All Grain Brewing Day at Tofi’s! 4/27/2024 – 1 pm start

Good Brewers and Debatable Lander all;

This Saturday!!!! If you cant make Blackstone Raids…. you can make beer! We are going to be working on a English Ale with a gluten reduction agent (its in the parts per billion and did not kill any of our GF friends last time but… we cant call it Gluten-Free in the US… but we could in the UK.)

We are planning to start at 1 pm and the brew kickoff will be around 2 pm. Please bring a dish to go with a grilling day or bring some meat for the grill.

The Hosts for our day are Master Tofi Kerthjalfadsson and Countess Genevieve du Vent Argent.

Address and contact are in the dark pages. Please reach out to Muirgheal or Tofi for the address.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

muirgheall at gmail dot com or you can reach me on facebook or discord

paul dot placeway at gmail dot com