New Social Media Accounts – What to Expect


As you may have seen in the September Althing, we are adding some Official Social Media accounts. These accounts were created in order to provide Official information and updates from the Officers, Guild Masters, etc. directly from the Althing Blog. This is only possible with Facebook and G+ “Pages”. The current, unofficial, groups are classified as “Groups” and can not be posted to directly using the blog.

These groups were not created to displace these unofficial groups, but entirely as a supplement to them. I was quite disappointed that we were unable to post directly to the unofficial groups as that would be far easier for everyone, but, having a central point of information distribution means that we don’t accidentally forget to post something somewhere and leave people out of the loop. I want to be sure that everyone has lots of time before we fully transition announcements and updates to the Official pages, so, starting on 15 September 2016, official announcements will appear in both the Official and the Unofficial Facebook and G+ groups for a period of two months (ending on 15 November 2016). At the end of each announcement will be the following:

Subscribe to the Official BMDL Facebook Page by going to

Subscribe to the Official BMDL G+ Page by going to

Follow the Official BMDL Twitter feed by going to and using the official hashtag #DebatableLands

This will happen until 15 November 2016 at which point all announcements will only appear on the Official Pages. I have blocked out those dates on the Baronial Calendar with the same information above in the details of the event as an additional point of information. Every effort will be made to ensure that this information is distributed in as many places as possible so that no one is unaware of this change.

For those of you who rely on the BMDL email list for information, that will not be changing. Announcements and official information will continue to be posted on the email list as they have in the past. We do encourage people to subscribe to the Blog via email but are not eliminating the email list at this time.

The Blog is also in search of content. Do you have an article that you’ve been thinking about writing? Are you of a poetic bent and would like to share your talent with the Barony? Are you making something and want to share how you did it with others? Please consider sharing that with the Blog. If you have something that you’d like to share or just an idea that you think would be good to put on the Blog, please send email to either the Webminister, Ishiyama, or the Seneschal, Odriana.

Letter from the Seneschal


It’s Pennsic time again and for those of us that are going, it’s a time of high activity – sewing, making things, planning parties, scheduling Pennsic class schedules, and looking forward to seeing friends that we see only once a year. For those of you who are not able to attend, know that we will miss you terribly and look forward to when we can share Pennsic with you.

Since my last letter, we have welcomed some new officers to the Barony; Baroness Anna Eisenkopf is our new Mistress of the Lists, Lady Elizabeth Parker is taking on the role of Chatelaine, and THL Elss of Augsburg is our new A&S Minister. To ​Baroness Elizabeth Arrowsmith​, Lady Edana the Red, and Master Meszaros Janos our outgoing officers; we thank you all for your service to our Barony. Vivat!

It was nice to see so many people join us for our Barony Meeting this past Sunday – there was nearly nothing left at the garb swap, the SASS auction raised $200, and folks who are new to Pennsic had the opportunity to learn more about what they were about to experience. Many thanks to Maighstir Liam and Baroness Constance for coordinating the garb swap, to Baroness Aemelia Soteria for holding the SASS auction, and to Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill for holding the Pennsic Newcomer’s Q&A session. Your contributions are very much appreciated.

Also since my last letter, the Barony has seen the creation of a new Guild and will be offering Equestrian activities within the Barony. The Pewterer’s Guild is lead by Lady Edana the Red and is available on a by-appointment basis on Saturday evenings. Contact Lady Edana the Red via email at to arrange a time. Equestrian practices are being lead by Lady Gesa Wallenstein and the schedule for those practices, along with Gesa’s contact informaiton, will be made available after Pennsic.

At Pennsic we will be holding our annual Baronial Dinner in Aethelmearc Royal Encampment on 7 August from 5p to 8p. There will be Baronial Court with some rumored Very Special Guests. Maighstir Liam is coordinating food for the light dinner. The Barony (through Liam) will be providing two protein entrees, plus water and lemonade. He is asking people to bring side dishes, desserts, and “other” beverages (the SCA doesn’t serve alcohol, but *you* can!) If you can contribute, please let Maighstir Liam know by adding your name and donation to the list.

On a more somber note, for those who knew and loved her, there will be a memorial for Countess Aidan just after the Baronial Dinner, starting at 8:30 in AEthelmearc Royal.

I wish everyone luck with finishing your Pennsic projects in time for Pennsic and, again, for those of you who are unable to go, we will be thinking of you and missing your presence.

With warmest regards,

​Odriana​, Seneschal