Upcoming Archery Practices, Mid-week and Regular

Hi all, from Niall!

I wanted to take a moment to outline the next couple of weeks re: archery practices, as there will be a couple of changes to our standard practice schedule:

– Mid-week practices: this week, I will have the range set up on Tuesday and Thursday (6/25 and 6/27) from 5:30 pm until 8:00 pm at our regular Washington Blvd. site. Next week, because of the July 4th holiday (and a mundane obligation on the 2nd), if enough people are amenable to it, we will have another mid-week practice on Wednesday, July 3rd. Following that, in the run-up to Pennsic, I will try to have a mid-week practices at the same time on Thursdays (7/11, 7/18, and 7/25). As always, these practices are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather – watch the blog, the FB page, and the e-mail list for updates.

– Regular practices: this week, we’ll have our regular practice on Sunday (6/30) with the range open at 11:30 pm and going until 2:00 pm. NEXT WEEK, on July 7th, regular practice will be canceled due to the Baronial Social and Garb Swap up at North Park (Richland Pavillion, on Babcock Blvd. just before the light at Ingomar Rd.). Regular practice will continue as normal on July 14th and 21st, before taking 3 weeks off for Pennsic.

Fiber Guild July Meeting

Looking for some camaraderie while you prepare for Pennsic? The Fiber Guild is having a laid back July meet up to keep each other company while we work on our Pennsic projects. Please bring a fiber project if you have one, and your smiling face if you don’t. If you are already perfectly prepared or just prefer procrastinating, our Arts & Sciences minister has mentioned that the largesse gift basket for Pennsic needs to be filled.

Our meeting will be on July 15th at 7:30 PM at 5167 Rosecrest Dr, Pittsburgh, PA. This meeting will not be virtual, just this once (I will be out of town and so will my laptop), so please come in person.

Photo for the Algorithm – Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk
Zhang Xuan / 907

Baronial Social and Garb Swap

Yes, it’s that time again!

July 7, 1pm-5 pm at the Richland pavilion in North Park, at the corner of Ingomar Rd and Babcock Blvd. Mistress Constance will be running the garb swap. Please bring garb, fabric, camping supplies, and anything else that you no longer need but a new SCAdian could use. Yes, it’s your annual chance to clean out your closets and help welcome new members at the same time! Once the newcomers have a chance we all get our turn- she doesn’t want to take it home either!

Come picnic and enjoy each other’s company. Guillaume will be doing repairs on iron key and welcomes help.

Armored Practice 6/23/24

I intend to hold practice tomorrow at the usual time, but I will be keeping an eye on the heat index and the possibility of thunder storms. I will make a call an hour before practice and post here.



Based on current temperature and forcast, practice is on!

Wit (Beer making) Day – June 15, 2024 @ 1 pm

Greetings Brewers and Friends,

if you are not able to go to Academy; you can still learn a new thing!

Please join the Debatable Brewers at Jorundr and Muirgheal’s House at 1 pm on 6/15/2024 and lets make beer!

We’ve chosen to make the Debatable Wit (its the OG guild’s recipe)!

We will start at 1 pm and get the brew going by 2 pm. We will grill for dinner, if you are able to contribute to the potluck style, please feel free.

The address is in the dark pages or message Muirgheal directly.

Looking forward to a great day!
