Greetings from your new Chronicler!
The latest edition of the Althing, our Baronial newsletter, is now available on the website:
In it you’ll find letters from our Baronage and Seneschal, the financial report from last year, and the latest guidance regarding current COVID policies. If you have any sort of position within the barony, please take a moment to check that you are listed correctly at the end of the newsletter, under the right position and with the proper spelling of your name. If you think you should be on there and aren’t (or shouldn’t be on there and are!), my apologies, please email me at so that I may rectify it in our next issue! Many thanks to Skjoldr for his years of service as the prior Chronicler and for his help in transitioning the position.
Occasionally photographs from events, demos or practices may be published in the Althing. If you DO NOT want a photograph of you to appear or have specific instructions like “back is fine but not my face”, please contact me privately so that I can endeavor to honor your preferences.
As a reminder, anyone can submit articles or artwork to the Althing and I welcome any content relevant to the SCA! I crave content. Send me stuff, please! Anything received by the 15th of March, June, September or December will be published in that quarter’s Althing.
In Service and Song,