But How Do I Know About……………
…… is usually one of the first questions a new person asks! There are so many things to learn and discover that it is difficult to figure it all out. If you like to do research by reading, then I have a rabbit hole for you to dive down: http://www.florilegium.org/.
This is an amazingly HUGE collection of articles and discussion threads, organized by topic. It won’t answer your every question, but it will give you some guidelines, some further directions, some things to think about. Check out the Newcomers link on the left, or just go to your topic directly.
Wondering what to wear? Try “Generic Clothes – Tunic, Skirt, Shirt, and Pants” by Caitlin nic Raighne, or maybe “Easy T-Tunics” by THL George Anne.
Going to an event and want to look like you know what you are doing? Read “Event Etiquette” by Master Donal Mac Ruiseart.
Court? What’s court? Here’s an interesting read from people in other kingdoms. Nothing specifically AEthelmearcian, but it’s pretty close to what we do: “Comments about SCA Courts for newcomers.”
My first event was Agincourt, and I was so new that I didn’t know you had to bring your own table setting if you were going to eat in the evening. Feasts in this area are delicious, filling, generous, and usually have something for everyone. Before going, I certainly wish I had read this: “Orts It All About, Alfred? – (Attending your first year or two of SCA Feasts)” by Lady Caterina della Pieri.
So you have been around for a bit and want to start diving in to your favorite topic. How about…..
Beverages — wine, mead, coffee, beer, ale, cordials, ciders, caudles, possets, sekanjabin, water, tea, chocolate, and by our good friend, “Did you know you can malt acorns? Part 1” by THL Madoc Arundel.
There are thirteen (yes, 13) topics on Food of various kinds, 14 topics if you count Feasts.
Interested in Plants, Herbs, and Spices? There are articles from ambergris to woad.
These articles are written by all sorts of people, and some are new and some are old. But those I have read have stood the test of time and are still valuable today (except the Humor topic. Just don’t. Well, you’ve been warned.).
Elss Augsburg