Practice December 1st and 8th.

We will be at Ace Axe Throwing the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 12/1/25. They have an event in the space we use that day, so all equipment must be out by 2pm. This is a hard deadline. However, we are invited to stick around after for the party, if we would like to participate. Dagon can provide details if you are interested.

On Sunday 12/8/24, Her Excellency, the Baroness of Brendoaken, better known as Wolverine, will be visiting our practice and bringing some Midrealm guests along. She is on a quest to fight 100 members of the Chivalry and is near the finish. Any knights or masters who would come help her in this goal would be greatly appreciated.


DebatableLands Twelfth Night Brewing Contest! – 1/25/2025

Debatable Brewers and Friends,
Their Excellencies and I have talked about it & We will have a Twelfth Night Competition for Brewing at the Debatable Lands Event (January 25, 2025).

There will be two selections, one from Alcoholic Beverages and one from Non-Alcoholic Beverages.

The theme will be “Winter Flavors”. Please prepare for us a drink that invites us to enjoy winter spices, fruits, and flavors! Whatever style of drink you make; just make it for a winter wonderland!

What am I thinking of for Winter Flavors?
Gingerbread, Peppermint, Cranberry, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon, Hazelnut, Pumpkin, Chestnut, Orange, Caramel, Eggnog, Cocoa, Chai, Black Pepper, Turmeric, Chili, Garlic, Butternut Squash, Coriander, Anise, Vanilla, etc.

Due to allergies; your entry must include the full list of ingredients

Bonus points will be given for documentation because knowledge is power! (Power corrupts; Study Hard, Be Evil!) We want to know more about what you make and how you do it; but it’s not a requirement to participate!

And don’t forget, Our Noble populace loves it when we brew For Science! So don’t be afraid to try a few different ways to get to your Winter Flavor.

In Service,
Debatable Brewing Guild Mistress

Ps as always, you are not required to live in the area to participate!

Ps the next DebatableBrewers Guild Meeting is 12/12/2024 and will focus on Non-Alcoholic beverages (swizzles, shrubs, and other things of that ilk)
[if you need an add to the email list for the debatablebrewers,]

Iron key repair night PART 2!!!

We could use more help.

We are again holding an armor workshop this Wednesday, November 20th, at Turlough and Finé’s place. Our first repair night got us organized and started on some initial work. There is plenty more to do!

Anyone that wants to assist is welcome. Folks can arrive anytime after 3pm.

Adress is 129 Sunset Ln, Pittsburgh, PA 15209. To get to their house you turn down a gravel lane, there is a green sign on a utillity pole with the addresses down that lane. The house has his device hanging from a lamp post. Google maps directions below.

Hope to see folks there!


Substitute Fencing Marshal for Sunday Nov 17th

Hi folks! Master Donnan from Ballachlagan will be running fencing practice this Sunday in my place. All our loaner gear will be available as usual, and I’ll be back to run practice next week. Reminder for folks that missed last week, we are now at our winter practice location and time: 11-2 at Ace Axe Throwing.

Robert MacEwin of Thornhill
BMDL Fencing Marshal

Iron key repair night

We are holding an armor workshop this Wednesday, November 13th, at Turlough and Finé’s place. Our goal is to make more repairs to the iron key and if there is time work on any personal projects. Anyone that wants to assist is welcome. Folks can arrive anytime after 3pm.

Adress is 129 Sunset Ln, Pittsburgh, PA 15209. To get to their house you turn down a gravel lane, there is a green sign on a utillity pole with the addresses down that lane. The house has his device hanging from a lamp post. Google maps directions below.

Hope to see folks there!


Fencing Practice Moving Indoors

Hello, Fencers! Beginning this Sunday, Nov 10th, fencing will move to our indoor time and location: 11-2 in the 5th floor of Ace Axe Throwing. Jorundr will be running this practice since I’ll be out of town. I’ll also be missing next practice, so if any marshals are available to run that one, please contact me.

Address: 145 E 8th Ave, Homestead, PA 15120

Yours In Service,

Robert MacEwin of Thornhill
Debatable Lands Fencing Marshal