Are you illuminating a thing? Or weaving a thing? Are you finger-looping or knitting? Are you embroidering or sewing something?
Bring it to A & S tomorrow and get in a little work on it. Show what you are doing to all of the folks gathering for the SUPER-EXCITING meeting tomorrow!
NEW Standard disclaimers here:
Location: Washington Boulevard martial practice site
Address: Allegheny River Blvd and Washington Blvd.
Time: 12 PM-ish
We are much more accessible to our less mobile friends, have free parking, and a pet-friendly site. Yay!
However, keep in mind that you should bring everything you need for your comfort including a chair, a beverage or snack, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, cabana boy, musical instruments, sun umbrella, etc., etc., etc. Also, the site has a porta-john and no running water should you wish to make appropriate preparation.
I will have a table and a jug of water so that you can refill your water bottles or mugs. Probably a snack, too. Brownies are speaking to me this week.
If you need assistance or have questions, please call or text me at 724-759-3333.
Thank you for asking! These meetings are free and there is no materials charge, as we are generously supported by the Barony and the artists who teach the classes.
See you there! Elss Augsburg