Oh great populace of our beautiful Barony of Debatable Lands, it is our pleasure to inform you of a gathering with friends and food on Saturday, November 16th 2019 on Nohaaj and Gesa’s property at 46 Caitlin Dr, West Deer PA. This is not an official event, but a celebration of the equestrian community and the Barony.
m’Lord Nohaaj and THL Gesa Van Wellenstein acquired some land which they offer for a fun filled day. Doors will open at 10 AM. BMDL’s Equestrian Championship will be starting at 1 PM. Other activities will be posted at a later time.
We are hoping to have volunteers who will organize marshal activities, A & S, and possible barding. We are looking forward offering an opportunity to practice your skills for Archery, Throwing Weapons, Heavy fighting and other outdoor activities if so desired. The property offers different open areas and fields which can be utilized for archery/throwing weapons. There are woods which are suitable for fighting scenarios.
The food will be pot luck (link to Pot Luck sign-up — http://www.luckypotluck.com/potluck/DebatableLandsEquestrianChampionship) style, with possibly baking or cooking challenges, please bring your own feast gear and seating arrangements (table/chairs). If the beverage guild would like to organize a tasting that would be very welcomed. Our site is wet. We are still looking for volunteers for activities and organizing the potluck drive. If you would like to volunteer, please contact THL Gesa at gwellenstein (at) yahoo.com.
Hope to see you there!!
For those of you on Facebook, here is the event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2277306065711994/
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