Competition are both still planned for this event. Performance entries for the Iron Comet competition are scheduled to be presented from 1pm-2pm in the A&S Pavilion.