Online Sewing Circle Thursday Mar 4th 7:30

Thursday March 4th at 7:30 we are having online sewing circle. There is a theme this time! I will present a short survey of basic Japanese clothing. The emphasis is on SCA practical clothing and not necessarily “courtly attire”. I will have pictures of the garments from some good costume resources as well as pictures of things I have made. However, I realize that not everyone may want this, that’s why we have breakout rooms. The advise with breakout rooms is to use the latest computer or app download vs the website because the website won’t allow you to switch rooms. As always if you have a question about this please contact sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org. We request that you do not post the zoom information on public sites, but do appreciate when you spread the word.

Welcome to your new A&S Minister!

Unto the gracious citizens of BMDL,
It has been my pleasure to serve as your A&S minister for the past couple of years. With the end of my term at tonight’s officers’ meeting, please welcome Ishiyama Shonagon as your new A&S Minister! He brings with him past experience in this position and will assuredly continue helping all citizens of the barony know of all the A&S happenings, especially those that we hope to reinvigorate after the plague times.

Vivat to Ishiyama Shonagon as he assumes this role!

Yours in service,

Baroness Isabel Fleuretan, now retired. 🙂

Business Meeting 2/3/2021 8:00 PM

Greetings to the noble populace of the DebatableLands from Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill.

Please join the officers and populace to discuss the business of the local chapter via ZOOM!

Agendas and Minutes can be located here –

The Zoom Information is below.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Topic: BMDL Business Meeting
Time: Feb 3, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 8629 5782

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,92386295782# US (New York)
+13017158592,,92386295782# US (Washington DC)

Online Sewing Thurs, Feb 4th at 7:30pm

There is online sewing on Thursday, Feb. 4th at 7:30. All are welcome, and you don’t have to sew. Knitting, braiding, other fiber arts are welcome as well. Also if you are new to SCA or sewing you can come ask questions. We usually go until 10pm. If you have questions contact Please contact that email address for zoom information.

Make It a Date! Shakespeare Zoom Movie Night!

On Behalf of Master Alaric:

This Friday, January 29th starting at 7:30pm we’ll be showing King Lear, starring James Earl Jones. After the movie there will be some time for chatting till around 10:30pm.

This is one in a series of Shakespeare performances that come from the collection of the late and beloved Lord Albrecht Lowe and made available courtesy of Mistress Ts’vee’a.

Please contact Master Alaric for the Zoom room information. He can be reached via email at:
alaric (at) pobox (dot) com.

This performance is one of many planned through the end of May. Stay tuned for future announcements and hope to see some of you there!

Baronial Discord Server!

Salve Accolens!

We are excited to announce that the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands now has our very own Discord Server.

What is a Discord Server? Discord is an application that you download to your device, with centralized forum boards that can be organized by topics or “Channels.” Channels can be text-based or voice-based–that’s right, you can connect to a voice channel and talk instead of type! There’s even video capability. Discord works on laptops and computers as well as mobile devices.

You DO need to have a Discord Account to use the server. We recommend that you set up an account if you don’t already have one, before trying to join the server. Here’s a good site to help do that:

If you are brand-new to Discord, you can also learn more about the platform here:

We are looking for volunteers, preferably with experience either in Discord, or with other forum sites, or both, to be moderators. If you are interested in moderating, please contact Gwendolyn the Graceful (Social Media Officer) to discuss the duties and commitments involved.

Once you have your account set up and linked to a verified email address, you can join the server here:

When you arrive, you’ll be asked to read the rules and take a couple quick actions to help get settled, and then you can dive in to discussions! If you qualify for a role, such as an officer, drop the admins a line so we can be sure to assign it. If, on looking around, you have any suggestions or find that there’s a channel missing, please contact an admin or a moderator. This server is intended to be an evolving space that we can tweak as-needed.

For the purposes of the SCA, Inc., the Discord falls under the office of the Social Media Officer and all conduct on the server must be in compliance with the SCA’s Code of Conduct, Bullying and Harassment Policy, and all other rules governing official SCA social media use.

I Genesii!

Greetings from I Genesii, the Greatest Commedia d’el Arte Troupe in the Knowne World!!
We have a question for you, lovely people of (your city here), Do you need advice on love and relationships? Would you like to ask the professionals how you can have a better love life?
Good News. You can do that, This Saturday at the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands Twelfth Night online extravaganza!
Simply submit your question on the form below, and Octavia and Felicio will answer it during our Love Canals segment!
Please read all warnings before using. Do not taunt the form. We are unable to give medical advice. No, we don’t know what that rash is. Void where prohibited. Users in Rome and Istanbul must pay appropriate taxes. Not recommended for children under the age of 16. No refills.