Sad news

A member 0f our populace has requested that the following be shared:

Members who have been part of the group for more than 10 years may remember my mother in law, Lyn Parkinson, who was known to you as Lady Allison DuTours.

EDIT: A picture of Lady Allison can be found here.

Lyn passed away last Sunday and we would like to share her obituary.  It can be viewed here in picture form, or at the website of the listed funeral home.

Lyn loved SCA and her time with it.  She eventually became unable to participate but it brought her great joy.

It is possible that we may have books or items that may be SCA appropriate. If you believe that there may be any possible interest in those things please let me know.

Lori Parkinson

Author: admin

The admin of the blog is the webminister.