My term of office as Comet Pursuivant, or Baronial Herald, is coming to an end at the December Officers’ Meeting, and I am not planning to attempt a third term. Interested parties should submit their letter of intent along with any relevant SCA experience to myself at herald [at] and Odrianna at seneshal [at] by that meeting.
The duties of the Office of the Herald include but are not limited to:
2) Being the point person for heraldic submissions (again Comet need not actually do the submissions you can instead direct inquires to our local heralds who are skilled in and enjoy armorial and name heraldry)
3)Running the official portion of the 6 barony meetings that we have each year.
4) Being the second ranking officer of the barony and part of the financial committee
5)Coordinating efforts towards heraldic education and preparing your successor
6) Maintaining the Baronial OP (this also does not need to be personally done by Comet, a deputy could be placed in charge of this, and will require coordination with the Webminister to continue doing it)
If you have any questions or want more information about any of these things regardless of whether you want to pursue being the next Comet feel free to contact me, we can always use more heralds at any level of experience.
In Service,
Drotinn Jorundr hinn Rotinn
Comet Pursuivant