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On this, the eve of our third Debatable Lands Equestrian Championship (details, and schedule), we’d like to introduce to you our new Baronial motto!
What does it mean?
It is the week of World Kindness Day, embodied by the greatest modern champion of kindness and courtesy, especially toward oneself and their neighbors: Mr. Fred Rogers. The Debatable Lands is his home Barony, and we hope that all our people will strive toward these ideals: kindness, courtesy, generous and open hearts, mindfulness to feelings, and to be helping and loving and welcoming. All these, we feel, are encompassed by “Hello Neighbors” – “Salve Accolens”.
We hope to enact these these ideals in word and deed, and hope you all will join us. We are ALL each others’ neighbors.
Please use this new Baronial motto with gusto and verity.
(Also, it’s Latin, so you can say it the other way: ACCOLENS SALVE!)
See you at Baronial Equestrian Champs tomorrow!
In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda
“Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors.” -Fred Rogers
This is something the Baron/Baroness decided. It is not official. That fact should have perhaps been shared in the post. It is a lovely sentiment, and can be used by whomever likes, or not at all. If the barony were to have a motto, I’d think we’d all get to vote or have a say in it’s creation. I’m not even sure if other baronies have mottos.