Baronial Happenings at Pennsic!

Hello Debatable Lands! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Great Pennsic War, happening now! We hope set-up went well, and that you are or will be enjoying yourselves!
~Hilda and Brandubh

For your convenience, here is a list of activities at Pennsic of Baronial interest. (Those reading on the email list may want to click on the link to the blog post for a formatted version.)

Ceremonies and Courts
(Retainers needed, please)

  • Sat, 8/3, 5pm – Muster for Opening Ceremonies at AE Royal, N04. 5:30pm step-off for the procession (on the nose, not SCA time)
  • Sat, 8/3, 6pm – Opening Ceremonies, on the Battlefield by the Castle
  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception, AE Royal
  • Sun, 8/4, around 7pm-ish, Baronial Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 5pm, muster for Kingdom Court, AE Royal
  • Tues, 8/6, 6pm, Royal Court, Great Hall (note that there will probably be other Royal Courts throughout the War)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, after the battle (2pm-ish?) Closing Ceremonies, Battlefield

Known World Baronial Champs Events
(come cheer your champs!)

  • Sun, 8/4, 1pm-3pm, KW Baronial Archery Champs – yay, Kathryn!
  • Tues, 8/6, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Youth Fighting Champs – yay, Xavier, Bree, and Ethan!
  • Tues, 8/6, 1pm-3pm – KW Baronial Thrown Weapons Champs – yay, Duncan!
  • Wed, 8/7, 9am-12pm – KW Baronial Heavy Combat Champs – yay, Bors! Blue and White lists
  • Wed, 8/7, 12pm – 3pm – KW Baronial Rapier Champs – yay, Jorundr! Blue and White lists.

Parties, Performances, and Other Happenings

  • Sun, 8/4, 5pm Baronial Reception and Court (7pm-ish), AE Royal , link to FB event: , and see also
  • Sun, 8/4, 9pm-ish, Baronial Bardic Circle in Memory of Rachmiel, Debatable Lands Camp, N10, Fletcher Rd , Link to FB event
  • Mon, 8/5, 5:30 – 7:30pm, Childrens Party, AE Royal
  • Mon, 8/5, 7:30pm – Debatable Choir performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Mon, 8/5, 9pm, I Genesii performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
  • Tues, 8/6, 9pm, Count Jehan’s Golden Jubilee, AE Royal
  • Wed, 8/7, 3pm, Baronial Brewers Guild Meeting, Polyhymnia (Debatable Lands subcamp, N10, corner of Cariadocs and Chandlers)
  • Wed, 8/7, Seven Pearls Dinner (closed party, but volunteers for cooking and serving needed – dinner provided, contact Hilda for details)
  • Thurs, 8/8, 8pm, AEthelmearc Party, AE Royal
  • Fri, 8/9, 10am-4pm, AE Royal Teardown (please volunteer an hour or two)
  • Say, 8/10, 12pm-6pm, Baronial Camp Teardown

Order Meetings, Seneschal and Exchequer Meetings, War Points, and other Activities of Interest in the Kingdom can be found on the AE Periscope:

Pennsic Baronial Reception – Sunday, Aug 4th, 5pm AE Royal

Hello Debatable Lands!

Just a quick note to invite all Debatable Landers and friends (the more, the merrier!) to the Debatable Lands Baronial Reception at Pennsic.

Come socialize, eat, and enjoy Court with your friends and neighbors! A light dinner will be provided by the Food Guild, led by THL Elss.

When: Sunday, August 4th, 5pm – 8pm
Where: AEthelmearc Royal Encampment at Pennsic (next to Chirurgeons)
Who: Everyone is invited!
Featuring: Baronial Court, time tentatively 7pm, plus a quick Royal drop-in to send friends to vigils
Food:  Light dinner provided. We would also love to have food and drink donations.

Also, we’ll be “passing the hat” to fund raise for the Barony’s new trailer!

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

For those on Facebook, here’s the Facebook event:

Pennsic Baronial Reception – Sunday, Aug 5th, 5pm, AE Royal

Hello Debatable Lands!

Just a quick note to invite all Debatable Landers and friends (the more, the merrier!) to the Debatable Lands Baronial Reception at Pennsic.

Come socialize, eat, and enjoy Court with your friends and neighbors! A light dinner will be provided by Lady Kattera.

When: Sunday, August 5th, 5pm – 8pm
Where: AEthelmearc Royal Encampment at Pennsic (next to Chirurgeons)
Who: Everyone is invited!
Featuring: Court (Royal and Baronial), time TBD
Food:  Light dinner provided. We would also love to have food and drink donations. To talk to Lady Kattera about that or about dietary restrictions, you can contact her at

Also, if anyone can bring some lawn games or other activities, I think that could be fun!

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda