Greetings All!
It’s Shakespeare Movie Night! On Friday, May 21st we’ll be showing Romeo and Juliet starting at 8:15pm, followed by a chat after the movie. We’re moving the times later as we’ll be offering gathering outdoors..
Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? This performance features players from Stratford, Canada. We hope to see you there! Watch from the comfort of your living room via the AEther or join us at the home of Ts’vee’a and Becca in Stanton Heights. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.
Here is the link to the schedule for the movie nights scheduled through May:
Please contact Alaric at alaric (at) pobox (dot) com for the Zoom room information. He can also be reached via DM on Discord (Alaric #9264). Get your information before the movie starts, if possible, as Alaric is also watching and might not see your request to join right away. If you attended a prior Shakespeare Movie Night, the Zoom room information is the same.
We’re planning to be outdoors since the weather looks promising. Bring your own chair to watch the movie! Let me know in advance if you plan to attend so we can set up the screen and projector so there is enough room for everyone to see! You must be vaccinated (and 2 weeks past your final shot).
In person requests must be made no later than 5pm on Friday, May 21st.
Hope to see some of you there!
Alaric & Elsbeth (and Ts’vee’a and Becca, our gracious hosts).