Heavy & Thrown Champs this Sunday! And Timing

Hello Debatable Lands! Here’s your last reminder!

Thrown Weapons Champs is THIS Sunday, 6/9. Lord Meinolfr will be running qualifiers during the first part of practice, and the Championship throw will be held at 1pm.

Heavy Weapons Champs is THIS Sunday, 6/9. We will be starting the Tournament at 3pm to give everyone a chance to warm up and sign in with the MOL.

We are so excited to see your Prowess and Chivalry!

In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda

P.S.: Read more about Baronial champs here:

The Crown Tourney Combatant/Consort List for Autumn Crown

From His Majesty, King Gareth, and her Majesty, Queen Juliana —

Fall Crown Tournament, October 7, AS 52, 2017
Combatant/Consort List.

Duke Timothy of Arindale for Duchess Gabrielle van Nijenrode
Duke Sven Gunnarsson for Duchess Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin
Duke Malcom Duncan MacEoghainn for Viscountess Rosalinde Ashworth
Duke Marcus Eisenwald for Countess Marguerite Eisenwald
Count Andreas Morgan for Countess Kallista Morgunova
Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford and Countess Ariella of Thornbury, each for
the other
Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora for Mistress Gwendolyn the Graceful
Sir Angus MacBain for Mistress for Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon
Sir Murdoch Bayne for Baroness Rioghnach ny Rise
Sir Delphinious Aegeous for Lady Sigrid Wilhelm
Sir Alonzio of the Peacemakers for Mistress Alexandra dei Campagnella
THL Rouland of Willowbrooke and Mistress Jenna McPherson of Lion’s Tower, each for the other
THL Freidrich Flußmüllnerin for Mistress Felicitas Flußmüllnerin
Sir Vladimir Mechnik for Lady Tomassa Isolona
Master Tigernach mac Cathail for Margareta le Sayre
Sir Arnþorr inn sterki for Lady Ceirich na Hinnsi
Sir Marek Viacheldrago for Baroness Sybilla Detwyller
Royce Bentley for Master Juan Miguel Cesar
Master Jussie Laplein for Lady Vika Vyborgskaia
Sir Beatrix Krieger and THL Thorsol Solinauga, each for the other
THL Dominic McMorland for Eleanor McMorland
THL Madison Morai for Lady Stasha Sebastyn
THL Oliver Sutton for Lady Grainne Shionnach
THL Cid Hiyo for Diane Haldie
THL Ardan Scott for Lady Deirdre Scott
Lord Marius Sittius for Lady Alita of Hartstone
Lord Wolfgang Starke for Lady Katerin Starke
Lord Cheng Tai Ren for Dai Li
Lord Ulfkell Dungalson for Lady Aesa
Legaire mac Connall for Aurelie NicTurnear

Heavy and Rapier Champs Sunday (With Rain Date Info)

Hello Debatable Lands!

We are very much looking forward to Heavy Fighting and Rapier Fighting Champs Tourneys this Sunday at practice in the parklet at the corner of Washington Blvd and Allegheny River Blvd! Rapier starts at 2pm, Heavy at 3pm. Anyone residing in the Debatable Lands (including Steltonwald), or who has a Green or “Friend of the Barony” Comet is eligible to become champion, but we welcome all to participate for fun!  Champions and seconds are invited to attend the 7 Pearls Event in September in Endless Hills to compete for the glory of the Debatable Lands against the other Baronies! More info on formats below from the outgoing Champs.

RAIN DATE: Hopefully we can hold the tourneys this Sunday, but the weather is looking not great. If practice must be canceled, the tournaments will be held next SUNDAY, JUNE 4th

From our Rapier Champion:

Greetings my fellow Debatables!!!! The time has come again to find a new Rapier Champion. It saddens me greatly to step down as (albeit substitute) champion and I am extremely proud to have held the mantle for the time I was given. On Sunday 5/28 a tournament shall be held at the outside practice site (location information to be included in the comments) at 2pm. The tournament shall be open to all rapier authorized citizens of BMDL, the Canton of Steltonwald, and those who have been awarded a Green Comet as Friends of the Barony. The tournament format will be as follows…

Round Robin (everyone shall fight everyone)

Swiss Five (each fight shall be fought using a different form)
* those form shall be from the following list
** Single Sword
** Sword and Soft Parry
** Sword and Rigid Parry
** Sword and Dagger
** Case of Swords
** (optional forms) Those individuals who are authorized in either/both Cut and Thrust and Two-Handed Weapon forms may choose to fight with that form. This will only be done under the conditions that their opponent agrees to face said style (i.e. Two-Handed) or are also authorized in Cut and Thrust (Cut and Thrust opponents MUST match forms)

All combatants shall rotate through 5 forms before being allowed to repeat a form.
Any combatant who is not authorized in a form shall default to Single Sword.
Combatants are NOT required to match forms (Cut and Thrust being the only exception to this rule).
NO Combatant is required to agree to fight against Two-Handed or Cut and Thrust styles. If not agreed upon, combatants must select from one of the base 5 forms.

The finals shall be a Best of Five.
**Forms shall be matched
**Forms will be as follows-#1 Single Sword, #2 Sword and Parry (either soft or rigid), #3 Sword and Dagger, #4 Case of Swords, #5 (should it come to that) will be Baronial Choice.

Based on the number of combatants…
3-5 combatants = all combatants shall fight a best of 3, forms must still change to complete the swiss 5
6+ combatants = fights will be a single pass, forms to be changed with each fight until 5 forms have been reached.
if less than 3 opponents, their Excellencies shall decide what action shall be taken.

I look forward to hearing the results and future of my beloved BMDL.

Debatable in Service,
Lady Cairdha Eilis O’Coileain

From our Heavy Fighting Champion:

Fighters of the Debatable Lands! Your heavy weapons champion commands your attention.

My time as Baronial Champion comes to a close this Sunday, when a tournament to determine the next champion shall be held. All good and able fighters are invited and encouraged to armor up (and fix what needs fixing from War Practice!) and come to the Washington Blvd. practice site this Sunday, May 28th. The tournament will begin at 3pm! All fighters who reside in the BMDL are eligible to enter this tournament, by decree of Their Excellencies!

Depending on the number of entrants, the tournament format will be either Round Robin, or, in honor of my lovely wife Odriana, using a Dutch system*. Bring what weapons form you have, several will be called upon, and what you don’t have can be loaned to you that day.

What does it mean to be champion? Firstly, it means representing the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands with honor and chivalry! As champion, you are our entrant in the Seven Pearls Baronial Champions Tournament** in September, where you will fight AEthelmearc’s other baronial champions. You are also invited and encouraged to fight at the Baronial Champion’s tournament at Pennsic (should you be attending), which occurs during War Week.

It has been an honor to serve as your heavy weapons champion this past year. I eagerly await to see who’s hungry to step up and take my place!

Kieran MacRae

Sunday Practice May 15 WITH Champions Tournaments!

The Baron and Baroness write:

Greetings to the Debatable Lands from Brandubh et Hilda,

The time has come to name new Martial Champions for our Most Excellent Barony. We invite all interested fighters and Fencers to join the tournaments, at any level, and from any place. However, only Debatable Landers and gentles with Green/Friendship Comets are eligible to become Champion.

We will be having tournaments for both Heavy and Rapier fighting, after the Barony meeting. May 15th, at the Washington Blvd practice site.

Our outgoing Rapier Champion is Dona Fredeburg. The format of the tournament is To Be Determined. We hope fighters of all levels will compete, from new fighters to White Scarves and Masters of Defense.

Our outgoing Heavy Fighting Champion in THL Lothar Hugelmann. As the out going Champ, he’s announced that it’s a regular double elimination tourney with a “span your shield” rule. Barons, Viscounts, Counts, Dukes, Chivalry, Please feel free to enter if you wish to be Champion.

In addition we need Archers! Lord Yoshi will be hosting an archery tournament to choose the Barony’s representative to the Scarlet Guard Challenge at the Guard Inn event in Hornwood on June 11. So tune up your bows to shoot in this engaging challenge.

We are truly looking forward to seeing you all there!

Brandubh et Hilda