Tavern in the Park – Vivant!

Cheers to all of you who worked to bring this Tavern event to life. The tavern was so much fun because of these people:

ZIANNA BEGUY URDINA DE ZABALETA who trolled everyone in with help from Cassandra Matis, Nichola Beese, Joe Feil, Chrissy Feil, and Casey Redmane;

BARON BRANDUBH Ó DONNGHAILE whose presence was much appreciated and his herald, KIERAN MACRAE, who kazoo-ed open the court; BARONESS HILDERUN HUGELMANN, we missed you!

ELSBETH ANNE ROTH who staffed a busy heraldic consult table;

AIBELL INGEN CHERNACHAIN who provided amusement with family activities;

BUGGA BILIBIT who led a Pilgrimage singing practice and GWENDOLYN THE GRACEFUL who knows and sings all the songs at the Bardic Circle (even the one about the Haggis!);

An extra Vivant for these first-time event staffers:

ELSA TALIARD my co-autocrat, who backed me up and also made sure the lodge was clean at the end of the day with help from Raven Whitehart, Eilionora inghean an Bhairdis, Ihala Auvinen, Ceindrech verch Elidir, Amanda Bowen, and Gwendolyn the Graceful;

EILIONORA INGHEAN AN BHAIRD developed challenging A&S competitions and offered display spaces for our arists;

IHALA AUVINEN who created a hearth-side bardic semi-circle and arranged for singers to lead us in our favorite songs;

RONAN O’CONALL organized the adult beverages so many of us enjoyed – mmmmm, mead;

EMILY FORNEY who brought in two merchants of wonderful goods, and who not only has never helped at an event before, but also has never attended an event before – really?

KATTERA DOPLERIN while not new to cooking, was head cook for the first time, and made terrific food that deftly avoided everyone’s food issues.

To all of you, I say again, many, many thanks!

If I did not list someone by name or deed, please know that the fault is mine, but that everyone’s assistance is most gratefully appreciated. Please let me know who has been omitted so that I may render thanks where it is due.

Yours in Service to the Barony,
Elss of Augsburg

Tavern in the Park – Schedule

East Room
10:00 – 4:00 Heraldic Consultation Table Opens
11:00 – 12:00 Pilgrimage Singing
12:00 – 2:00 Break for Sideboard Luncheon
2:00 – 4:00 Bardic Circle

Main Room
   10:00      Site opens Welcome! Remember to visit the troll!
                   Set up your A&S items in the Main Room
1:00 – 2:00 Sit with your A&S and talk with visitors
3:00 – 4:00 Judging of A&S projects
    5:00        Winners announced at Court

West Room
10:00 – 4:00 Merchants’ Area

11:00 – 4:00 Tavern Opens
11:00 – 4:00 Family Activities for young and old
12:00 – 3:00 Pub Luncheon

All times are Scadian times, and therefore subject to change.

Tavern in the Park – Tomorrow!

  1. For maximum comfort, bring your own chair.
  2. Grab your feast gear and enjoy the lunch !
    (and a plastic bag to take the dirty dishes home in.)
  3. Carry a mug and visit Madoc and the Tavern downstairs!
  4. Got a favorite song? Come to the Bardic Circle and we’ll sing it. Bring an instrument if you’ve got one.
  5. Pack an adult beverage if you are inclined to do so;
    this is a *wet* site.
  6. Enter an A&S project into one of the competitions or bring something for the Table of Fail.
  7. Peruse the A&S exhibits and talk to the artists.
  8. Visit the Heraldic Consultation table for help with a name or arms.
  9. Join the Brute Squad! Strong arms are needed in the morning and at the end of the event to move tables and things. Check with the co-autocrats (Elss and Elsa) for assignment.
  10. Shop! Visit the merchants and get a Valentine’s Day gift for someone special.


Tavern in the Park – Family Activities

Greetings to the younger populace of the Barony!

Make sure to visit the Family Activities table downstairs during the Tavern event!

11am: Mosaics (Stepping Stones) For Youth
(Parents/Guardians need to be involved with this activity)

Free Time: Activities will be left on the table for youth to do by themselves

2pm: Mosaics for Teens/Adults
(Teens get first choice, Adults “as come” on the basis of supplies left over)

Free Time until 4 pm

-Lady Aibell ingen Chernachain – Chancellor Minor BMDL

Tavern at the Park – Singing! And more!

Before lunch (11-12) I will be leading a practice of the Pilgrimage songs, your chance to learn or review the songs sung on our Pilgrimage at Pennsic. After lunch gather round for a sharing Bardic event: share a story or song, or request one! Want to learn or hear something? Post comments here and I’ll bring in the lyrics and/or the person to bring them alive in our circle. General or specific requests welcome (you know you want to sing our Barony song in Latin!).

–Bugga Bilibit

After lunch, we will gather round for a Bardic Circle and enjoy singing, storytelling, jokes and whatever anyone has to share. It’s fun just to listen, too!


Tavern in the Park – Help Wanted!

Oye! Oye!

The Tavern in the Park seeks part time help! We need a few strong gentles that can help us move and set up chairs and tables. The time for this would be approximately 8:45 am to 10 am.

We are also seeking Trolls to collect the fee as people enter the Tavern. We have well trained trolls to teach new trolls the ways of collecting said fees. We only like to keep trolls working for about an hour throughout the day.

There will be good food – good friends – good times to enjoy for all. Kindly contact Lady Zianna at ladyzianna(at)gmail(dot)com or via Facebook if you would like to volunteer. The Tavern Staff is looking forward to a great day in the park!


Event Info:

Tavern in the Park — A and S for All

 What better way to pass the last of Winter’s Chill than sharing arts in a Tavern?

There will be two competitions and a few different display options: First competition will be Scroll Blanks with Illumination from based on the personas of their Excellencies. Her Excellency’s name is turn of the millennium German but she mostly dresses late 14th c. England (she likes to think from around Ipswich). His Excellency is 14thC Irish, dwelling in England. Basic documentation is requested, max one (1) page. This will be judged in 4 levels: youth (under 18), novice (less than 1 year), intermediate (1-3 years), advanced (3+ years).

The second competition will be about Tavern items. What nonperishable items can you find in a Tavern? Cups, plates, silverware, games, tables, benches, chairs, signs, etc. Documentation is required, min one (1) page. This will be judged Youth and Adult.

Mistress Odriana is sponsoring a Table of Fail. Everyone makes mistakes. What are yours? Bring your projects that took a wrong turn or didn’t quite work out. Show them off and get some help! I myself will be displaying an item or two.

Another display option is in the Artist’s Forum. Display a few pieces of work and from 1-2pm, stay with your work and talk about your work with whoever wants to know. Many times, people want to know about what you do but don’t know who to ask. Help spread your knowledge and love of arts and science to the curious.

The last display option is for pre-Ice Dragon Pentathlon items. You slaved over the winter to ready your slew of items. Trapped by mighty winds and mounds of snow, you may not have talked about or shown your items to anyone. Here is your opportunity for feedback on your work(s) in progress or  completed works. Either leave a notebook for people to write in or stay by your work or both!

You can reach Eilionora inghean an Bhaird at daughterofthebard AT gmail DOT com with any questions about the competitions or displays.


Event Info:

Tavern in the Park — Merchant Alert!

Image result for medieval merchant

If you are interested in selling SCA-related wares at the Tavern in the Park (North Park, Feb 10, daytime), please email me at emily4knee (at) gmail (dot) com. I am organizing the merchant room for the day!

Event Info:
Web: http://debatablelands.org/events/2018-02-10%20Tavern%20in%20the%20Park.php

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1420669634708077/

Posted for Emily Forney, merchant co-ordinator

BMDL Tavern in the Park

Tavern in the Park

It is snowing again, and many of us are house-bound and getting bored. But wait! There is something to look forward to!

Break free of the winter doldrums and come to the Tavern in the Park on February 10, 2018 for games, visiting with friends, A&S, great pub grub, beverages of all kinds, in a relaxed and warm environment.

Come to the Lodge in North Park, (no street number) North Ridge Drive, Allison Park, PA 15101. (Google Maps seems to know where this is!) The doors will open at 10 AM, and close at 8 PM.

Our luncheon sideboard will be created by Kattera Doplerin so please contact her with any dietary questions (Ailish Brundage, legbascrossroad (at) gmail (dot) com).

The Adult Event Registration will be $15. Adult Member Discount Event Registration will be $10. Children 0-5 free; age 6-17: $5 . Make checks payable to SCA-(PA), Inc. – Debatable Lands. 

Your co-autocrats for the day will be Elss of Augsburg, elss.of.augsburg at gmail.com, (Rocky Hayeslip, 221 Pine Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237, cell 724.759.3333) and Elsa Taliard, frithar (at) yahoo (dot) com, (Laura Lindsey, 135 Whitestown Rd, Lyndora, Pa 16045). Please contact either of them with any questions.

More information will be forthcoming shortly via Stórfréttir, the BMDL Events page (http://debatablelands.org/events/2018-02-10%20Tavern%20in%20the%20Park.php), the BMDL email list, both of the Barony Facebook pages — Debatable Lands Official Announcement (https://www.facebook.com/BMDLOfficial/) and Debatable Lands Unofficial Discussion (https://www.facebook.com/groups/DebatableLands/) .

Elss and Elsa can also be reached on Facebook.

See you there!

Elss of Augsburg and Elsa Tailiard