Sunday Practices, May 28th

Captain of Archers Katheryn Täntzel writes:

Sunday! Archery practice shall be up and running 11am to 2pm at the usual site at Highland Park. Join us for the usual targets, along with 2 additional targets who dare to tempt our baronial archers. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Knight Marshal Isenwulf writes:

This Sunday… Baronial heavy weapons practice… 2 PM… training, learning, swing some sticks… and melee! Washington Boulevard site. Be there!

Fencing Marshal Jorundr writes:

There will be fencing practice this Sunday starting at 1 PM.
Loaner gear will be available.

Deputy Youth Marshal Arianna writes:

Greetings youth fighters and parents!
While Mistress Fredeburg is out of town, I will be running Youth Fighting from 2-5 pm this Sunday at the Washington Blvd. site. Map here:
There will be loaner gear and freezer pops!

Author: admin

The admin of the blog is the webminister.